Not paranoid but realistic. GPS tracking is available on every company issued cell phone or blackberry. I can pull up your location in 2 minutes, and I can use this info to check into your call reporting times to fire your arse. I can also pull up your location on your company car as well and have our IT guys map and graph our your activity. Again i can compare the gps activity with your call reporting and use it to fire your arse. I will never tell you I used the gps, I would just fire you for records falsification. You don't need to know how i found out you were lying , just that I did and your gone.
To those that think these gps paranoia types are crazy..guess what...they aren't.
Well, then get at it. Most reps cannot possibly meet the call metrics expected of companies today, forcing them to lie especially if they feel pressure from "you" to make 9 to 12 calls per day (unrealistic). Very few accounts in my territory even allow reps in the door and you have to have an appointment to "detail" your product. This is highly regulated to 1 appointment every six weeks to 1 per quarter. I have one old product. My group does well to have two appointments per day. So, either call expectations are realistic and your reps will never have to lie or you can continue to be a spineless "arse". BTW, I would never work for a company that had a GPS on my car or a company issued phone unless it was to track MY sales orders!