GSK inventiv expansion.. Does anyone know which drugs ?

This was the craziest interview ever. They hired no one in Texas today. They said they were going in a different direction. No idea what that means. But it's crazy they paid all this money to fly everyone out. Did anyone move on to the next round?

Really disappointed in the way these interviews went.
They obviously don't want successful reps who have won presidents club and awards. But to be honest, it's probably not the company for me as I am a sales quota, sales ranking kind of person.

This was the craziest interview ever. They hired no one in Texas today. They said they were going in a different direction. No idea what that means. But it's crazy they paid all this money to fly everyone out. Did anyone move on to the next round?

They have a lot of positions to fill. I can't believe no one was hired? They opening ly said that?

Really disappointed in the way these interviews went.
They obviously don't want successful reps who have won presidents club and awards. But to be honest, it's probably not the company for me as I am a sales quota, sales ranking kind of person.
Do you not know anything about GSK? They only want monkeys that can get a sig for samples. The last thing they want is someone who tries to move product.

so, they sent 3 people to interview for an Indiana territory and told the poor folks after interviewing and waiting hours, that they decided to not have that Indiana territory. So they all left with no job!

so, they sent 3 people to interview for an Indiana territory and told the poor folks after interviewing and waiting hours, that they decided to not have that Indiana territory. So they all left with no job!

Did that happen at the Dallas interview? Can anyone respond that they got an offer either from NJ or Dallas interview? There were a lot of openings, surely someone has gotten an offer.

This sounds like a cattle call. How many people were there? Is this how Inventiv does things? Is this how all contract companies hire reps?

No... I've had collegues who worked at Quintiles and loved it. I know they're a good organization. This interview process however was the weirdest I've personally been on. We interviewed with INVENTIV MANAGERS. Why not the GSK managers since that's who we'll be working with/for. That should've been a red flag!

Funny I got an offer?? Can't wait to start if you didn't it wasn't the right fit but you will get a job especially if you have all those great skills!!!

Hmm. Funny. I thought I had a great interview with Mike and Lori and they ended up not moving me "forward". When I went back up, the lady at the desk said, "miss XYZ, they've decided to go in another direction." They couldn't event say why. Lori flat out lied and said to my face she would move me to the next round. I also don't believe anyone received an offer because they flat out said they weren't giving out offers this weekend and if you do move forward, that still doesn't mean you got it. They already have reps lined up for next week. I think this is odd because there weren't GSK managers anywhere.

I am afraid you are misinformed. I also received and offer. I know how frustrating it is to go through interviews and not be hired, But don't assume they don't want president's club winners or top achievers since you were not hired. I am a multi year winner, and I met another candidate for my territory and she also was a multi year winner. 10,000 resumes came in for these 100 spots! Stay positive and know that the right fit/job will happen for you.

No... I've had collegues who worked at Quintiles and loved it. I know they're a good organization. This interview process however was the weirdest I've personally been on. We interviewed with INVENTIV MANAGERS. Why not the GSK managers since that's who we'll be working with/for. That should've been a red flag!

No, you report to an InVentiv manager; my offer letter stated so

Really disappointed in the way these interviews went.
They obviously don't want successful reps who have won presidents club and awards. But to be honest, it's probably not the company for me as I am a sales quota, sales ranking kind of person.

Or, they just didn't want you because you're a total douche