Genentech perception in the Industry


Gene used to be the place to work! I still think it has a lot of potential in people and maybe some products. I get that we don’t have Blockbuster products per se.

I have heard colleagues speak badly about our company and same with recruiters who have said having Gene on your resume is a negative especially if you were there 10+ yrs. Starting a dialogue….


DNA use to be THE company where high-quality people were hired. Most of the trolls throwing shade now would have never made the cut and are just jealous. Too bad such a fabulous company has gone up in flames. Not sure if ever recoverable but glad I had 15 years when it was on top. The best.

I was there 18 years and I agree. I have never seen a great company implode like this. Sad but, I am also glad I was there during some good times. I do not recognize the place anymore.

Oh great the disgruntled laid off guy is back telling all of us that Genentech isn’t respected anymore. Dude get a life and try out some new material. This shtick is getting old and no one believes you. Companies hire individuals, not Company XYZ former employees. Sorry no one is hiring you, but it won’t get better coming back here and being a dick.

Oh great the disgruntled laid off guy is back telling all of us that Genentech isn’t respected anymore. Dude get a life and try out some new material. This shtick is getting old and no one believes you. Companies hire individuals, not Company XYZ former employees. Sorry no one is hiring you, but it won’t get better coming back here and being a dick.
You are funny. Left during BOLD and have had 2 offers to come back. Said no both times. Mediocrity is all you will ever be at Genentech now. Genentech is caught up in looks not actually doing what is right for patients. Oh yea, remember them!

Got the mindset shuffle. Took the cash and landed softly. While the choice wasn’t mine, it wound up being a very good thing. My problem was that I thought that smarter heads would prevail and we’d get back to doing things the right way. I was very wrong.

Oh great the disgruntled laid off guy is back telling all of us that Genentech isn’t respected anymore. Dude get a life and try out some new material. This shtick is getting old and no one believes you. Companies hire individuals, not Company XYZ former employees. Sorry no one is hiring you, but it won’t get better coming back here and being a dick.

As someone here for over 22 years…. the culture of DNA is unrecognizable. Herb and Art broken hearted by this deplorable mess of wokeness. :(

Woke is right! An now they are mandating the vaccine or you will be terminated. I'm all for vaccines, but this should be a personal choice. I'm not bending the knee to any organization. Time to find a new job!

I love seeing Gene imploding. I had to move to this liberal organization when Roche bought Genentech. I have never seen so many arrogant asswipes in one place. You guys have products that need no sales people. Any product that has competition gets destroyed because Gene legacy folks don’t know how to sell. Gene is a marketing company, not a sales company. Oncology and Lytics are the top of the heap when it comes to pure arrogance. Maybe they’ve finally realized that they don’t need 10 different oncology sales forces who each make 2-3 calls/year as they shuffle their yearly lunches at the offices.
Maybe you’ll get the ACLU to lease some office space there. They’ll be right home.

Smoke free…. Ganja for sure! Ha ha!

Shocked when I joined DNA that there wasn’t even drug test required. Flip-flops and and shorts occasionally in SSF, we used to be the real original Cali biotech.

Now days, just a bunch of lazy, stuck-up, has beens, or newbie’s who who want to say they worked at Genentech. Either way, everyone is trying to win the latest “virtue signaling contest”.

Few originals left, new ecosystems are the wave of the future as customers could care less about reps. Anyone smart has or is bailing to Seagen or the like.

DNA use to be THE company where high-quality people were hired. Most of the trolls throwing shade now would have never made the cut and are just jealous. Too bad such a fabulous company has gone up in flames. Not sure if ever recoverable but glad I had 15 years when it was on top. The best.

Genetech reps had the easiest job in the or only drug in each class they were in. They never had to sell...just show up from time to time. The drugs sold themselves...the reps and marketing were just window dressing.

Genetech reps had the easiest job in the or only drug in each class they were in. They never had to sell...just show up from time to time. The drugs sold themselves...the reps and marketing were just window dressing.
True for oncology but try launching and selling GNE drugs like Xolair and Rituxan in immunology. Not an easy task and took very strong reps to get the job done.