
You will be lucky to make above $130K. I work for the company now and TM is my boss and I will be leaving as soon as I find another opportunity. TM is the worst manager followed by GR. They both have their heads up each others ass.

Always remember they are quoting you an average. Not a median. Sure the average is pretty close to 212, but you have 10-15 reps making 250+ it pulls that number up. That in itself pulls that average up a large part, esp when you have then handful of NJ guys that are making vast amounts of commission.

If you took the median (meaning the middle earning in the company) I would say it is closer to 150-175.

The commission is based off of reimbursement. Reimbursement has gradually gone down year after year. So while you might grow year over year doesn't always translate to a pay raise. With that being said you should be making 100k easily, and above average reps should be somewhere around 150.

The nice thing is that its uncapped, that you can sell whatever products we have and new products are continually coming out. Its a good company, but I will say not all territories are viable. A large portion is based off of private practice (dwindling) and how well you can niche your products for the hospital owned accounts. Some of the newer products are good for either, but the volume is lower.

All and all its a good gig, you can make good money but it doesn't come without its risks. 212 is a little high imo, but there are far worse jobs out there.

To the O.P.

The comp being quoted to you is completely false. No new reps (not one) are making anything over $125k, in any of this companies divisions. Only senior reps, who are not about to share key accounts with you, make more than this amount. This is simple econ 101.

Someone can't sell. I'm in a very small market, doing well with gross rev in a territory that is high medicaid/Medicare (poor reimbursement). I'm making around 160ish. Yes it does take time to get a good amount of rev going but if you can't break 125 there is a major issue with your selling ability.

To the O.P.

The comp being quoted to you is completely false. No new reps (not one) are making anything over $125k, in any of this companies divisions. Only senior reps, who are not about to share key accounts with you, make more than this amount. This is simple econ 101.

I'm confused about if you know anything about this company. Account sharing is far and few between. You see it some in the DC market and the NY, NJ markets but other than that it is non existent. Personally, I think you're someone commenting on something you know nothing about, a bitter rep that has left or an upset rep that isn't having current success with the company.

MAybe you are just mediocre? I'm hearing 150.

$150k the average? Hahaha you wish... not if you're working in any other region of the US other than near the Northeast region. I see $100k-$135k as the average range. This company collects less than 30% of what they bill, and from what I remember, they pay 6% commission for a full year on a new account and 3% commission thereafter on what is COLLECTED. Let's average it and say 4.5% commission since you'll have some new accounts and some old ones.

An average territory outside of the Northeast region bills out roughly $300k-$500k, in which only $150k is collected on the high end of $500k. 4.5% commission is $6,750/month along with a base salary of $55k that pays $4500 per month, for a total of $11250*12 months = $135,000/year.

$150k the average? Hahaha you wish... not if you're working in any other region of the US other than near the Northeast region. I see $100k-$135k as the average range. This company collects less than 30% of what they bill, and from what I remember, they pay 6% commission for a full year on a new account and 3% commission thereafter on what is COLLECTED. Let's average it and say 4.5% commission since you'll have some new accounts and some old ones.

An average territory outside of the Northeast region bills out roughly $300k-$500k, in which only $150k is collected on the high end of $500k. 4.5% commission is $6,750/month along with a base salary of $55k that pays $4500 per month, for a total of $11250*12 months = $135,000/year.

And on top of being a bone marrow chaser, you have to work for the worst managers I have ever worked for, Chuck Todd and Don Fowler.

$150k the average? Hahaha you wish... not if you're working in any other region of the US other than near the Northeast region. I see $100k-$135k as the average range. This company collects less than 30% of what they bill, and from what I remember, they pay 6% commission for a full year on a new account and 3% commission thereafter on what is COLLECTED. Let's average it and say 4.5% commission since you'll have some new accounts and some old ones.

An average territory outside of the Northeast region bills out roughly $300k-$500k, in which only $150k is collected on the high end of $500k. 4.5% commission is $6,750/month along with a base salary of $55k that pays $4500 per month, for a total of $11250*12 months = $135,000/year.

An average territory outside of the Northeast region bills out roughly $300k-$500k per month*

Look, management is not honest about reimbursement collection rates when going through the interview process. They come off as this is the "golden" opportunity for a "Hunter". The problem is anyone who started early with this sales force did and does make decent money but many have taken huge hits and left because of that, NOT because of bad performance as upper management would make it sound like. Have seen too many people leave good jobs because of false information given and then end up having to leave because they cant afford to stay. I would encourage anyone interviewing to seek out current reps and speak to them, as well as previous reps that worked the area, so you can have a balanced idea if this company is right for you. When you talk to current reps, factor in when they started and location of territory because it makes a huge difference.

I agree. During the interview, I was lead to believe that they collected almost 100% of what they billed. It wasn't until I was hired and driving around with a seasoned rep that I was informed about the 30% collection rate. At that point, one week into the job, I knew I made a bad decision and I knew I would put a year in and chalk this up as a bad career decision.

Don't make the same bad decision as I did. Management at this company is scum. I know people throw that around loosely on Cafepharma, but honestly, the management is scum.

I interviewed with this company and they made the collection rate pretty clear. They also made clear that I would be paid on collected dollars, and that my commission was uncapped. If this guy is already disgruntled he clearly is not willing to put in the effort to build a territory. He should go back to pharma now. He'll never be successful here with a "work 10:00 - 2:00" pharma mentality.

I interviewed with this company and they made the collection rate pretty clear. They also made clear that I would be paid on collected dollars, and that my commission was uncapped. If this guy is already disgruntled he clearly is not willing to put in the effort to build a territory. He should go back to pharma now. He'll never be successful here with a "work 10:00 - 2:00" pharma mentality.

Hahaha always a guy that will come back and say 'it's not the company, it's you.' Listen, based on my time there, most territories were maxed at the $500k billed/per month mark. I'm sure everyone was putting in a full day. All I'm saying is that you can make a lot more money elsewhere in medical sales and work for a company with a much better sales culture. If you like selling lab testing, great. There are still much better company's to do it with.

Hahaha always a guy that will come back and say 'it's not the company, it's you.' Listen, based on my time there, most territories were maxed at the $500k billed/per month mark. I'm sure everyone was putting in a full day. All I'm saying is that you can make a lot more money elsewhere in medical sales and work for a company with a much better sales culture. If you like selling lab testing, great. There are still much better company's to do it with.

$150k the average? Hahaha you wish... not if you're working in any other region of the US other than near the Northeast region. I see $100k-$135k as the average range. This company collects less than 30% of what they bill, and from what I remember, they pay 6% commission for a full year on a new account and 3% commission thereafter on what is COLLECTED. Let's average it and say 4.5% commission since you'll have some new accounts and some old ones.

An average territory outside of the Northeast region bills out roughly $300k-$500k, in which only $150k is collected on the high end of $500k. 4.5% commission is $6,750/month along with a base salary of $55k that pays $4500 per month, for a total of $11250*12 months = $135,000/year.