Good Luck to all---I'm out!


After 16 years and tons of awards (and the fat salary to go along with it), the company saw fit to "encourage" my departure. New CTM---an ass from the beginning---made life as miserable as possible. Realizing that a 40-year-old white male (me) had no chance of survival, I moved on to something else. Sure, I feel like I wasted 15 years, but that's life. I'll survive.

Good luck to all. I hope you all know that the things you read on here are indeed largely true.

The company is in dire trouble...and so are its employees. If half of the reps exist here in one year, I'll be surprised. The rest will be contract workers soon. If you have a good opportunity to leave, take it.

If you leave before December 31st, they'll deny you any part of your annual bonus (that's why the bonus is annual). I should have a fourth of mine coming, but I've already been told it's not happening. Historically, they prorated those. Today, forget about it.

If you sense anything uncomfortable---especially if you get a new manager assigned to you---don't discard it and don't think it's paranoia. You've been targeted for removal, especially if you're under 50 and/or white. And believe me when I tell you a PIP has nothing to do with performance. My manager was a dunce, but he's a dunce that does what he's told. Take a medical leave to get through the end of the year if you must. Don't struggle with the moral dilemma of being dishonest; they're being dishonest with you every day. Don't be naive and do whatever you must to protect your interests.


After 16 years and tons of awards (and the fat salary to go along with it), the company saw fit to "encourage" my departure. New CTM---an ass from the beginning---made life as miserable as possible. Realizing that a 40-year-old white male (me) had no chance of survival, I moved on to something else. Sure, I feel like I wasted 15 years, but that's life. I'll survive.

Good luck to all. I hope you all know that the things you read on here are indeed largely true.

The company is in dire trouble...and so are its employees. If half of the reps exist here in one year, I'll be surprised. The rest will be contract workers soon. If you have a good opportunity to leave, take it.

If you leave before December 31st, they'll deny you any part of your annual bonus (that's why the bonus is annual). I should have a fourth of mine coming, but I've already been told it's not happening. Historically, they prorated those. Today, forget about it.

If you sense anything uncomfortable---especially if you get a new manager assigned to you---don't discard it and don't think it's paranoia. You've been targeted for removal, especially if you're under 50 and/or white. And believe me when I tell you a PIP has nothing to do with performance. My manager was a dunce, but he's a dunce that does what he's told. Take a medical leave to get through the end of the year if you must. Don't struggle with the moral dilemma of being dishonest; they're being dishonest with you every day. Don't be naive and do whatever you must to protect your interests.

Good luck and God Bless...this place is indeed a cesspool. Part of me is jealous.....

More in other age groups too. Many I know can agree. I will be updating my resume this weekend. A sign on and salary increase will make up for any bonus loss. Good luck.

After 16 years and tons of awards (and the fat salary to go along with it), the company saw fit to "encourage" my departure. New CTM---an ass from the beginning---made life as miserable as possible. Realizing that a 40-year-old white male (me) had no chance of survival, I moved on to something else. Sure, I feel like I wasted 15 years, but that's life. I'll survive.

Good luck to all. I hope you all know that the things you read on here are indeed largely true.

The company is in dire trouble...and so are its employees. If half of the reps exist here in one year, I'll be surprised. The rest will be contract workers soon. If you have a good opportunity to leave, take it.

If you leave before December 31st, they'll deny you any part of your annual bonus (that's why the bonus is annual). I should have a fourth of mine coming, but I've already been told it's not happening. Historically, they prorated those. Today, forget about it.

If you sense anything uncomfortable---especially if you get a new manager assigned to you---don't discard it and don't think it's paranoia. You've been targeted for removal, especially if you're under 50 and/or white. And believe me when I tell you a PIP has nothing to do with performance. My manager was a dunce, but he's a dunce that does what he's told. Take a medical leave to get through the end of the year if you must. Don't struggle with the moral dilemma of being dishonest; they're being dishonest with you every day. Don't be naive and do whatever you must to protect your interests.

White Whine! Spare me your dishonesty, whinning, and blaming of others. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

After 16 years and tons of awards (and the fat salary to go along with it), the company saw fit to "encourage" my departure. New CTM---an ass from the beginning---made life as miserable as possible. Realizing that a 40-year-old white male (me) had no chance of survival, I moved on to something else. Sure, I feel like I wasted 15 years, but that's life. I'll survive.

Good luck to all. I hope you all know that the things you read on here are indeed largely true.

The company is in dire trouble...and so are its employees. If half of the reps exist here in one year, I'll be surprised. The rest will be contract workers soon. If you have a good opportunity to leave, take it.

If you leave before December 31st, they'll deny you any part of your annual bonus (that's why the bonus is annual). I should have a fourth of mine coming, but I've already been told it's not happening. Historically, they prorated those. Today, forget about it.

If you sense anything uncomfortable---especially if you get a new manager assigned to you---don't discard it and don't think it's paranoia. You've been targeted for removal, especially if you're under 50 and/or white. And believe me when I tell you a PIP has nothing to do with performance. My manager was a dunce, but he's a dunce that does what he's told. Take a medical leave to get through the end of the year if you must. Don't struggle with the moral dilemma of being dishonest; they're being dishonest with you every day. Don't be naive and do whatever you must to protect your interests.

Oh shut up you idiot! You are nothing more than a LOSER.

After 16 years and tons of awards (and the fat salary to go along with it), the company saw fit to "encourage" my departure. New CTM---an ass from the beginning---made life as miserable as possible. Realizing that a 40-year-old white male (me) had no chance of survival, I moved on to something else. Sure, I feel like I wasted 15 years, but that's life. I'll survive.

Good luck to all. I hope you all know that the things you read on here are indeed largely true.

The company is in dire trouble...and so are its employees. If half of the reps exist here in one year, I'll be surprised. The rest will be contract workers soon. If you have a good opportunity to leave, take it.

If you leave before December 31st, they'll deny you any part of your annual bonus (that's why the bonus is annual). I should have a fourth of mine coming, but I've already been told it's not happening. Historically, they prorated those. Today, forget about it.

If you sense anything uncomfortable---especially if you get a new manager assigned to you---don't discard it and don't think it's paranoia. You've been targeted for removal, especially if you're under 50 and/or white. And believe me when I tell you a PIP has nothing to do with performance. My manager was a dunce, but he's a dunce that does what he's told. Take a medical leave to get through the end of the year if you must. Don't struggle with the moral dilemma of being dishonest; they're being dishonest with you every day. Don't be naive and do whatever you must to protect your interests.

Agree with all you said. Don't listen to the idiots on this thread. Best of luck to you.

OP speaks truth. You non-believers will hopefully get to personally taste a little of Merck's honest and ethical personnel practices. And I'll bet the experience makes believers out of you. Only wish I could be around to personally witness. Sweet.

More in other age groups too. Many I know can agree. I will be updating my resume this weekend. A sign on and salary increase will make up for any bonus loss. Good luck.

Sign On???? Ha, those days are long gone. As for a salary increase, why do you deserve a salary increase in another industry where you have no experience? Just curious. You have obviously been under the pharma rock for a while. If you have not been interviewing & continously updating the old resume, you are years behind and in for a rrude awakening in the new world/economic environment.

Look, the best that could be expected is that one would keep their job and their present income level - which loses ground every year relative to the top 10%. Couple that with very strong likelihood that one fine day you will be released to the streets and one sees little joy in the working life. In the old days, being part of the top 3/4 of the earners met that life got better with perserverance and time. Now being part of the bottom 80% is headed to perdition. But go ahead and keep fighting for those tax breaks for the top 1% and GE. Couple that with impossible-to-reach college tuition, a madness that public schoold should be abandoned in favor of private (and expensive) schools rather than improved, and the de facto rationing of health care according to who can pay private doctor access retainer fees and you will see a return not of the Happy Days of the 50s and 60s but robber baron days of first 30 years of the last century. Unless you earn most of your income in capital gains and dividends, your best days are behind you. Either go into to business for yourself or resign yourself to the lower (75%) class. This is the have less-and-less class that will continue to slip against the have more-and-more class.

Whoa! You need therapy. Take a deep breath and log off CP for a bit deary.

Actually the current Merck management has made therapy a necessity for many still employed and displaced employees. It is not even funny for me to write this. Medco must be filling tons of RXs for SSRIs and whatever else for us.

There are a lot sinking-ship analogies on this blog site but this metaphor is not quite correct. A ship sinks too fast and too obviously. A better analogy is that of starting a live frog out in a cooking pot filled with cold water and then slowly applying heat and raising the water temperature to its boiling point, thereby obviously killing and cooking the frog. At no single point does the frog appear to be so discomforted that it would leap from the ever-hotter water. We could very well be that inappropriately comfortable frog. So many people are headed to the same fate as monsieur frog, but at any instant the environment never seems hazardous enough to risk a leap to safety. Boiling water in the case of the frog or excessive water in the sinking ship metaphor, the results are as certain and identical. We pity the Titanic passengers as victims but consider the frog to be a galactically stupid collaborator in its own demise.

After 16 years and tons of awards (and the fat salary to go along with it), the company saw fit to "encourage" my departure. New CTM---an ass from the beginning---made life as miserable as possible. Realizing that a 40-year-old white male (me) had no chance of survival, I moved on to something else. Sure, I feel like I wasted 15 years, but that's life. I'll survive.

Good luck to all. I hope you all know that the things you read on here are indeed largely true.

The company is in dire trouble...and so are its employees. If half of the reps exist here in one year, I'll be surprised. The rest will be contract workers soon. If you have a good opportunity to leave, take it.

If you leave before December 31st, they'll deny you any part of your annual bonus (that's why the bonus is annual). I should have a fourth of mine coming, but I've already been told it's not happening. Historically, they prorated those. Today, forget about it.

If you sense anything uncomfortable---especially if you get a new manager assigned to you---don't discard it and don't think it's paranoia. You've been targeted for removal, especially if you're under 50 and/or white. And believe me when I tell you a PIP has nothing to do with performance. My manager was a dunce, but he's a dunce that does what he's told. Take a medical leave to get through the end of the year if you must. Don't struggle with the moral dilemma of being dishonest; they're being dishonest with you every day. Don't be naive and do whatever you must to protect your interests.

Folks, this is the honest truth- Happened to me too- Just like the original poster describes! Go ask someone how it feels to be out of Merck- No one will tell you that they would go back!

Folks, this is the honest truth- Happened to me too- Just like the original poster describes! Go ask someone how it feels to be out of Merck- No one will tell you that they would go back!

Count me out and the (much) happier for it. I do not know of a single other ex-Merck that is unhappy being gone. Fond memories of years long ago by but today Merck is a corporate train wreck.

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