Goal setting is a joke

All day tracking of gps location would kill battery life. It doesn’t happen and we don’t have company phones.
Sorry you did not get the high paying Shire Neuro or rare disease job we only hire he best of the best.

Best of the best.... Hahahahahaha! You clowns? Hahahahahaha!
Who told you that, Shire? Hahahahaha!

There is no continuos gps tracking on the iPad I know that for a fact (apps or otherwise) Stop trolling our site. You will never be hired here or any other company where I have cock blocked you. You are a coward and a spot on wanker.

That's weird because I know for a fact that they do track you every day on GPS. They can't use it to fire you but if they see you are in places you shouldn't be like the mall or Costco they make note of it. Then it's the Perry Kathy leadership style of give that rep a bunch of metrics that will annoy her and are unattainable then fire her and tell her she is bad at Sales when she was not even doing Sales.

That's weird because I know for a fact that they do track you every day on GPS. They can't use it to fire you but if they see you are in places you shouldn't be like the mall or Costco they make note of it. Then it's the Perry Kathy leadership style of give that rep a bunch of metrics that will annoy her and are unattainable then fire her and tell her she is bad at Sales when she was not even doing Sales.


Scare tactic only they do not track via gps

Fact: several reps were recently fired when GPS data showed they were faking calls - mid-day gym over 2 hours repeatedly, movie theater visits!! So be warned that we are working hard to find the lazy cheats!

Fact: several reps were recently fired when GPS data showed they were faking calls - mid-day gym over 2 hours repeatedly, movie theater visits!! So be warned that we are working hard to find the lazy cheats!

How come the gps data didn’t show up when I couldn’t find my iPad 3x and called support who
Said they aren’t tracked. Stop lying!

There's is no GPS in your car, or iPad.. Now if you're an idiot and mark calls places where you aren't and let's say get gas where you shouldn't be according to your calls well that's your fault.

Fact: several reps were recently fired when GPS data showed they were faking calls - mid-day gym over 2 hours repeatedly, movie theater visits!! So be warned that we are working hard to find the lazy cheats!
Poor performing reps are being tracked to determine whether it is a training issue or they just aren't doing their job of calling on HCPs