Gilead’s Sandrine Piret-Gérard Needs to Go

This entire thread is completely ridiculous. The woke combo legit mimics what’s going on with our fake culture. We are so rich, fat and happy we make work streams up and blow up the good will side to run around recruiting at colleges, spend budgets other companies have as a whole just on inclusive models. What a joke. The talent pool here is so diluted and all the greats are complacent on their beds of 6-7 figure RSU’s. Good luck all you miserable clowns.
Legit mimics? You’re a moron.

You are trying to get low IQ idiots to actually strain their very few brain cells, dear.

Sadly, you’re so very correct! The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic (Trump and MTG cultists, et al) who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of their beliefs and illusions. I definitely know better than to debate with idiots. Thanks for the reminder that we are living in an age of malice and stupidity.

Sadly, you’re so very correct! The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic (Trump and MTG cultists, et al) who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of their beliefs and illusions. I definitely know better than to debate with idiots. Thanks for the reminder that we are living in an age of malice and stupidity.

brah, why do you and your kind always bring up trump like an ex you can’t get over? Sure he is a clown but so are the extremists who oppose and get emotionally hijacked be mentioning his name or bringing it up as some sort of retort in any conversation. Get back to tanking our stock will ya?!

brah, why do you and your kind always bring up trump like an ex you can’t get over? Sure he is a clown but so are the extremists who oppose and get emotionally hijacked be mentioning his name or bringing it up as some sort of retort in any conversation. Get back to tanking our stock will ya?!
That would be oncology.

If you are so unhappy here, you should consider going where you will find more common ground similar conspiracy creatures. Pfizer comes to mind.

pfizer?! Newsflash dumbo - we ARE Pfizer. We just put our woke foot forward instead of financials. We literally have become the most tactical bit pharma company on the planet. Dig in deeper and you will see all the feel good stuff we do like college tours, grants and all is helpful sure but just a feel good story. End of the day we aren’t an hiv company or small biotech. We are a pharma juggernaut being driven by the bottom line. Nothing less. Nothing more. I love it and will sleep on my box ticking and rsu building.

Pete the Asperger’s syndrome asshole VP and his minion Harry Durr need to go in Hep B. Look at the turnover rate and the fact that the numbers regarding region managers leave to go to the marketing group speaks volumes because they don’t want to deal with these to shit heads. The region managers left especially Tom Abalos are completely worthless and are phoning it in while doing monthly 3 day ride along where they are only slowing down their reps and fostering the lack of leadership from the top of this division down to the reps. Little to no growth, take a closer look at who you have in these roles do so called leadership. Attitude of the sales reps are reflective of the leadership in place. Sandrine, who the hell knows her really as the same as her predecessors, she is just another speed bump that slows down the people who do the work day in and day out. Clean house

Sandrine, brought in from Novartis has been a complete disaster. She fosters a toxic work environment with her “Big Pharma” mindset running around the country making reps post photos and videos with her. I can only imagine the cringe on their faces. Dan has hired a bunch of women who when, not if they get their buttons pushed and it happens often, go into a whirlwind and you get sucked up into it. Gilead has become one Giant Woke Pharma company. Toxic is the new logo.

Pete the Asperger’s syndrome asshole VP and his minion Harry Durr need to go in Hep B. Look at the turnover rate and the fact that the numbers regarding region managers leave to go to the marketing group speaks volumes because they don’t want to deal with these to shit heads. The region managers left especially Tom Abalos are completely worthless and are phoning it in while doing monthly 3 day ride along where they are only slowing down their reps and fostering the lack of leadership from the top of this division down to the reps. Little to no growth, take a closer look at who you have in these roles do so called leadership. Attitude of the sales reps are reflective of the leadership in place. Sandrine, who the hell knows her really as the same as her predecessors, she is just another speed bump that slows down the people who do the work day in and day out. Clean house

Pete the Asperger’s syndrome asshole VP and his minion Harry Durr need to go in Hep B. Look at the turnover rate and the fact that the numbers regarding region managers leave to go to the marketing group speaks volumes because they don’t want to deal with these to shit heads. The region managers left especially Tom Abalos are completely worthless and are phoning it in while doing monthly 3 day ride along where they are only slowing down their reps and fostering the lack of leadership from the top of this division down to the reps. Little to no growth, take a closer look at who you have in these roles do so called leadership. Attitude of the sales reps are reflective of the leadership in place. Sandrine, who the hell knows her really as the same as her predecessors, she is just another speed bump that slows down the people who do the work day in and day out. Clean house

Weird flex. Harry and Tom are 2 of the best at the are either trying to move up the ladder by tossing people under the bus or have been passed over for LDP multiple times. Get real. HBV is a slowly sinking submarine. It's not even a ship.

“WOKE For Dummies”:

1. You read books and don't burn them.
2. You embrace science.
3. You are willing to change your mind when new information becomes available.
4. You understand that most issues are not black and white (but too many issues are).
5. You believe in true equality for ALL people.
6. You like to share.
7. You embrace cooperation.
8. You respect others' rights.
9. You believe culture and the arts have value.
10. You care for the planet and all of its life.

Exactly what LOGICAL issues do you have with being “woke” if you’re not a racist homophobe?

“WOKE For Dummies”:

1. You read books and don't burn them.
2. You embrace science.
3. You are willing to change your mind when new information becomes available.
4. You understand that most issues are not black and white (but too many issues are).
5. You believe in true equality for ALL people.
6. You like to share.
7. You embrace cooperation.
8. You respect others' rights.
9. You believe culture and the arts have value.
10. You care for the planet and all of its life.

Exactly what LOGICAL issues do you have with being “woke” if you’re not a racist homophobe?