Globus Spine


I have an interview for a position as a Spine Specialist in a great territory demographically, however their is close to no business. I was just wondering what people thought about the company, the situation, spine culture, etc.... I have experience with ortho, not spine in the area so I have some contacts with in the hospitals. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Great product and great management. Good opportunity if you get it, your relationships may help get faster approvals but still will be hard to convert spine surgeons.

I am a former VP os sales in the spine business. Globus is one of the few hardware companies I would work for. They are smart, know how to market, and have excellent products. Go for this one!

Globus is all "consultant" sales. 90% of sales comes from 3 SE distributors. dead west of the Mississippi. if you have docs with their hands out, it could be the place to go. otherwise....forget it

Previous poster is an idiot. "90% consultant" and No business west of the Mississippi?. I have a $2 mil a year territory in the west and not one consultant. I can name several other territories of 1.5mil or more west of the Mississippi. Dallas, Lubbock, Houston, San Antonio Phoenix, a couple in LA, OC, San Diego. We are going to do $250mil this year. Yeah out of 3 distributors in the SE. So you mean to tell me that $225mil of that come east of the Mississippi? Check you facts before you spout off

Previous poster is an idiot. "90% consultant" and No business west of the Mississippi?. I have a $2 mil a year territory in the west and not one consultant. I can name several other territories of 1.5mil or more west of the Mississippi. Dallas, Lubbock, Houston, San Antonio Phoenix, a couple in LA, OC, San Diego. We are going to do $250mil this year. Yeah out of 3 distributors in the SE. So you mean to tell me that $225mil of that come east of the Mississippi? Check you facts before you spout off

the only idiots are moronic "company men" like you that drink the kool aid. You know for a fact that the bulk of sales come from Tovey, 4Spine, and SkySurg and Dan & co in the Penn backyard. how much of the business comes from them? where are they located? how many docs (and relatives of docs) do they have on the payroll? compare that to the midwest, northwest, northern cal. Globus is a joke in the industry--known for its arrogance and its sketchy business practices. so far youve named about 10 territories that do about $15 mil by your numbers.

last time I checked a quarter billion in sales is still a nice number to hang your hat on. Please, lets not pretend that every company ahead of Globus is sqeeky clean. We could go on forever with executives soon to be serving prison terms, DOJ investigations, off label promotion, recalls, hardware failures, etc. The biggest company in the industry wrote the book that everyone follows. They paradigm is shifting, the pie is being cut into dozens of pieces. I think that 5 years after Globus started that we are even having this conversation is remarkable.

To answer your question, Globus is a great company to work with. They were a pain in the ass to compete against. Danek reps bring in half the commision and therefore have to do twice the volume a Globus rep does. While they are busting their asses running trays and in the OR, Globus reps have the time to spend in surgeons' offices showing them some of the really unique technologies that are coming out of Globus. They have great people , great pipeline and amazing product development. I can tell you this perspective because I have worked for Danek for over 6 years and work for Globus now for over 2.

I am sure that somebody will bash me for typos or incorrect spelling or gramar, or that all my surgeons must be on the pay role, or that Globus blows and I drink the Kool Aide and of course their company MUST be better ( or at least that is what they are told at their sales meetings). I obviously can't stop anyone from saying what they want. I am just giving you my perspective and I feel I made the right choice moving over to Globus.

Good Luck with your decision.

last time I checked a quarter billion in sales is still a nice number to hang your hat on. Please, lets not pretend that every company ahead of Globus is sqeeky clean. We could go on forever with executives soon to be serving prison terms, DOJ investigations, off label promotion, recalls, hardware failures, etc. The biggest company in the industry wrote the book that everyone follows. They paradigm is shifting, the pie is being cut into dozens of pieces. I think that 5 years after Globus started that we are even having this conversation is remarkable.

To answer your question, Globus is a great company to work with. They were a pain in the ass to compete against. Danek reps bring in half the commision and therefore have to do twice the volume a Globus rep does. While they are busting their asses running trays and in the OR, Globus reps have the time to spend in surgeons' offices showing them some of the really unique technologies that are coming out of Globus. They have great people , great pipeline and amazing product development. I can tell you this perspective because I have worked for Danek for over 6 years and work for Globus now for over 2.

I am sure that somebody will bash me for typos or incorrect spelling or gramar, or that all my surgeons must be on the pay role, or that Globus blows and I drink the Kool Aide and of course their company MUST be better ( or at least that is what they are told at their sales meetings). I obviously can't stop anyone from saying what they want. I am just giving you my perspective and I feel I made the right choice moving over to Globus.

Good Luck with your decision.

LOL...what? did you run your thoughts by HR before you decieded to write this? tool

This is the one to watch... a full bag of tricks, great stuff focused on motion preservation and minimally invasive surgery. VERY engineering driven and expanding like crazy. Go Globus!

Do you know if there are any Spine opps in Chicago with Globus?

I've been called by two different head hunters for a position in Chicago for Globus. Don't recall the recruiters' companies, but I know one was out of NYC and the other somewhere in Ohio. Why don't I remember their names? Because the instant they said Globus, I said no thank you.
I'm not saying Globus is a bad company, I'm saying I wouldn't work for them in the Chicago market at all. There's 25 different spine companies being used in Chicago, and only MDT's S.D. is doing decent business. The rest is like small fish circling around the bigger fish and feeding off his leftovers. And, that S.D. fish ain't so big anymore.
Know what really kicks you in the teeth? The number of spine companies here in Chicago that Neuro and Ortho Spine doc's have vested interests in. Yes, dear friends, many of the spine docs I've worked with in the past are members of implant companies they have ownership in, and of course are only going to use them. Don't believe me? Check out Life Spine.

Does not sound like the above poster knows what he/she is talking about. Chicago market is a GREAT market to sell in! Oh sure, MDT is the only company making money??!!! HA! Do you realize how big Chi is??? Gimme a break! Tons of opps here...I have multiple friends working for various companies and all doing preety well...200k+
