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Group 3 and 4 laughing to the Bank


NNI @ it’s finest.

Now let’s get the
“Be happy to have a job, and be satisfied with whatever bonus you get, because all you do is cater lunches.” Response.

In reality, if you really suck @ your job here..you will be rewarded for minimal impact.

How about letting those Reps in territories getting almost 100 Rxs per week in Group 1 ride with those Group 3/4 reps to see how they are making so much bonus???

What a joke!

DBMs and RBDs Know this is complete BS
They won’t even address it with any sincerity.

NNI @ it’s finest.

Now let’s get the
“Be happy to have a job, and be satisfied with whatever bonus you get, because all you do is cater lunches.” Response.

In reality, if you really suck @ your job here..you will be rewarded for minimal impact.

How about letting those Reps in territories getting almost 100 Rxs per week in Group 1 ride with those Group 3/4 reps to see how they are making so much bonus???

What a joke!

DBMs and RBDs Know this is complete BS
They won’t even address it with any sincerity.

Every IC plan at every company is the same: MORE. No matter what your current performance level is, you are always going to be asked to grow. This creates inequity (i.e. more bonus dollars for lower volume territories) , but it is what it is. You are in the wrong industry if you’re still crying about this.

Yes, this industry does always ask for MORE.
However, I have never seen an IC plan paying certain territories 2, 3, 4x dollar amounts versus territories with the same coverage, and then ranking them based on total dollars earned on Rxs????

So basically, if you sucked for the launch of Ozempic...then NNI will pay you 4x as much as a territory that launched strong with the same coverage.

So, 30 Rxs with coverage is better than 100 Rxs per week.

And don’t worry, NNI will create 6 groups next POA for those territories that need more motivation for not being able to get any Rxs two years after launch!!!!

i did very little poa1a so they moved me down a group and now I do less and look like a rock star. #EncourageBelowAverage

Smartest rep in the company.
Just don’t forget to tell your DBM that it’s all of their coaching that made it possible to be at such a high ranking for COE.

That way, the other 50% of your Year End will be just as strong as your 10 Rxs per week getting you to Maui.

What a Joke of a company!!!!!!

The company does this every few years. Every company does. They have a plan like this so that little volume West can win a little (like they were 6-8 years ago) and then they switch to a plan which mainly rewards those who keep the light on. Then they switch back. Rinse, wash, repeat.

The dirty secret is that IC is not really a great metric of ability at all.

You just gotta hang round long enough to be the "it" group.

Yes, this industry does always ask for MORE.
However, I have never seen an IC plan paying certain territories 2, 3, 4x dollar amounts versus territories with the same coverage, and then ranking them based on total dollars earned on Rxs????

So basically, if you sucked for the launch of Ozempic...then NNI will pay you 4x as much as a territory that launched strong with the same coverage.

So, 30 Rxs with coverage is better than 100 Rxs per week.

And don’t worry, NNI will create 6 groups next POA for those territories that need more motivation for not being able to get any Rxs two years after launch!!!!

Just go sell more, and you’ll make more money. Your goals are always going to go up, no matter what. I’m sorry that it hurts your feelings that someone lower volume might make more money than you, but I think you’re going to have to live with it. When you run your own company, you can set the IC plan however you want. Until then, don’t forget that you are here voluntarily.

Just go sell more, and you’ll make more money. Your goals are always going to go up, no matter what. I’m sorry that it hurts your feelings that someone lower volume might make more money than you, but I think you’re going to have to live with it. When you run your own company, you can set the IC plan however you want. Until then, don’t forget that you are here voluntarily.

That’s the point. There are no goals on he GLP side. Just a payout that is drastically reduced for all territories that performed in the Top 10% during launch.
So, launch like shit...get paid more later???
Please explain how rewarding a low PERFOMING territory is the right way to motivate?
Not Volume based at all , Actual Ozempic Business being paid out differently, and being reduced after a territory performs.

Never seen anything like it.

That’s the point. There are no goals on he GLP side. Just a payout that is drastically reduced for all territories that performed in the Top 10% during launch.
So, launch like shit...get paid more later???
Please explain how rewarding a low PERFOMING territory is the right way to motivate?
Not Volume based at all , Actual Ozempic Business being paid out differently, and being reduced after a territory performs.

Never seen anything like it.

My point is that you choose to be there. Don’t cry and moan about your own choices. No one is forcing you to do anything. Either accept it as it is or go do something else. Don’t play like you’re a victim.

And, if you want to make money, go sell more than you did before. That’s a fact no matter where you are. You’re in sales.

My point is that you choose to be there. Don’t cry and moan about your own choices. No one is forcing you to do anything. Either accept it as it is or go do something else. Don’t play like you’re a victim.

And, if you want to make money, go sell more than you did before. That’s a fact no matter where you are. You’re in sales.

You are Correct. Sales.

Not, because you suck we will pay you more than somebody that produces significantly higher numbers for the company.

The Participation Trophy Company of Pharma.
You can Suck and get paid more than all.

its all relative. if you have a big pool youre expected to bring in more. if you have smaller pool youre supposed to bring in more relative to your pool. look at youre market share. if you are bringing in 150 a week and have a MS of 3% are you rocking it? If you bring in 20 a week but have a MS of 10% are you rocking it? who is better?

its all relative. if you have a big pool youre expected to bring in more. if you have smaller pool youre supposed to bring in more relative to your pool. look at youre market share. if you are bringing in 150 a week and have a MS of 3% are you rocking it? If you bring in 20 a week but have a MS of 10% are you rocking it? who is better?

How about bringing in 100 per week getting 900 dollars with MS of over 5%.
Compared to 30 per week getting over 1k per week with MS of under 2%.

That’s what the current IC Plan is doing.

Same Coverage/Same Region.

Tell me again how this isn’t absurd?

You are Correct. Sales.

Not, because you suck we will pay you more than somebody that produces significantly higher numbers for the company.

Goals/projected sales have and always will be compared to your own past performance. All that matters is how much you sell and how much you make. Quit worrying about others - Would you be happy if you were making the same amount of money and they were making significantly less than they are? If the answer is yes, then you’re just an asshole. You just take care of you.

Goals/projected sales have and always will be compared to your own past performance. All that matters is how much you sell and how much you make. Quit worrying about others - Would you be happy if you were making the same amount of money and they were making significantly less than they are? If the answer is yes, then you’re just an asshole. You just take care of you.

Well, being that there is a budget for bonus to the field for the year....paying out a territory more for doing absolutely minimal sales does impact the earnings of territory that are doing significantly more business. If you believe that bonus for all isn’t capped, then you really need some help. Get your participation trophy somewhere else....you getting 20 Rxs per week should not merit a 40k bonus for the year....don’t care what group you are placed in based on your shitty launch.

My point is that you choose to be there. Don’t cry and moan about your own choices. No one is forcing you to do anything. Either accept it as it is or go do something else. Don’t play like you’re a victim.

And, if you want to make money, go sell more than you did before. That’s a fact no matter where you are. You’re in sales.

SALES?!? ROFLMFAO... Last time you left with a PO was??? You can’t even sell a sample.