One more thing - short more of the stock, as much as you can, pretty please.
Schiffman Q1 2012 conference call: "We have a strong balance sheet with cash, cash equivalents and short- and long-term investments at March 31, 2012 of approximately $559 million, compared to December 31, 2011 of approximately $618 million. For the quarter, the company had a net cash usage of approximately $59 million. This is approximately $16 million less than the prior quarter net cash usage of approximately $75 million."
I know basic arithmetic is way beyond the IQ level of you yahoo board morons, but Dendreon burnt through $57 million in Q1 2012 and this number keeps improving Q by Q. I hope that the other people that read this board see how completely stupid and misinformed you all are.
At $1 billion in revenues this company will be earning several hundred million in profits. You idiots can't change that.
You fell in love with a company and the company is the abusive lover that you can't let go of.
Company abuse syndrome wears away at the victim’s self-confidence, sense of self-worth, trust in their own perceptions, and self-concept.
The recipient of the abuse loses all sense of self and at all times defends the perpetrator of the repeated abuse. Quarter by quarter this repeated abuse via conference call further erodes the victim's self worth to the point the victim makes excuses for the behavior of the abusive company and, by proxy, the corporate abusers.
The vicious cycle of abuse inherent in all company abuse syndrome victims is not easily broken. It can be broken under certain circumstances without therapy. Indictments can sometimes make the victims truly come to grips with how abusive the stock has been to them. Victims may stop blaming themselves when indictments occur and finally realize that they did not deserve to be victims of criminal wrongdoing.
Apologizing to those who were calling out the abuse can also be healing to company abuse syndrome victims. Those on this board who have been calling out the abuse will be expecting your apologies when justice is served. It will help your recovery.
"Also can't read a profit loss statement and listens to the questionable management.
Change in cash is a comic number. "Loss" is meaninful. That was $90M last quarter.
Sales + loss have been a steady $175-190M. They are going to need to sell that much
to have any hope of a profit. If they sell more, they will have some costs."
You are as fucking dumb as a piece of wood. You have no idea what cash usage even is. Give it up, you are way out of your league. Go back to your yahoo board and you can have delusional grade school banter with the rest of the idiots over there. I am laughing my ass off right now. The only "comic" thing around here are your ignorant and deranged posts. BTW "meaningful" has a "g" in it. Do you seek out assistance with the "NoSpam! verification question" on this website as well?
Great catch on the "g". What an idiot to make such a typo and think that losses mean something. I agree, with debt of $1.7B, all that matter is the change in cash. Don't worry about things like "loss", that's for yahoo morons to be sure, Bulgaria and DNDN can both borrow another Billion and then their cash will actually *increase* which is almost the same as a profit, or at least as close to it as either of them will see for some time.
Gosh darn those NoSpam things are tricky for fellas like us.
"1.7 billion is not debt it is still an indication of solvency or lack therof"
It has nothing at all to do with the solvency of the company. Not one bit at all. You have no idea what you are talking about. An accumulated deficit has absolutely nothing to do with the financials obligations of the company. The company has about as much debt as it does cash.
It has nothing at all to do with the solvency of the company. Not one bit at all.
your quote "On a balance sheet, Assets = Liabilities + Equity."
Dendreon 3/31/12 balance sheet:
which provides:
Assets = $941,958,000
Liabilities = $662,432,000
Equity = $279,526,000
The Equity of Dendreon is $279,526,000, Dendreon is solvent and you are a fucking r*****. You do not even understand the most basic of accounting. Add $1,943,871,000 in Capital Surplus to your $1.7 billion in negative retained earnings and what do you get? All you know how to do is post nonsense to demonstrate how ignorant you are. You are nothing but a little rodent from the yahoo board that understands nothing. What did your mommy show you how to copy and paste today?