Gilead wants to kill us & families having summer mgts

I hope Gilead pulls the trigger and requires all employees to be vaccinated or undergo weekly Covid testing like other pharma companies are now doing.
Me too - and then I hope they stand by President Biden’s promise made on May 13th that, once vaccinated, no one has to wear a mask ever again indoors or outdoors.

You can't go to the meeting unless you're vaccinated but yet it's fine to call on customers where patients are?? Help me understand that logic? I'll tell you... Gilead is just protecting it's own ass. If you can call on customers then we should be able to attend the meetings live.

You can't go to the meeting unless you're vaccinated but yet it's fine to call on customers where patients are?? Help me understand that logic? I'll tell you... Gilead is just protecting it's own ass. If you can call on customers then we should be able to attend the meetings live.
I agree with your point. I'm going to the meeting live however what I don't understand honestly is why people are demanding to attend meetings now? No one ever likes the meetings... the business travel, sleeping in hotels, and hotel food. Since when are people so excited about that? I'm going but I'm not looking forward to it. What's the difference now with all these people so determined to attend meetings? I think it's all about making a point. It gives them a chance to degrade other people and accuse them of not wanting to "leave their mommy's basement" per previous posts. At the same time they're the same people that easily lie and fake calls into Veeva all day. They're the angry, scummy reps that give the entire industry a shi**y name. Maybe it's because they were probably bullied as children and now it's their chance to turn the tables? Either way it makes me dread the meeting even more having to smile in their faces and listen to them talk about how it's all about the patients. Pathetic.

So many clowns on this thread. Again, meeting attendance was a choice. Live or virtual.
Your the clown

It was a choice but "encouraged" and if went virtual your outed as an anti-vaxer which is not the case for most that I know who last few days changed to virtual as all are fully vaccinated but the way Gilead had done this, it is singling out virtual people as anti vaxxers.
Doesnt matter as dozens of vax reps will get Delta at these meeting -- just given the #'s odds of current surge.

Lawsuits await if hospitalized or if labeled anti vaxxer when going virtual because Gilead created this environment when they could avoid it

Your the clown

It was a choice but "encouraged" and if went virtual your outed as an anti-vaxer which is not the case for most that I know who last few days changed to virtual as all are fully vaccinated but the way Gilead had done this, it is singling out virtual people as anti vaxxers.
Doesnt matter as dozens of vax reps will get Delta at these meeting -- just given the #'s odds of current surge.

Lawsuits await if hospitalized or if labeled anti vaxxer when going virtual because Gilead created this environment when they could avoid it
Easy decision, you don’t go to the meeting, you’re fired, join a class action lawsuit, win, retire. And by the way, get vaccinated.

Clowns. There will be no winnable law suits. Very few people chose not to go that are anti-vax. Most who opted not to go are taking care of family or scared of delta who are vaxxed. No penalty except to know they work amongst people with these loser attitudes and play the blame game. Company has been fair.

Your the clown

It was a choice but "encouraged" and if went virtual your outed as an anti-vaxer which is not the case for most that I know who last few days changed to virtual as all are fully vaccinated but the way Gilead had done this, it is singling out virtual people as anti vaxxers.
Doesnt matter as dozens of vax reps will get Delta at these meeting -- just given the #'s odds of current surge.

Lawsuits await if hospitalized or if labeled anti vaxxer when going virtual because Gilead created this environment when they could avoid it

Firstly, it is embarrassing to know we have colleagues who cannot pass grade school grammar and are unable to tell the difference between your and you’re. Even Speak Auto-Text is programmed to properly distinguish which form to use.
Secondly, you claim “dozens of vax reps will get Delta” at the MYMs. I would bet my salary not one Gilead employee will contract the Delta variant from the MYM. Prove me wrong. It is funny you want people to think you’re so afraid to get vaccinated and meet in person but you have no fears doing your day-to-day job calling on infectious disease doctors and hospitals and sitting next to sick patients. This is the biopharmaceutical industry. If you cannot meet the requirements necessary to do the job, find another career. Your job can be filled in a day by someone who is ready, willing and able to call on customers and go to meetings.

Clowns. There will be no winnable law suits. Very few people chose not to go that are anti-vax. Most who opted not to go are taking care of family or scared of delta who are vaxxed. No penalty except to know they work amongst people with these loser attitudes and play the blame game. Company has been fair.
I guarantee you by the time this is all over anti-vax or people who refuse to divulge their vaccine status will be a protected class under federal law and that means potentially wrongful termination for a number of people, you just watch.

I guarantee you by the time this is all over anti-vax or people who refuse to divulge their vaccine status will be a protected class under federal law and that means potentially wrongful termination for a number of people, you just watch.
Incorrect. You are an “at-will” employee. Gilead can legally terminate your employment if they don’t like you. They can legally terminate your employment if you smell funny. They can legally terminate your employment for anything other than race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, pregnancy, or genetic information. Anti-vax is not a protected category. Most territories have at least one account that requires proof of vaccination status. If you cannot meet the basic criteria to make f2f calls with customers there is no reason for you to have this job.

Firstly, it is embarrassing to know we have colleagues who cannot pass grade school grammar and are unable to tell the difference between your and you’re. Even Speak Auto-Text is programmed to properly distinguish which form to use.
Secondly, you claim “dozens of vax reps will get Delta” at the MYMs. I would bet my salary not one Gilead employee will contract the Delta variant from the MYM. Prove me wrong. It is funny you want people to think you’re so afraid to get vaccinated and meet in person but you have no fears doing your day-to-day job calling on infectious disease doctors and hospitals and sitting next to sick patients. This is the biopharmaceutical industry. If you cannot meet the requirements necessary to do the job, find another career. Your job can be filled in a day by someone who is ready, willing and able to call on customers and go to meetings.
Here's the thing... we were given an OPTION to attend or not. Do you know what OPTION means? It means a choice. If people decided not to attend live then so be it.

Secondly, what do you think you'll get out of this meeting exactly if you attend live vs virtually? I've never heard anyone ever state how much they wanted to go to meetings before this. It's always been one of those necessary evils we all do. The business travel, all day role-plays and hotel food. What are you thinking you're really going to gain you wouldn't if you were virtual? Seriously.

Here's the thing... we were given an OPTION to attend or not. Do you know what OPTION means? It means a choice. If people decided not to attend live then so be it.

Secondly, what do you think you'll get out of this meeting exactly if you attend live vs virtually? I've never heard anyone ever state how much they wanted to go to meetings before this. It's always been one of those necessary evils we all do. The business travel, all day role-plays and hotel food. What are you thinking you're really going to gain you wouldn't if you were virtual? Seriously.
I’m thinking enhanced job security by attending… just being honest.

You must be new. Good luck with that.
I’ve been at Gilead for almost 16 years and I agree with him about it being job security. It shows your dedication to your career. they all know those who chose the virtual option don’t really care about contracting delta because it’s not going to happen. We’re in hospitals and doctors offices around sick patients. A meeting has much less risk. They chose virtual because they don’t take their careers as seriously as those attending in person and guess what? No one really wants to be there. We would all rather be home with our families. But some are actually more dedicated to their careers than others. I hope those attending in person reap the benefits.

Just arrived at hotel.
WTH the airports were roaming with 90% no masked but 30% hacking & coughing & clearing throats.
On plane everyone has to wear masks but still lot of coughing.

At our hotel everyone is coughing & sneezing and nobody is wearing masks.
Talk about being thrown into a virus pool.
This is just nasty. Even hotel rooms AC smells

Gilead is not good doing this

Just arrived at hotel.
WTH the airports were roaming with 90% no masked but 30% hacking & coughing & clearing throats.
On plane everyone has to wear masks but still lot of coughing.

At our hotel everyone is coughing & sneezing and nobody is wearing masks.
Talk about being thrown into a virus pool.
This is just nasty. Even hotel rooms AC smells

Gilead is not good doing this
Honestly. Just put in your 2 weeks now. No one wants to hear you complain. Imagine people coughing but not having Covid. Not a single thing you experience in an airport or hotel is worse than sitting in the petri dish of plague that are hospitals and doctors offices. Your job can be filled in an hour by someone who will actually appreciate having it.