Can you clarify what you mean inregard to the pension fund lawsuit please. Don't understand what is going on there!
Refer to an article by Alison Frankel, 21 May 2014 from Reuters, "Allergan investors (other than Ackman!) sue for say in takeover fight", excerpts:
"...the lead plaintiff is the Police Retirement System of St. Louis and the allegation is that the Allergan board intends to rely on a 'constituency' clause in its certificate of incorporation to rebuff a takeover offer that benefits shareholders...The plaintiff's firms are asking Delaware Chancellor Andre Bouchard to declare Allergan's constituency provision is void and to enjoin the board from relying on it...
...the new complaint specifically says that shareholders need the declaratory judgment in case a strategic white knight shows up to rescue Allergan from the hostile bidders...
...It's a new development, as I've said before, for public pension funds and the shareholder class action bar to wade into activist investor spats and deal negotiations before there is an announced merger. Usually they snap into action only after a deal is announced, claiming that directors have breached their duties by agreeing to an inadequate price. I've heard arguments, in fact, that the class action bar's post-merger interests conflict with those of activist investors. Shareholder lawyers want to hold up the deals and get paid for improving terms; activist investors want to push deals through on the terms that benefit them, which aren't necessarily the best possible terms for shareholders.
But the standard M&A litigation model is becoming less lucrative for class action firms, as judges crack down on fees for settlements that deliver merely beefed-up proxy disclosures -no cash benefit- to shareholders. Smart plaintiffs lawyers learn to adapt. Obviously, the firms representing pension funds in the Allergan fight believe the future lies in advocating for shareholders once activist investors put companies in play, then hoping that judges award them fees for benefiting all investors.
That's another reason to keep your eye on the Allergan takeover fight. As if you didn't have enough already." (end of excerpt)