Geoff needs to go

At least he has a better PR team than Abbott’s. Abbott is a disaster and their executives can’t even lie properly in front of Congress. So you got to admit, Geoff’s got that going for him compared to the others. All these companies get too big and they need to be broken up. They’re destroying competition and taking America down with them.

Good point. Medtronic like the other big companies have taken on way more than they can handle and it shows. Leaves less opportunities and lower comps for employees too. Sucks for patients the most.

Good point. Medtronic like the other big companies have taken on way more than they can handle and it shows. Leaves less opportunities and lower comps for employees too. Sucks for patients the most.

Way too many mergers and acquisitions have destroyed the job market and competition! The consolidations have left too little options for both patients and employees. Everyone is getting burned except the C-Suite.

Maybe Geoff needs to work on his competitive mindset. He is getting his but kicked by his peer group of CEOs

nah, this is what happens in consolidated markets and mergers. There’s 2-4 companies that control everything and they all start putting out shit products. Geoff is actually a good guy compared to to his peer group of CEOs.

Way too many mergers and acquisitions have destroyed the job market and competition! The consolidations have left too little options for both patients and employees. Everyone is getting burned except the C-Suite.

How about just cleaning out the training department and starting over too - especially PF?

The point still is that Geoff is unqualified to be CEO of this company and it is apparent in his performance as measured by our stock price. Can anyone possibly disagree with that?

Look at the stock of all the big companies. They’re all in the dumps. Part of its the market and part of its unqualified individuals running all these companies that are too big and need to be broken up.

Look at the stock of all the big companies. They’re all in the dumps. Part of its the market and part of its unqualified individuals running all these companies that are too big and need to be broken up.

Great point. When you compare actual % share decline, he’s not doing as bad as some of the others.

What world do you live in? Medtronic stock price has underperformed JNJ, ABT and BSX by 40% over the last 2 years since Geoff took over.
But he is WOKE, who cares about making money, he is taking care of the LBGQT ABC ( whatever the hell they call themselves). It is up to the employees to make money! Reduced bonuses, no increases, layoffs, squeezing the suppliers.,,, “Come On Man”. Get with the program! Geoff is WOKE!