Hundreds of layoffs to people who had just started less than a year prior to their layoff. People moved to what they thought was a great job. People disrupted solid careers for what they were told was going to be better. It was all under a guise of lies, a criminally inflated share price and false pretenses. Hundreds of these layoffs were done while there was no Chief Compliance Officer.
This is not to mention bondholders and shareholders who lost billions due to these crimes.
The result of the federal investigations will give you an indication of the monster this man is.
There were 10's of thousands of victims. Here are a few of them:
Dear Mitch- Its apparent that you don’t care about your employees, especially for the ones that took the big risk of staying on through all the dips. If it was just getting sucker punched on our financial future, I might have kept quiet. But no, you had to make our working life hell by bringing on people you knew were toxic.
So here are a few questions for you
Every Monday afternoon you attended a meeting that reviewed plant capacity and sales. You had Weekly Capacity Reports at your disposal. Don't you remember?
We were limited to a measly 12 workstations throughout most of 2010. We couldn’t even fill those slots. Don't you remember?
Our Market Planning Department, the ones with all the data and responsible for forecasting, projected 2011 sales of $240M in late 2010. That didn’t fit in you’re your plans. Did you choose to ignore or mislead?
I could go on and on but that should keep the lawyers busy for a while.
The last straw was bringing on Rosen. This was after your entire executive board said no. You trumped them all and gave him a two-year contract. For all you lawyers out there here’s a hint to save time. Just pull up the Bayer lawsuit, do a search for Bayer and replace with Dendreon. Okay, here’s another straw. Dan Mini-Me. Rob has already taken credit for inventing the internet among everything else. You’ll have to think of something else to justify your arrogance.
Oh and one last question for Mitch. We’ve all been touched by cancer but you’ve been very vocal about it. How many of those millions you pocketed were donated to cancer research? Thought so!
This the best posting on this site. We applaud your courage to post such provocative and truthful commentary about the events leading to the "Hindinburg-esque" disaster of August 3rd, 2011. We know quite well that Mr. Gold knew well in advance that we would never achieve the numbers he and his henchmen crowed to the investment community. Being a poor and stupid CEO is not criminal but having multiple sources of evidence to demonstrate that the 400 million goal was never a reality is and should be prosecuted.
I’m the original poster. Thank you for the kind words but you’ve given me credit that is not due. My intentions were not altruistic but based on spite. If there’s any chance of solace perhaps this debacle will prevent a similar situation from happening again. But not necessarily for the reasons you might assume.
For all you shareholders, I’m truly sorry that you lost money. As employees, we lost not only money but also our dignity. As I stated in my original post, it wasn’t the money that forced me into action, it was the hiring of Rosen.
I’m not the type who whines, complains or who has ever posted on any type of message board. But knowingly hiring someone with such a toxic, employee-abusive reputation was a slap in the face that could not be overlooked. It may have been a selfish act but I could easily justify it because of the devastating toll it took on my friends and coworkers.
So here’s my advice to all you CEOs out there. If you ever do consider hiring Rosen or a similar scorch-the-earth type, let it be known for what it really is; a signal to all shareholders and employees as a sign of desperation. And if that isn’t reason enough to pause then consider this; your meekest mildest employees might just become your worst enemies.
Mitch Gold - He did it twice! 9-Jun-12 02:01 pm I woke up this morning thinking.. you know, late Dec. 2011 - Jan. 2012 Mitch Gold decided to provide fraudulent && overly aggressive forwards Q4 earnings estimates for DNDN, knowing that the earnings wouldn't show growth anywhere near where he led us to believe. Moreover, i'm sure he thought that the Q4 one-time 125mm (in-flow of cash) from sale of some item (drug patent? i don't recall what is was now..) would just add confusion to the mix and help to derail investors trying to back out of the Q4 numbers released. Either way, Mitch wasn't even close to what he had pre-released to public, and he failed to disclose the holiday weakness to boot.
Meanwhile, he accomplished his goal (again!!) in getting the stock price to more than double 2x up to 17s from 7 area... and one can only imagine the motive(s) behind that most recent scam scenario.
Can anyone really be that corrupt? And, for that matter, that bold?? It seems for M. Gold the "Wild West" doth exist, there are no rules, and "we never get caught" applies more now than ever.
I guess i woke up angry today that, in reflecting on DNDN's history, realizing that this guy (M. Gold) did it AGAIN to the shareholders.. he bent 'em over again!! and lied again to the public!!
It's clear that, this guy Mitch, is likely to cause more harm; and is a threat or danger to the markets, and to future firms that he is involved. He is the epitome of the word toxic, the worst form of white collar criminal. What he did, for a 2nd time no less, is use his position and stature at DNDN to totally manipulate price to his (likely others) benefit.
The worst part is that, when he spoke back in early Jan. 2012 about the exaggerated Q4 growth numbers.... the fact is, most everybody believed him!! Otherwise the pps would not have almost tripled.
For a second time, the smart money and insiders were dumping shares on the Pump, and selling into strength.
Enough ranting for today.. it just amazes me that this guy is allowed to continue "operating" and making decisions at other companies, and/or boards.
"I’ve spent almost everything outside of my IRA, and have had to sell over 75% of my depressed DNDN shares to pay the bills. At this rate, and without another source of income, my only other available asset to sell to generate money is my house; hence, my home is for sale."