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I am amazed at the number of posts on CP that refer to GOD in relation to the layoffs and future being contemplated. Is GOD involved in the NOvartis downsizing? Please tell me that your GOD has better things to worry about than some imbecile riding around in a fusion braying useless info about a blood pressure pill.


My friend-yes I do believe He cares that much about you and me. I do happen to drive a fusion by the way. It's called faith-and I firmly believe that He directs my path daily. I believe He allowed this job in my life and it's been a great blessing for my family. So I believe that if He chooses to close the door in my life and journey with Novartis-I am at peace with that. I pray you find that peace too. It's wonderful. God Bless you/your family and it's going to be ok~

My friend-yes I do believe He cares that much about you and me. I do happen to drive a fusion by the way. It's called faith-and I firmly believe that He directs my path daily. I believe He allowed this job in my life and it's been a great blessing for my family. So I believe that if He chooses to close the door in my life and journey with Novartis-I am at peace with that. I pray you find that peace too. It's wonderful. God Bless you/your family and it's going to be ok~

If you keep your job - God likes you
If you lose your job - God hates you

It is that clear

Wow I guess you are trying to insult or hurt-but it doesn't. In my world if I keep my job Jesus loves me, if I lose my job He loves me the same and has another opportunity for me. Have a wonderful day!

Wow I guess you are trying to insult or hurt-but it doesn't. In my world if I keep my job Jesus loves me, if I lose my job He loves me the same and has another opportunity for me. Have a wonderful day!

Why don't you line up with the PARANOICS now running for the republican party. They ALL evoke GOD as all mighty, all creating and nothing is beyond HIM. America what is happening to you? If any of those paranoid crazy candidates is (God forbid, just used as an expression) is elected as prez, America will have become the most dangerous and crazy country in the World. Luckily the NORMALS will prevail and Obama will be re-elected, I bet with landslide. This because, in spite of millions upon millions of paranoics as the candidates are, you still have enough millions of normals. Mind you the difference is "forget about it".

Thank you to the last poster for the idiotic thought and opinion. Now, go lay your little carpet in the east corner of your room, get on your knees, and chant. GOD saves us all!

Jesus loves you. Just try speaking directly to Him as you drive around today. Ask questions, scream out loud, demand answers. It's amazing what happens when you open yourself to God!

When will you idiots learn not to mix religion with work! Oil and water.... Everyone has their own Beliefs...if you walk by faith GREAT! If you walk by Luck Wonderful. This message board right now is for information gathering not for wanna be evangelist and Atheist to share their beliefs....GEEZ!!! Can we just find out already !!!

My friend-yes I do believe He cares that much about you and me. I do happen to drive a fusion by the way. It's called faith-and I firmly believe that He directs my path daily. I believe He allowed this job in my life and it's been a great blessing for my family. So I believe that if He chooses to close the door in my life and journey with Novartis-I am at peace with that. I pray you find that peace too. It's wonderful. God Bless you/your family and it's going to be ok~

God hates Pharma reps. He hates pharma reps that have been laid off more. I will talk to him again tonight and I will report in on what he tell me. Stay tuned.

The only good, you Novartian morons, have is GOD VASELLA sitting on top of mount Basel. So if you want, need, must, forced to, inclined..... to pray , pray to him. He'll put you all out of your misery.

My friend-yes I do believe He cares that much about you and me. I do happen to drive a fusion by the way. It's called faith-and I firmly believe that He directs my path daily. I believe He allowed this job in my life and it's been a great blessing for my family. So I believe that if He chooses to close the door in my life and journey with Novartis-I am at peace with that. I pray you find that peace too. It's wonderful. God Bless you/your family and it's going to be ok~

There is no god.


My friends, here I stand, a man whose soul has been saved.
I saw the light
I heard the word
I felt the Glory
Never before has my spirits been lifted so high into the heavens
Years of agony lifted from my back

His word

Only one word


Thank you, our God, Vaselina who walks Basel, with his son, seated to his right, Joe Ketchup, along with the Holy Spirit....for the pink slip.

After two decades of drinking the magic Kool-aid....no longer.

That next morning
For the first time
I saw the light
I felt the Glory
Never before has my spirits been lifted so high into the heavens
Years of agony lifted from my back

Wow... Can't believe I'm reading this crap from you guys. I always said Novartis people were downright evil, but this just proves it.

You people make me sick... Completely immoral, unethical, backstabbing snakes. How do you slander God here, without feeling any sense of fear? How do you look a friend/coworker in the eye knowing that the lies you told could ruin someone's career, family, life...???????????????

Can't wait to get away from you evil bastards. God knows the temptation to repay you has been unbearable, and you make it so easy to do! You should start praying that I remain the decent person that I am, and Novartis doesn't suck the soul out of me (like it has you).

Wow... Can't believe I'm reading this crap from you guys. I always said Novartis people were downright evil, but this just proves it.

You people make me sick... Completely immoral, unethical, backstabbing snakes. How do you slander God here, without feeling any sense of fear? How do you look a friend/coworker in the eye knowing that the lies you told could ruin someone's career, family, life...???????????????

Can't wait to get away from you evil bastards. God knows the temptation to repay you has been unbearable, and you make it so easy to do! You should start praying that I remain the decent person that I am, and Novartis doesn't suck the soul out of me (like it has you).

No need to repay anyone since as you know God does the best job of taking care of them. You can forgive and relax since as scripture says God makes your enemies your footstool.

Wow... Can't believe I'm reading this crap from you guys. I always said Novartis people were downright evil, but this just proves it.

You people make me sick... Completely immoral, unethical, backstabbing snakes. How do you slander God here, without feeling any sense of fear? How do you look a friend/coworker in the eye knowing that the lies you told could ruin someone's career, family, life...???????????????

Can't wait to get away from you evil bastards. God knows the temptation to repay you has been unbearable, and you make it so easy to do! You should start praying that I remain the decent person that I am, and Novartis doesn't suck the soul out of me (like it has you).

Whether you believe or not, this is not a forum for religion.

Wow... Can't believe I'm reading this crap from you guys. I always said Novartis people were downright evil, but this just proves it.

You people make me sick... Completely immoral, unethical, backstabbing snakes. How do you slander God here, without feeling any sense of fear? How do you look a friend/coworker in the eye knowing that the lies you told could ruin someone's career, family, life...???????????????

Can't wait to get away from you evil bastards. God knows the temptation to repay you has been unbearable, and you make it so easy to do! You should start praying that I remain the decent person that I am, and Novartis doesn't suck the soul out of me (like it has you).

You are the devil and I am God. As God I will lay off 2000 Novartis employees soon. My wish will come true since I am God