Good Old Days

I've been a rep and a DM since the 70's and feel terrible about all the poison we either sold or gave out as samples. Yes the BS artists here who say they never did it are LIARs !!!!! You all did it and should be ashamed you sold your soul for some gold.

As a DM facing retirement I have urged my reps to avoid handing out the bad stuff and not doing personal favors for the docs to make a sale. This is another trend that has gotten out of control over the years. Especially with the open sex inducements to meet your numbers.

Shame on you who deny and lie. You all are guilty !

You are mentally unstable. Sex? Really, what is next? Just stop you sound deranged.

I've been a rep and a DM since the 70's and feel terrible about all the poison we either sold or gave out as samples. Yes the BS artists here who say they never did it are LIARs !!!!! You all did it and should be ashamed you sold your soul for some gold.

As a DM facing retirement I have urged my reps to avoid handing out the bad stuff and not doing personal favors for the docs to make a sale. This is another trend that has gotten out of control over the years. Especially with the open sex inducements to meet your numbers.

Shame on you who deny and lie. You all are guilty !

all true, Pharma did all the bad stuff spelled out above,
I was there, I saw it all, I sat in meetings where it was discussed and so don't say it didn't happen because I saw it all.
We pushed hard and did whatever it took to move the products, shame on the Doctors who were intellectually absent or lazy. We just did our jobs within the law.

It’s true, I know a lot of female reps who slept there way to bonus- pretty much prostitution. The so many who married docs for money. Sex sells when your drugs don’t on their own.

Draconian mindset and I sense a bit of jealousy. You wish you had that lifestyle, now stop the hating and lies
and understand your place in life ( in the corner alone ).

Personally know one good looking gal who literally took the sales job just to find a well off MD. She ended up with a doc 20 years her senior and left sales after about 3 years. Last I heard they lived happily ever after. I guess he met her 'numbers'.

ABBVIE UP UP UP 65% and aggressively outperforming SPDR S&P Pharmaceuticals ETF which is mere 18%. Phase 3 trial of risankizumab, met co-primary and ranked secondary endpoints and no new safety signals were detect. Ricky should give Everybody a Xmas bonus.

Word Is, based on stock performance and Abbv revenues, Ricky gonna break salary record for 2017 total compensation. Could be looking at $22M (up from 2016 $15.6M). Stocks headed into $120s before Q218. Big news coming !

Word Is, based on stock performance and Abbv revenues, Ricky gonna break salary record for 2017 total compensation. Could be looking at $22M (up from 2016 $15.6M). Stocks headed into $120s before Q218. Big news coming !

It's easy to grin When your ship comes in
And you've got the stock market beat.
But the man worthwhile, Is the man who can smile,
When his shorts are too tight in the seat.

Ricky's Projected Record Breaking Compensation 2017

Base pay- $2.1 million

Bonus + non equity incentive comp- $3.9 million
Total cash comp- $6 million

Stock award value 11.5 million

Option award value $6.5 million
Total equity $18 million

Total Other $800,000 ( travel )

Total Estimated Comp 2017
$24.8 million
Yeee Hawww