Going to be a blood bath tomorrow for GI division

Winner winner chicken dinner only 6 reps giving notice today. Not as bad as people said it would be.

Only 6 reps giving notice? Well maybe Ironwood only found the top 6 at Shire. Maybe they are just are not good enough to get hired. Why would you not take a 15% pay increase and chance to launch a new drug?

Good luck to the real superstars who left. Greener pastures await!!

Actually, you are a loser. Do you really think it is over? Top reps still to leave and some of them got more than 15% raise and plenty of stock. I would leave too

Winner winner Sheen dinner, hey top reps still to leave do us a favor and move on I want to move up PClub rankings. Don't let door hit you in arse on way out

Ummmmmmmm "So Far"!!!... Mr.Jackass RD. There will still be some talent that stays but mostly mediocre or LESS than mediocre staying. BTW: The talent that does stay are looking to get out.

Yawn don't believe the hype, you must be one of the 6 reps who left. Have fun waiting in primary care waiting rooms and meeting with Forest teammates. Shacking up with roommates at meetings should be a ton of fun!

You obviously have the wrong info. No roommates genius, no primary care either that is what Forrest is for. Have fun with your 50% safety, stupid webexes that nobody gives a shit about, micromanaging rds, increased legal looking over your shoulder the next few years, corporate integrity agreement, no pipeline, selling lialda another 5 years, pentasa mbo's, incompetent senior management. I'm not one of the six I left this crap hole awhile ago.

I would take the 15% bump and 30k stock though.

There will be around 20 total reps out. Just some reps still waiting because they want to double dip because they have familes to support. Also, there is 6 reps that interviewed and didnt get an offer.

And that southern cal RD will be gone soon anyway so bye bye funny guy.....