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Here is the simple answer as to why you wonderful people are being fired!

Judges Tell Glaxo Sales Reps: You're Just Glorified Coffee Baristas

Two federal appeals courts have reached diametrically opposite opinions on the issue of whether pharmaceutical sales reps are entitled to overtime pay when they work more than 40 hours a week, setting the stage for a potential intervention by the U.S. Supreme Court. The more recent ruling also concluded that drug reps at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) might as well be schlepping coffee for a living. The Supremes tend to take cases in which there are major conflicts between different appeals courts. That is no guarantee of a high court hearing, however. In neither case are any great constitutional principles at stake — the Nine also like cases in which the principles that define our nation are at issue. If the Supreme Court left the two cases — the other one involves Novartis (NVS) — alone it would mean that a drug sales rep’s overtime pay would depend entirely on which area of the country they lived in, or which company they worked for.

In the most recent case, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (covering Western states) said that drug sales reps at GSK are not entitled to overtime because they are legally defined as “salesmen.” Under federal labor law, salespersons and other managers get salaries instead of overtime the way hourly workers do.

The Ninth Circuit panel apparently lives in a different universe to the Second Circuit court (New York, Connecticut and Vermont), which held last year that reps at Novartis were not “salesmen” because they don’t actually sell drugs and their work lives are so heavily scripted they might as well be “robots.” Both rulings use sensible logic to reach their conclusions and neither seems unreasonable. The GSK ruling, however, contained some gossip about who earns what at GSK:
n 2004, [Michael S.] Christopher received $72,576 gross pay, of which $29,993 was incentive compensation (41% of gross); in 2005, he received $67,243, of which $21,231 was incentive (32% of gross); and in 2006, he received $77,552, of which $28,249 was incentive (37% of gross).

In 2004, [Frank] Buchanan received $70,740 gross pay, of which $19,232 was incentive compensation (27% of gross); in 2005, he received $74,358, of which $27,743 was incentive (32% of gross); in 2006, he received $84,932, of which $32,519 was incentive (38% of gross); and in 2007, he received $75,776, of which $19,957 was incentive (26% of gross).

For reps, the scary thing about the GSK case is that the judges seemed to indicate that sales reps ought to be consigned to the dustbin of history. The judges noted that fewer and fewer sales reps in any profession actually collect payments on the sales they make. More often, once a customer agrees to buy something the sale is transacted over the phone or on the web. Just because drug reps aren’t literally selling drugs (the sale occurs at the pharmacy) doesn’t mean they’re not salespersons, the court said. The judges based their ruling on the Jewel Tea case of 1941, which involved door-to-door salesmen selling tea and coffee on commission. The ruling says GSK reps are virtually identical to the Jewel Tea sellers who drove delivery trucks around neighborhoods in the late 1930s, and thus exempt from the overtime requirement:

Telephones, television, shopping malls, the Internet and general societal progress have largely relegated the professional pitchman embodied in Jewel Tea to the history books. But selling continues, and, as in prior eras, a salesperson learns the nuances of a product and those of his or her potential clientele, tailors a scripted message based on intuition about the customer, asks for the customer to consider her need for the product, and then receives a commission when the customer’s positive impression ultimately results in a purchase.

For the past seventy-plus years, selling in the pharmaceutical industry has followed this process.

Ouch! The ruling will hit with a particular sting at GSK because its new bonus scheme for reps includes the unintended incentive for reps to turn themselves into Starbucks delivery girls and boys.

Pharma reps are a fucking joke!

Most medical device companies actually post in their job ads "No Pharma Reps Need Apply"!

There is a reason for this mainly because most of you are just degenerate shitheads who would say or do anything for a dollar with no science backgrounds!

Go and enjoy the ranks of the freezing unemployed on Wall Street!!!!

Even if you get another "gig" it won't last for long!!!!

Couldn't make the cut, huh. How's that "science" background working out...

Wow I guess you are trying to insult or hurt-but it doesn't. In my world if I keep my job Jesus loves me, if I lose my job He loves me the same and has another opportunity for me. Have a wonderful day!

I got canned from Novartis And talk about a blessing in disguise!! GOD is Awesome! I thank him for the foot stool!:)

I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading on this thread. As an evangelical Christian, I understand how the Gospel can sound pretty out there. The Bible even says that Salvation sounds like foolishness to those who are not saved. I also realize that our Christian faith requires someone to believe a somewhat unbelievable history. To me, because the story is so out there proves to me the divine nature of the Gospel. Some of the stuff we believe can not be explained by science yet but have you sat back and really thought about what you believe. You call our faith a fairytale but you believe that nothing became something then blew up and became everything. Nothing in science could prove that yet you use this "scientific fact" as your proof and reason for not believing in God. Just a note: Jesus is the only way to heaven. Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through me. There is no other name under which man must be saved.

I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading on this thread. As an evangelical Christian, I understand how the Gospel can sound pretty out there. The Bible even says that Salvation sounds like foolishness to those who are not saved. I also realize that our Christian faith requires someone to believe a somewhat unbelievable history. To me, because the story is so out there proves to me the divine nature of the Gospel. Some of the stuff we believe can not be explained by science yet but have you sat back and really thought about what you believe. You call our faith a fairytale but you believe that nothing became something then blew up and became everything. Nothing in science could prove that yet you use this "scientific fact" as your proof and reason for not believing in God. Just a note: Jesus is the only way to heaven. Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through me. There is no other name under which man must be saved.

Nice, should add one thing to your post. I agree with you completely but some will want to post about other gods. Examples, Hindu, Budist, muslim,. Some will say that you can believe in whatever you want and that is your truth. That is crazy. Since when did the intensity of your faith take place of the object of faith. Try that in our business. I believe that no one will be cut in April. I also believe that Tekturna is a great drug and is ok to be added to ace's and arbs in Diabetic hypertensive patients. I obviously don't believe this but if i did, would I be right? Of course not.

I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading on this thread. As an evangelical Christian, I understand how the Gospel can sound pretty out there. The Bible even says that Salvation sounds like foolishness to those who are not saved. I also realize that our Christian faith requires someone to believe a somewhat unbelievable history. To me, because the story is so out there proves to me the divine nature of the Gospel. Some of the stuff we believe can not be explained by science yet but have you sat back and really thought about what you believe. You call our faith a fairytale but you believe that nothing became something then blew up and became everything. Nothing in science could prove that yet you use this "scientific fact" as your proof and reason for not believing in God. Just a note: Jesus is the only way to heaven. Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through me. There is no other name under which man must be saved.

I wish you lived by me. You are an easy target that is fooled by fictional stories. You believe because either your parents told you to believe or a preacher who wanted your money sold you a story. You have no proof, just hope. You believe in stories 1000's of years old that were written by uneducationed people by todays standards. You are believing in something that you hope is true because you hate your existance in todays world. Probably hedging your bets. When you spend your time on Sundays at church, I came up with a business that makes me more money a week then Novartis pays. So when you are laid off and trying to feed your family, pray. I will be able to feed my family with no help from God just the business I built on Sundays.

I wish you lived by me. You are an easy target that is fooled by fictional stories. You believe because either your parents told you to believe or a preacher who wanted your money sold you a story. You have no proof, just hope. You believe in stories 1000's of years old that were written by uneducationed people by todays standards. You are believing in something that you hope is true because you hate your existance in todays world. Probably hedging your bets. When you spend your time on Sundays at church, I came up with a business that makes me more money a week then Novartis pays. So when you are laid off and trying to feed your family, pray. I will be able to feed my family with no help from God just the business I built on Sundays.

I was an atheist until the age of 21. I believed what all of my college professors taught and I made it my life's purpose to disprove the premises of Christianity. Needless to say, during my diligent efforts to disprove Christianity, God saved my soul. Once I was confronted with the truth and the Holy Spirit as it says in 2 Thess: I was made a new creation. Once saved, God used me to reach my mother and sister and they are now saved as well. I know why you don't like Christianity and it is probably the same reason that I didn't like it to begin with. I didn't like the fact that there was something bigger and greater than me and I particularly didn't like that this higher being was going to judge me for what I had done wrong. It's a lot easier to say that he doesn't exist because it makes you feel better. As for what I have done wrong, I thank God that he sent Jesus to pay a fine I could never pay on my own.

I hear people screaming to god at every BPM as they are pounding ugly's with their sexy stupid counterparts.
Walk down the hall some night and listen, "oh god!!, Oh God, OH GOd!!, OH GOD!!!" then a *KERSPLAT* sound, the soft "oh god that hurt, I better stop for ice" as someone sneaks back to a room.
I also hear reference to god when people see the fat ass CLE DUM eat the next morning.

So review good god, bad god. I like the good.

I was an atheist until the age of 21. I believed what all of my college professors taught and I made it my life's purpose to disprove the premises of Christianity. Needless to say, during my diligent efforts to disprove Christianity, God saved my soul. Once I was confronted with the truth and the Holy Spirit as it says in 2 Thess: I was made a new creation. Once saved, God used me to reach my mother and sister and they are now saved as well. I know why you don't like Christianity and it is probably the same reason that I didn't like it to begin with. I didn't like the fact that there was something bigger and greater than me and I particularly didn't like that this higher being was going to judge me for what I had done wrong. It's a lot easier to say that he doesn't exist because it makes you feel better. As for what I have done wrong, I thank God that he sent Jesus to pay a fine I could never pay on my own.

I was saved once too...by a hooker named Mona! Bah dump bump.

I was an atheist until the age of 21. I believed what all of my college professors taught and I made it my life's purpose to disprove the premises of Christianity. Needless to say, during my diligent efforts to disprove Christianity, God saved my soul. Once I was confronted with the truth and the Holy Spirit as it says in 2 Thess: I was made a new creation. Once saved, God used me to reach my mother and sister and they are now saved as well. I know why you don't like Christianity and it is probably the same reason that I didn't like it to begin with. I didn't like the fact that there was something bigger and greater than me and I particularly didn't like that this higher being was going to judge me for what I had done wrong. It's a lot easier to say that he doesn't exist because it makes you feel better. As for what I have done wrong, I thank God that he sent Jesus to pay a fine I could never pay on my own.

It has nothing to do making anyone feel better. It is what is reality. Evalution or an image of someone in the sky? Something Scientists prove everyday or fictional writings from 1000's of years ago by uneducated by todays standards? If you want to believe in something with no proof, keep believing in God. I believe in me. That is all that counts. Evalution has been proven by science but you can dismiss it if you wish. People saw "oh god" because it is an American phrase they were brought up saying. It is not like they are really asking God for help. It is just a statement like Holy Sh... I say it is easier to say he does exist so you have all bases covered and are hedging your bets. How much time do you waste going to church and how this time could be spent building an income for your childrens future. Yes, church is a complete waste of time.

Another miracle, Barry still has a job. Doing nothing. I prey both of them go before me. Even if we all get the call on the same day, I hope these guys get it first.

I wish you lived by me. You are an easy target that is fooled by fictional stories. You believe because either your parents told you to believe or a preacher who wanted your money sold you a story. You have no proof, just hope. You believe in stories 1000's of years old that were written by uneducationed people by todays standards. You are believing in something that you hope is true because you hate your existance in todays world. Probably hedging your bets. When you spend your time on Sundays at church, I came up with a business that makes me more money a week then Novartis pays. So when you are laid off and trying to feed your family, pray. I will be able to feed my family with no help from God just the business I built on Sundays.

Well Rich Boy, I've never seen a Brinks truck following a hearse. Wake up!

I was an atheist until the age of 21. I believed what all of my college professors taught and I made it my life's purpose to disprove the premises of Christianity. Needless to say, during my diligent efforts to disprove Christianity, God saved my soul. Once I was confronted with the truth and the Holy Spirit as it says in 2 Thess: I was made a new creation. Once saved, God used me to reach my mother and sister and they are now saved as well. I know why you don't like Christianity and it is probably the same reason that I didn't like it to begin with. I didn't like the fact that there was something bigger and greater than me and I particularly didn't like that this higher being was going to judge me for what I had done wrong. It's a lot easier to say that he doesn't exist because it makes you feel better. As for what I have done wrong, I thank God that he sent Jesus to pay a fine I could never pay on my own.

I went through the trying to believe in God my entire life. I just can't believe all of the unbelievable things. I guess you would say I don't have faith. I really tried and I wish I did. It just does not make sense to me. I live in the South so I don't readily admit to people that I don't really believe in God. It's just easier. I say things like I am not very religious or I just don't bring it up. I don't lie if asked, but you just don't go there in this area. Overall, I am a decent person. I live my life mostly doing the right things so I don't get questioned often. I tried, but to me it makes as much sense as mythology. Why would you believe one and not the other?

I went through the trying to believe in God my entire life. I just can't believe all of the unbelievable things. I guess you would say I don't have faith. I really tried and I wish I did. It just does not make sense to me. I live in the South so I don't readily admit to people that I don't really believe in God. It's just easier. I say things like I am not very religious or I just don't bring it up. I don't lie if asked, but you just don't go there in this area. Overall, I am a decent person. I live my life mostly doing the right things so I don't get questioned often. I tried, but to me it makes as much sense as mythology. Why would you believe one and not the other?

I understand your view and respect it because it was once mine. According to the Bible, you and I are not decent or good people. The definition of good in the bible is moral perfection. That is something no one can live up to. The second issue you have to deal with is Sin. What is it? Sin is transgression of the Law( Hebrews). The Ten Commandments are simply a mirror in which we can look at ourselves as God sees us. You and I are both guilty of breaking all of them. If God is a Just judge of the world( Romans) then Sin will be punished. The Great thing about Christianity tells us that Jesus came and Died for our sins. Some people like to say that their sins are forgiven. I agree with this assessment but I like to use the words Paid For. Jesus paid the ultimate price by placing all of our sins on himself and satisfying God's wrath that was meant for us because of our sin. I can't sit here and tell you to choose one religion over another but I can tell you the main difference that makes Christianity make since too me. All the other religions in the world require someone to live a good life to enter their perfect eternity. Christianity is the only religion that I know of that requires the believer to admit their imperfection and a need for a Savior. This makes since because God cannot be in the presence of imperfection and Heaven is a perfect place. By accepting Jesus and putting your trust in him and repenting of your sins, the Bible says that you will be Saved. Christianity is also the only religion that I know of that Believers are assured of their salvation and eternity. All other religions leave it up in the air. Also, some say that every religion believes in the same God but have different names for him. The problem with this assumption is that the Christian God in the Bible claims that no other gods exist. The Bible states that Jesus is the only way.

God Loves you
God loves you so much, that he made sure that you end-up working for Novartis
And his love knows no boundries...that he ensure that you were assigned to carry Fanapt !
Wonderful God....
God really loves you

now go take a couple of Fanapt tabs....get into your straight-jacket....and enjoy the ride !!!

God Loves you
God loves you so much, that he made sure that you end-up working for Novartis
And his love knows no boundries...that he ensure that you were assigned to carry Fanapt !
Wonderful God....
God really loves you

now go take a couple of Fanapt tabs....get into your straight-jacket....and enjoy the ride !!!

Look I dont even follow this type of rhetoric but if someone wants to subscribe to whatever the popular mythology of the land may be...do your thing. Just dont judgenthe rest of us for being pragmatic or utilizing common sense or even maybe science. As long as I am not being judged, preached to, or disadvantaged in some way, i dont care what you believe in. It is annoying when individuals use an inappropriate forum as a soapbox for oration.

But the time up until the Hearse is fun with money and living in reality. Wake up and stop believing in fictional characters

Hey Rich Boy! I too am having fun and enjoying "the things" you speak of including fabulous vacations, driving nice cars and living in a beautiful home. The difference is that I know where my blessings come from and they are NOT from a "fictional character" as you so choose to believe, but from Gods grace and mercy. This isn't the time or the place to help you understand or receive Christ in your life. So stay on your path thinking that you and you alone are the master of your fate and if and when you do "wake up", just know your Father in Heaven will be waiting with open arms for you. Luke 15:11-32