GPS tracking


Is this a standard thing with company cars? We are getting cars soon and I heard GPS will be installed to track our every move. Is this a scare tactic? Seems kind of expensive.

Drug companies will have a hard time keeping top notch people. Most top notch people won't settle for 60-70k a year. Like many reps, I have a business. If I'm going to get GPS tracked, I'd have to give up pharma job because I make a lot more on my business. I'm not interested in 60-70k, plus bonus, plus car.

Manager w/ a major company here. GPS has NEVER been used by me or any of the other hundred or so managers with whom I have frequent contact. It has never been mentioned at any meetings or any discussions w/ HR. I've been doing this a long time and we have the best technology in the business. If there is somebody who is cheating or slacking there are so many other ways to track them. In fact, they usually fire themselves because they're so stupid. I'm sure the GPS technology is there on cars and computers, but just because it's there doesn't mean it's used. I laugh every time these threads come around, because the level of paranoia is comical. You just watch the responses and you'll see how nutty people are about this.

I'm far from a perfect rep but I do my job, keep my rankings ok, and ocassionaly do things that if GPS was on my car I would have been nailed a long time ago.

I look at it this way: if there were gps (and there def could be), my slacker pod partners and all the other lazy reps would have been fired a long time ago. Somebody would have a story to tell by now.

I do, however, feel that it wouldnt be out of the question to implement this because, what else are the home office people going to come up with, All it takes is some corp idiot trying to look good in the short term and run with this and kill off any long term satisfaction from this job. If people are slaking enough to get fired the managers can figure it out, what else do they have to do anyway :)

Anyone who believes that GPS tracking happens is crazy, but if it did, EVERY rep and DM would be fired. There is not a simple rep or DM in the country that works from 9-5 every day all day. It just doesn't happen. Every higher up knows it and that is why your numbers is all that matters. If you have good numbers and do your reports, you are safe. If your numbers suck, then you are in trouble. It's as simple as that. No GPS needed.

Anyone who believes that GPS tracking happens is crazy, but if it did, EVERY rep and DM would be fired. There is not a simple rep or DM in the country that works from 9-5 every day all day. It just doesn't happen. Every higher up knows it and that is why your numbers is all that matters. If you have good numbers and do your reports, you are safe. If your numbers suck, then you are in trouble. It's as simple as that. No GPS needed.

GPS systems can track your cars and programs show the cars position on a map. They can also track speed, engine RPM and a slew of other information. ARE DRUG COMPANIES USING THIS TECHNOLOGY? I have no idea but it is available. If they wanted to, they could use GPS to disable the vehicle as well.

Some Pharma Companies are actually coming in reps' rooms during the night at meetings, and implanting chips in the earlobe for tracking purposes.
You are a bunch of paranoid idiots!

Some Pharma Companies are actually coming in reps' rooms during the night at meetings, and implanting chips in the earlobe for tracking purposes.
You are a bunch of paranoid idiots!
I am a DM and I have gone to female reps room in the night for implantation purposes.. Just it wasn't a chip more of a log.

Manager w/ a major company here. GPS has NEVER been used by me or any of the other hundred or so managers with whom I have frequent contact. It has never been mentioned at any meetings or any discussions w/ HR. I've been doing this a long time and we have the best technology in the business. If there is somebody who is cheating or slacking there are so many other ways to track them. In fact, they usually fire themselves because they're so stupid. I'm sure the GPS technology is there on cars and computers, but just because it's there doesn't mean it's used. I laugh every time these threads come around, because the level of paranoia is comical. You just watch the responses and you'll see how nutty people are about this.

you certainly dont sound like a manager

Not paranoid but realistic. GPS tracking is available on every company issued cell phone or blackberry. I can pull up your location in 2 minutes, and I can use this info to check into your call reporting times to fire your arse. I can also pull up your location on your company car as well and have our IT guys map and graph our your activity. Again i can compare the gps activity with your call reporting and use it to fire your arse. I will never tell you I used the gps, I would just fire you for records falsification. You don't need to know how i found out you were lying , just that I did and your gone.

To those that think these gps paranoia types are crazy..guess what...they aren't.

If you fire a rep for falsification, you have to disclose the occasion and time, etc. Once that info is out, every one of your reps will lose complete respect for you.

I certainly hope you only do this in cases of poor sales, etc. and not just because you don't like somebody you inherited.