Many reps giving their 2 weeks notice tomorrow, heard number is about 30.
Many reps giving their 2 weeks notice tomorrow, heard number is about 30.
Many reps giving their 2 weeks notice tomorrow, heard number is about 30.
Winner winner chicken dinner only 6 reps giving notice today. Not as bad as people said it would be.
Winner winner chicken dinner only 6 reps giving notice today. Not as bad as people said it would be.
Actually, you are a loser. Do you really think it is over? Top reps still to leave and some of them got more than 15% raise and plenty of stock. I would leave too
Winner winner chicken dinner only 6 reps giving notice today. Not as bad as people said it would be.
No superstars out the door so far mediocre talent at best
Ummmmmmmm "So Far"!!!... Mr.Jackass RD. There will still be some talent that stays but mostly mediocre or LESS than mediocre staying. BTW: The talent that does stay are looking to get out.
If you only knew the percentage who interviewed for this from shire but didn't get hired because of the Novartis connection.... Scary.