God Bless the Women Who Initiated the Class-Action Suit!


Dear Women Who Initiated the Class-Action Suit,

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for bravely taking the risk of initiating and executing the class action suit. Yesterday, as I deposited my check in the bank, I felt so thankful that you took such a risk on behalf of all the women of Novartis. You have helped me have fewer financial worries in the near future, which greatly reduces my stress. I feel great relief also knowing that my suffering has been acknowledged.

I know that all the women of Novartis join me in sharing our appreciation of your selflessness and courage.

God bless you and your families!


Dear Women Who Initiated the Class-Action Suit,

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for bravely taking the risk of initiating and executing the class action suit. Yesterday, as I deposited my check in the bank, I felt so thankful that you took such a risk on behalf of all the women of Novartis. You have helped me have fewer financial worries in the near future, which greatly reduces my stress. I feel great relief also knowing that my suffering has been acknowledged.

I know that all the women of Novartis join me in sharing our appreciation of your selflessness and courage.

God bless you and your families!

Oh I so agree! I wasn't awarded very much because I wasn't at Novartis in a sales capacity for very long (and I didn't seek medical attention), but I did experience harassment (a LOT of it) due to a pregnancy. When I received my check today, I just broke down in tears and my hands started shaking -- due to the point of the matter. It was only $10,000, but I mainly cared about the point of the matter. Finally, someone believed in what I said and validated my feelings. I never told anyone at work what when on between my boss and I, so I'm finally happy that justice prevailed!!!!!

I too thank the girls who stood up for justice! THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH!

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