Good Luck to those getting whacked.....


I joined Merck in 2005, had another offer, but felt Merck would be a safer move. Kicked ass my first year, even had my hiring manager mention to me that he hoped I would retire with Merck. (P.S. I'm a long time away from retiring). Then I had another manager, after my first 8 months, then another within 4 years, while still performing at a high level. Problem was I was selling Vytorin & Zetia. 2009 I was managed out, along with another coworker, turns out we were the two highest paid in our district. My overall share was in the top 10 in the country for both products.... didn't matter. Prior, I was told I would not be eligible to win an award, because I didn't play nice with others.... oh wait, I didn't play nice with others that didn't work or were busy getting home by 2 pm. So to succeed at Merck, as you all know, it's not about performance, it's about Kissing Ass. It's been 4 years, and I'm still looking, yet at the same time started 2 businesses to keep a roof over my head. The thing I learned is that this industry that was so desired to get into 20 years ago is now a joke in the eyes of other industries. Merck may have taken away your paycheck, but at least now you'll get back your dignity. I miss the Pharma money, but I do not miss the job. Good Luck, keep your heads up, don't get discouraged, and contemplate a different path for your future.


I joined Merck in 2005, had another offer, but felt Merck would be a safer move. Kicked ass my first year, even had my hiring manager mention to me that he hoped I would retire with Merck. (P.S. I'm a long time away from retiring). Then I had another manager, after my first 8 months, then another within 4 years, while still performing at a high level. Problem was I was selling Vytorin & Zetia. 2009 I was managed out, along with another coworker, turns out we were the two highest paid in our district. My overall share was in the top 10 in the country for both products.... didn't matter. Prior, I was told I would not be eligible to win an award, because I didn't play nice with others.... oh wait, I didn't play nice with others that didn't work or were busy getting home by 2 pm. So to succeed at Merck, as you all know, it's not about performance, it's about Kissing Ass. It's been 4 years, and I'm still looking, yet at the same time started 2 businesses to keep a roof over my head. The thing I learned is that this industry that was so desired to get into 20 years ago is now a joke in the eyes of other industries. Merck may have taken away your paycheck, but at least now you'll get back your dignity. I miss the Pharma money, but I do not miss the job. Good Luck, keep your heads up, don't get discouraged, and contemplate a different path for your future.

This industry and Merck in particular leaves lots of people contemplating a different career path.

I joined Merck in 2005, had another offer, but felt Merck would be a safer move. Kicked ass my first year, even had my hiring manager mention to me that he hoped I would retire with Merck. (P.S. I'm a long time away from retiring). Then I had another manager, after my first 8 months, then another within 4 years, while still performing at a high level. Problem was I was selling Vytorin & Zetia. 2009 I was managed out, along with another coworker, turns out we were the two highest paid in our district. My overall share was in the top 10 in the country for both products.... didn't matter. Prior, I was told I would not be eligible to win an award, because I didn't play nice with others.... oh wait, I didn't play nice with others that didn't work or were busy getting home by 2 pm. So to succeed at Merck, as you all know, it's not about performance, it's about Kissing Ass. It's been 4 years, and I'm still looking, yet at the same time started 2 businesses to keep a roof over my head. The thing I learned is that this industry that was so desired to get into 20 years ago is now a joke in the eyes of other industries. Merck may have taken away your paycheck, but at least now you'll get back your dignity. I miss the Pharma money, but I do not miss the job. Good Luck, keep your heads up, don't get discouraged, and contemplate a different path for your future.

Similar story to mine partner...I was forced out in my 50s, and 4 years later, I still have no off of savings, and ready to break into one of my 401ks, penalties and all...

I can't believe my life has come to this, and I never would have seen it coming, considering what an elegant job pharma sales was when I started...I thought I had it made...

now I am in deep deep too doo...And I was a top performer, all star, etc. like you...

Pharma sales is the double whammy...Not only are you left picking up the pieces when the creeps force you out, but you have invested years into a skillset that no other industry will acknowledge as a skill set...

the only options older ex pharma reps have, are the crappiest commission only sales jobs, or going to work for Farmers, or AFFLAC...


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