Global Blood Therapeutics

I agree. I don’t see GBT making a year before it gets brought or have a major layoff. There is still no launch date. I have never heard of a pharma/biologic company with one drug in their pipeline hire an entire sale force with no approved product.

Your bonus is based on executing DSA calls?
Wow you guys don’t see the forest through the trees. Product will be approved soon. No layoffs. They don’t want to be bought either at least for now. Bonus is based on management by objective for first quarter at least. Stock will double or triple in a year watch. Can’t wait to start and make money. Hope to have a job for a few years and accumulate more and more stock. Then get bought out when I’m ready to retire!

Lol...I got multiple offers. Took the one with significantly more equity and an actual drug pipeline.
GBT is a one trick pony that will struggle once the competition hits the market. Better do your research. 800 RSUs at approximately $45/share is nothing. Hell, thats a bonus check! And once disease modifying competition hits, this drug will struggle. Just need to hope the company gets bought, in which case you still won't make much with only 800 shares.
800 times $45 is more than most yearly bonus targets at pharma companies now. You’re a joke.

800 times $45 is more than most yearly bonus targets at pharma companies now. You’re a joke.

Seriously? This comment tells a lot of the type of people being hired. Most start up biotechs are offering around 60k bonus at plan. However, if you are making less than 30k per quarter in a launch of a new product then you either cant sell or your company has put together a pathetic launch IC plan.

Here is what will happen at GBT...product will be approved. Stock will get a bump today. some money will come off the table and it will correct itself. It will get another bump about 2 months prior to approval. Nothing will happen to stock at approval as it will already be built in to the price. It will slowly drop over the course of a couple of years and eventually be irrelevant as disease modifying drugs get approved.
Do your homework.

EAP started in May...If approval is in February, thats 9 months of patients entering EAP. Thats a lot of patients that sales reps will not be paid on when they switch to commercial drug.

Seriously? This comment tells a lot of the type of people being hired. Most start up biotechs are offering around 60k bonus at plan. However, if you are making less than 30k per quarter in a launch of a new product then you either cant sell or your company has put together a pathetic launch IC plan.

Here is what will happen at GBT...product will be approved. Stock will get a bump today. some money will come off the table and it will correct itself. It will get another bump about 2 months prior to approval. Nothing will happen to stock at approval as it will already be built in to the price. It will slowly drop over the course of a couple of years and eventually be irrelevant as disease modifying drugs get approved.

Do your homework.

Someone is bitter. Stock soars over the next two years as sales climb and it is the first ever treatment for SCD. Btw, 800 by $55 is looking better now huh? Bonus is competitive at 44k. You are being obtuse.

EAP started in May...If approval is in February, thats 9 months of patients entering EAP. Thats a lot of patients that sales reps will not be paid on when they switch to commercial drug.
Still a line of patients waiting for rx. EAP will be only for select candidates. Plenty of sales to go around plus IC is MBO for now.

Someone is bitter. Stock soars over the next two years as sales climb and it is the first ever treatment for SCD. Btw, 800 by $55 is looking better now huh? Bonus is competitive at 44k. You are being obtuse.

Bonus is competitive at 44k? Competitive with what? Certainly not anything in the rare space.
And 800 RSUs is a joke for a start up. Stock won't soar with a one trick pony, especially with competition in the near future.
Again, do your homework on this one.

Bonus is competitive at 44k? Competitive with what? Certainly not anything in the rare space.
And 800 RSUs is a joke for a start up. Stock won't soar with a one trick pony, especially with competition in the near future.
Again, do your homework on this one.
Even most Onc companies are in the 35-45 bonus range today. Get serious.