Gilead industry leading Pipeline

Dan O’Day and Joanna have definitely brought call metrics, email sent, program execution to Gilead. Don’t fool yourself.

Compensation, benefits, car are top notch tho.

Definitely a culture of fear, money, and competition. Pressure to perform will be extreme - non-hackers will be fired after a few bad quarters.

Dan O’Day and Joanna have definitely brought call metrics, email sent, program execution to Gilead. Don’t fool yourself.

Compensation, benefits, car are top notch tho.

Definitely a culture of fear, money, and competition. Pressure to perform will be extreme - non-hackers will be fired after a few bad quarters.
Thats why Gilead only hires high performers who deliver year in and year out.
The main reason they are the industry best with Total Comp & Benefits..... they are not giving the best in industry packages to slackers or 10-2 reps. I love Gilead.

One highest paying companies and best pipeline, what else do you want? A Cadillac or Lincoln co car? Oh well.they have that also!
Best of both worlds but good luck getting hired.
They want min 10yrs SPECIALTY sales exp & Top 25% 5 of last 10yrs Documented.
And there better be an opening because Gilead employees dont leave until they retire millionaires getting RSU Stock every yr....

Best of both worlds but good luck getting hired.
They want min 10yrs SPECIALTY sales exp & Top 25% 5 of last 10yrs Documented.
And there better be an opening because Gilead employees dont leave until they retire millionaires getting RSU Stock every yr....
No Biotechs hire Primary Care reps.
And rarely a few Specialty reps from Big Pharma.
They want alot of Specialty experience & top performance throughout entire career.
Basically need to be a HOF quality rep to be consider

No Biotechs hire Primary Care reps.
And rarely a few Specialty reps from Big Pharma.
They want alot of Specialty experience & top performance throughout entire career.
Basically need to be a HOF quality rep to be consider
True. It is an rare elite bunch.
But once you are able to crack Bioech & the big bucks & big Stock grants, then nobody goes back to pharma, especially Big Pharma ran by Legal & Marketing -- you are just a robot w an employee number at places like Pfizer.

True. It is an rare elite bunch.
But once you are able to crack Bioech & the big bucks & big Stock grants, then nobody goes back to pharma, especially Big Pharma ran by Legal & Marketing -- you are just a robot w an employee number at places like Pfizer.
You'd be surprised at how many return to Big Pharma. Biotech doesn't always pan out - BP is a sure deal if there is such a thing.

Newly hired reps last month being trained to launch covid 19 anti viral Remdesavir
Yep... and out of the 147 Xeljanz reps who posted online across nation, not 1 was hired!
DMs were all worried for nothing. My DM every weekly call brought up the Gilead hiring like all 10 reps on the team had offers or something. LoL
Not going to lie, I did apply online along w 7 reps in my District & I had 3 interviews but was notified they selected a person with stronger Rheumatology 15 yr experience & relationships. They encouraged me to apply for the separate GI salesforce in 2021.
(I made it further than the other 7 on my team some of whom did not go beyond the 1st HR interview)
Just funny how Xeljanz DMs and HQ were all worried about loosing reps.
One thing that I learned going through the process, Rheumatology does not think very highly of Pfizer.