Good place to work?

There should be no reason "grown professionals" should have to do all of the "reports" that are generated. Talk about overkill. Regarding this last person's post, I was never in pharma. I refused to be micro managed as a grown adult. To that point, this company micro manages. If you like being baby sat, then this is the place for you. For goodness sake, you even have to get approvals to sign-up a new account. I for one am ready to get out, and looking to do so very soon. There are other companies out there that pay just as well, and treat there salesforce with respect!

Good riddance. If you can't understand why some of these reports are necessary in the lab space and can't be accountable for what you do every day and the volume you bring to the company and why they hired you, then you should leave the lab world and Atherotech.
How did some regions hire such winners and people who Buckle down and make money and other regions such cry babies. It's so pathetic. Go find another job and please stop bitching and moaning about your lack of success here.

Funny thing is that no one said anything about lack of success. I have been very successful. I just choose….yes choose… go somewhere and be treated like an adult! Besides, I just received an offer with a 20% jump in salary, and a very healthy bonus package. So, with all due respect….good riddance!

You too? So funny... I left and making 3 times what I made and love new company and "not pharma" and obviously "not HDL".... But.... For those who think thats all there is... " you don't know what you don't know"... Atherotech has good peeps..... Just a lot of micromanagement and that is ineffective regardless of the industry! Sorry.. But true....

I disagree! Great product, lab delievers quick results, pricing is fair. The marketplace is the challenge ..... You must understand sales, our products, your clients and then make calls everyday as in any job you can then be successful. I have NEVER read once on this site that a rep gave 100% and failed here or anywhere .....once you blame someone else or worse yet something else you have lost focus. This is the best job I have ever had should I have a problem any manager in the company I call will get back to me and listen.

Great response. Finally solving who realizes the value of the people here, our product and that you have to work really really hard.
If you don't like it, don't go on this journey with this incredible company

Hey Kool Aide drinker.....there are plenty of extraneous factors that make the wheels fall off a bus; working hard or not working smart or not - if you do not know this then you haven't sold in lab long enough!! Testing is great, but....well if you work here you know the rest!

I disagree! Great product, lab delievers quick results, pricing is fair. The marketplace is the challenge ..... You must understand sales, our products, your clients and then make calls everyday as in any job you can then be successful. I have NEVER read once on this site that a rep gave 100% and failed here or anywhere .....once you blame someone else or worse yet something else you have lost focus. This is the best job I have ever had should I have a problem any manager in the company I call will get back to me and listen.

What does leadership have to do with you making calls everday? Leadership isnt't with you while you visit clients its only you. Again, I have never read once a post saying I had all the tools, used them and I blame myself for not acheiving my goals. In my observation most of our turnover is people saying they could do the job, they wanted to do the job, then after a few weeks of making sales calls and rejection and starting very slow - they blame and they blame everyone and everything but themselves. Progress in most situations therefore life in general begins by taking the blame or ownership and vowing to change it. Everyone says we have a GREAT product etc. in a sales job what better platform to start with.

Product is a great start but that paired with inconsistent billing vs messaging, P&H probes by the OIG, attrition that will be seen due to P&H being pulled, plenty of competition that doesn't balance bill, all technical things that can and do go wrong like lab equipment failures, lost specimens, failed pick ups/deliveries there are plenty of real world reasons as to why a territory can fail even with a great rep in place; that my friend is why you need good leadership...bc they should be there to facilitate on a higher level to help resolve the problem not BE the problem, not to blame the reps but to be a part of the solution. That's the difference between leaders and babysitters that cause more drama and headache....start looking at mangers and directors, the reps are not the problem!

Product is a great start but that paired with inconsistent billing vs messaging, P&H probes by the OIG, attrition that will be seen due to P&H being pulled, plenty of competition that doesn't balance bill, all technical things that can and do go wrong like lab equipment failures, lost specimens, failed pick ups/deliveries there are plenty of real world reasons as to why a territory can fail even with a great rep in place; that my friend is why you need good leadership...bc they should be there to facilitate on a higher level to help resolve the problem not BE the problem, not to blame the reps but to be a part of the solution. That's the difference between leaders and babysitters that cause more drama and headache....start looking at mangers and directors, the reps are not the problem!

Very well stated!!!!!!!

It's not one or the other. If a company is not growing you can't simply blame leadership or just reps. Many reps across the country in various territories have been very successful because they work their ass off and don't whine like babies at the first sign of things getting rough. Some people are built and determined. Others are always going to look to others to blame. It's pathetic. I'm certain the ones that are complaining here also bitched about all their last positions. Work hard, work smart and stop bitching or do us all a favor and go somewhere else

Oh, I know what kind of manager you are....keep compliant, be a lemur, I will be a pain in your ass but you can't be a pain in mine, a take it and smile kind of guy/gal are ya?! That's why this place sucks because you exist with your dated mentality of management. That VAP eventhough it's been out for nearly 3 decades and is more of a breakthrough and more up to date than you sir/madame.

It's not one or the other. If a company is not growing you can't simply blame leadership or just reps. Many reps across the country in various territories have been very successful because they work their ass off and don't whine like babies at the first sign of things getting rough. Some people are built and determined. Others are always going to look to others to blame. It's pathetic. I'm certain the ones that are complaining here also bitched about all their last positions. Work hard, work smart and stop bitching or do us all a favor and go somewhere else

Nice……this would have to be Scott posting. If not its James or Rod. Blind to their own faults.

I'm looking at a position here, is it really that bad?
I talked to a tenured rep and they seemed to like it. Why is turnover so high

Yes it is that bad…..

Of course a tenured rep (which there are very few of us) will tell you they like this. That however is from a self centered point of view. When you look at the big picture, this company is not all that great. I would never recommend that someone come to work here. There are greater opportunities in medical, lab, etc. As a high producing rep at this company, I am even considering a move due to the poor culture. Money isn't everything, and I want to have more quality time with what matters most…and that's my family.

Yes it is that bad…..

Of course a tenured rep (which there are very few of us) will tell you they like this. That however is from a self centered point of view. When you look at the big picture, this company is not all that great. I would never recommend that someone come to work here. There are greater opportunities in medical, lab, etc. As a high producing rep at this company, I am even considering a move due to the poor culture. Money isn't everything, and I want to have more quality time with what matters most…and that's my family.

Before you listen all the whiners on this board that most likely couldn't show any level of success, please reach out to tenured people to get their perspective. There are a lot of us who like the culture here and love our jobs. This job isn't easy and it's more B to B than pharma but if you have the drive and like a "small" company feel, this is a great place to work. It's true that we've lost some good people but upper management and the board of directors have stepped in and made some dramatic changes correct issues that pushed people away. A lot of the issues came from the top-down and now they aren't there any more. Upper management is finally listening to the sales force and making appropriate changes! People need to stop bitching and move on. If you're thinking of coming to work here, ask to talk to existing reps. Get phone numbers and call THEM rather than rely on what you see here.