So kind of like despite your ignorance, management perceives you to work and be effective. Open your eyes, this is not like selling an antibiotic or a statin. Look, I'm not trying to make it sound like you have to be someone special to sell this dog, you just have to be intelligent in how to sell it. Pfizer doesn't believe in that logic anymore. Pfizer doesn't believe in the sales force anymore. Pfizer regards all in sales as a liability. Thanks for bringing us the baggage Warner Lambert (neurontin). Thanks for the additional baggage Pharmacia (celebrex/bextra). Thanks for opening up Pandora's Box Dr. McKinnel (OIG, Kindler, Sales Force's protracted death)

ummmmm....yeah....... you can thank Warner Lamber for neurontin, that is valid but are you framiliar with a little drug called lipitor that you also got from warner lambert? Moron.

Well skippy, generally all drugs that reach $1B in sales are referred to as "blockbusters". Doesn't mean they're #1 in their product class, it just means they're bringing in a boatload of money. The strategy that the company is trying to advance is to have a broad base of billion-dollar drugs, rather than a few multi-billion-dollar compounds. Sounds good on paper but making it happen is proving to be tough with the unheard of scrutiny that the FDA is now applying to all NDAs. And trust me, we'll be happy to get any new products to $1B a year with the advent of ObamaKare and the subequent imposition of "clinical effectiveness review boards" (just look at what NICE has done to new meds/devices in the UK).

As for actually selling Geodon, it can be done. I won VPC the year I launched it as a CNS rep, and again when we launched the IM. If you can sell, you can sell. If you can't, you make excuses.

Pfizer needs more reps like this with "can-do" attitudes and a lot less of the whiney little bitches who've made most of the posts in this thread. Quit crying like goddamn babies and go out and sell what's in the friggin' bag. If you losers worked for me you'd be on a PIP and headed out the door, and I don't give a rat's ass if it's a recession or the job market is lousy. All the more reason for you to be busting your ass and selling like a MF right NOW! Don't wait for someone else to come hold your hand or give you the "miracle study" or new indication that's going to fix your problems, go out and SELL!

Give me a district or region full of the reps like the quoted poster above and I'll turn things around. Give me a whole field force of them and I'll double the stock price. Instead we've got a bunch of candy-ass losers and slackers who couldn't sell water in the desert. Pathetic! I wish I was there to give each and every one of you a swift kick in the rear every morning. Either shape up or ship out, people. You would think that 3 rounds of layoffs would have fixed this problem, but I guess all the EEOC and affirmative action crap nullifies any actual performance-based criterion for thinning the herd...

When you losers wonder what killed this industry, take a good long look in the mirror!

To general Patton in # 43- yes troops will respond to pep talks, but I doubt Patton ever gave one before going into war and then told troops to leave all their guns in the room before going to battle

thats not funny. for the people who really benefit from this med it will be great when the patent expires. it is a very expensive drug- especially for those without insurance. wish it would happen sooner. apparently you dont need it and did a really poor jab at trying to make fun of those who do.

Amen to that. Geodon keeps my son from seeing things that would have most of us locking ourselves in our room. Ever see a movie where someones face is melting off, eyes bugging out?
That is what my son sees other faces do and his own when he looks in the mirror. With the
Geodon he does not. Not funny in the least. But all you people care about is the money isn't it?
You are all disgusting human beings.

The plan is to give you a new clinical after you have learned to read, dumb ass.

10% and bringing in a billion in much needed revenue. At least this dog was an in-house product. It sells itself, just ask the 10 different marketing teams that have been replaced over the past 8 years. Biggest joke was when we were aligned with Primary Care Manager's and RM's who thought simple messaging was all it took to sell. Talk about a giant step backward. Those were great do-nothing POA's! The people supporting that forward thinking were promoted - and the people against were "let go". Keep believing your own BS upper management, this game and your livelihood as well as ours will be extinct in 5 years. There are only so many times you idiots can reinvent the wheel as others at the management table watch on and shake there heads in agreement. Also, as a side note, when will you idiots in NY give us a new clinical for Geodon? Maybe you figured out it's not really going to change market share at this time in it's lifecycle, it should have been done 4 years ago. Love that Stahl paper! Mindless Idiots!

Amen to that. Geodon keeps my son from seeing things that would have most of us locking ourselves in our room. Ever see a movie where someones face is melting off, eyes bugging out?
That is what my son sees other faces do and his own when he looks in the mirror. With the
Geodon he does not. Not funny in the least. But all you people care about is the money isn't it?
You are all disgusting human beings.

Sorry about your son. Truly.

I came on here to find out when Geodon comes off patent protection.

I pay a lot for it because I have schizophrenia. I have to take it every day so that I don't start hearing terrible command voices and seeing terrible things, and getting terrible paranoid delusions. This med is very important to me because I don't gain weight with it like I did with Zyprexa.

I just finished reading about all you sick people too. You are all sick with greed.

You are all sicker than I am.

Captain Jimmy Stevenson, Airborne Ranger
Sufferer of schizophrenia

I came on here to find out when Geodon comes off patent protection.

I pay a lot for it because I have schizophrenia. I have to take it every day so that I don't start hearing terrible command voices and seeing terrible things, and getting terrible paranoid delusions. This med is very important to me because I don't gain weight with it like I did with Zyprexa.

I just finished reading about all you sick people too. You are all sick with greed.

You are all sicker than I am.

Captain Jimmy Stevenson, Airborne Ranger
Sufferer of schizophrenia

What ever happened to:
I wanna be a recon ranger, I wanna live a life of danger?

Get off the meds. You ain't in the Air Force, Cap'n Crunch!

Those voices is your drill sergeant tellin' you to get get up off your ass.

i just came across this site and read a lot of the comments on here about the original post and i have to say it's about time the Geodon patent ran out.

i'd just like to say I've taken your "dog" Geodon for the past 5 years straight and paid a lot per month for it as well (and in more than money by the way). considering I pay about 8,000 dollars a year for Geodon, and I'm just one person, and guessing that there's been more than a few of us "consumers" who've used your drug over the last, what's the patent term length been? 10? 15 years? , I'd say you people at Pfizer and Pfizer stock holders have surely made a BUNCH of money off people like me who take this "AP". now how Pfizer aloquates its resources is not my problem. whatever systemic disturbances you are feeling "may" have to do with your gluttony. May. Point to consider.

last point. are you people that are commenting sales people? pharm reps? whoever you are, an idea would be to ask, no no, demand the corporations you work for like Pfizer to produce a next line of betttttteeeerrrrrr drugs to take the place of current generations like Geodon when their patents run out. Then you could keep profits high and patients healthy. Everybody wins. That's how capitalism is suppose to work right?? Supply and Demand and all that jazz.

And by the way, the people who pay you are NOT Pfizer stock holders. The people who pay your wages are those who by the drugs like Geodon. It'd just be nice if the people who are pushing drugs like Geodon and the like on to Psych Docs would have their consumer's, the Patient's, best interest at heart not whether annual revenue drops by a hair.

Really people, how much money is enough?

Do you think Geodon will get and extension?

No way. Geodon already received one extension for 5 years which takes it to March 2012. Approval for use in children and teens was recommended for approval by the advisory panel, but the FDA shot it down. Pfizer actually self reported a problem with the clinical study, and the FDA found a little more dirt, and then made Pfizer look bad in the process. They should've kept their mouth shut, it ended up being 20 kids who were taking to high of a dose, Pfizer re-trained the study investigators, but they kept screwing up.

Geodon original patent awarded in 1989.
First year on the market was 2001.

And the public wonders why their meds are so high.

My 19 yr old daughter started on this 2.5yrs ago and was previously on RISPERDAL which caused her to want to eat all the time. She has responded so well to this drug and though with her mental illness challenges, she has learning disabilities since she was baby. This drug has really improved life for her and I believe one day she will live a pretty independant and very happy life. This drug however is ungodly expensive and I thank heavens that we have TRICARE/military insurance that covers this. I began to worry though because in a few years we will not be able to cover her - no not even with Obama care...not TRICARE. I am so glad to see that this will go generic and prices should drop considerably. This drug worked SO MUCH better than RISPERDAL.

Im looking to try seroquil but im a little scared of the palpitations
Ive takin geodon since 1998 and now im getting into some problems again
Hearing whispers thank God that its no Screaming like it was but i dont feel
Like taking this anymore i want to try seroquel can someone tell me how my heart
Will be affected ? I have no heart disease yet! ! Im worried Also my heart beats hard
On geodon when i hear voices at night You see i had sex w a doctor once
He told me i delusioned it and i didnt then i began to believe what he said in 1981
And thats when the voices started after that horrible situation i was in afterwards
Now when i look back you know im married now 27 yrs to a fine husband but
Becauz of what i did and what he accused me of i suffer these whispers hearing the same
Stuff he told me 27 yrs ago i tried therapy they wont go away
My mothernlaw paid a psych doc thousands for three yrs
Nothin stays helping the geodon just quit working for me
I figure i came along way though i couldnt even wipe myself after using the bathroom
Now im living w my husband but he shouldnt have to help me too?

I read your post thats great! I also take risperdal i have to take that
Or i would shake from anxiety im fine on it my doctor took me off two mgs of it
But i tried going off everything and whew. It ant easy i get to where no where i mean i dont
Live i just get preoccupied with the wall but as long as i take my meds they say im ok