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Gen Meds KAMs are Worthless

First off I am a real PC KAM, I like most of the reps I work with but here we go:

1-All of your bluster about KAMS and USMM show your lack of knowledge of the position and you should shut up right now as your ignorance is showing. KAMS have zero let me repeat for you slow Gen Meds folks zero overlap with the USMM KAMS or team, 100% different reporting structure. So your main point is false now go back to your hole.
2- I have been with most reps and they have about 1/10th the clinical knowledge or skill of the average KAM, when I am with the reps they never add anything to the conversation.
3- Reps can not do an in-service or at least are not supposed to so if your KAM is making you do them they are lazy, incompetent or both, or maybe they value you and think you can help and do a good job as it helps both of you.
4- Zero accountability, ummm we have the same IC plan as the ABL and RBL's so again false, we are tracked by sales numbers the same as you. We weren't supposed to be but oh well. And we do have to enter calls and oh yeah make a 5 page account plan for each account that we have, plus a business plan. So a lot of paper work, tough to make up 30+ lies and write 5 pages of them.
5- Everyone is an expert but funny I certified a lot of you and some were so bad I cant believe they get paid to sell, my god you sell this product from 10-2 Tuesday through Thursday you think you could put a few coherent statements together but alas a small percentage actually did ok the rest should practice "you want fries with that"?
6- KAMS also deal with pharmacies, consultants, conferences, and your KOL's when they actually need real information just not a vomited sales aid. I love how when I am along the doctor always looks at me and does not even look or ask the rep anything. I am good looking and all but not that good looking its embarrassing.
7- I love how when you call and I don't drop everything and run out to take it I am lazy and not working but I always hear your kids in the background when you are in a "doctors office".
8- I do have great access to my accounts but some of my reps are good and can help me get in new accounts or difficult ones. That is called teamwork, and guess what a nursing home rx counts just as much as a retail one...wow holy cow what a crazy thought.
9- LTC has been growing faster than retail the last 4+ years, guess that is due to all the inservices your KAM dumps on you.
10- Most KAMs have been ABL's, DM's, BRM's etc and are very tenured, this does not mean they are better than you, oh wait yes it does. Most have worked their tails off to become a manager so don't be a hater.
11- These are just a few things that show your silliness, but to be fair there are BAD lazy KAMs just as there are bad lazy people in all positions. We just get paid a ridiculous amount more, and get better cars, stock, and bonus but who is keeping score anyway.

First off I am a real PC KAM, I like most of the reps I work with but here we go:

1-All of your bluster about KAMS and USMM show your lack of knowledge of the position and you should shut up right now as your ignorance is showing. KAMS have zero let me repeat for you slow Gen Meds folks zero overlap with the USMM KAMS or team, 100% different reporting structure. So your main point is false now go back to your hole.
2- I have been with most reps and they have about 1/10th the clinical knowledge or skill of the average KAM, when I am with the reps they never add anything to the conversation.
3- Reps can not do an in-service or at least are not supposed to so if your KAM is making you do them they are lazy, incompetent or both, or maybe they value you and think you can help and do a good job as it helps both of you.
4- Zero accountability, ummm we have the same IC plan as the ABL and RBL's so again false, we are tracked by sales numbers the same as you. We weren't supposed to be but oh well. And we do have to enter calls and oh yeah make a 5 page account plan for each account that we have, plus a business plan. So a lot of paper work, tough to make up 30+ lies and write 5 pages of them.
5- Everyone is an expert but funny I certified a lot of you and some were so bad I cant believe they get paid to sell, my god you sell this product from 10-2 Tuesday through Thursday you think you could put a few coherent statements together but alas a small percentage actually did ok the rest should practice "you want fries with that"?
6- KAMS also deal with pharmacies, consultants, conferences, and your KOL's when they actually need real information just not a vomited sales aid. I love how when I am along the doctor always looks at me and does not even look or ask the rep anything. I am good looking and all but not that good looking its embarrassing.
7- I love how when you call and I don't drop everything and run out to take it I am lazy and not working but I always hear your kids in the background when you are in a "doctors office".
8- I do have great access to my accounts but some of my reps are good and can help me get in new accounts or difficult ones. That is called teamwork, and guess what a nursing home rx counts just as much as a retail one...wow holy cow what a crazy thought.
9- LTC has been growing faster than retail the last 4+ years, guess that is due to all the inservices your KAM dumps on you.
10- Most KAMs have been ABL's, DM's, BRM's etc and are very tenured, this does not mean they are better than you, oh wait yes it does. Most have worked their tails off to become a manager so don't be a hater.
11- These are just a few things that show your silliness, but to be fair there are BAD lazy KAMs just as there are bad lazy people in all positions. We just get paid a ridiculous amount more, and get better cars, stock, and bonus but who is keeping score anyway.

Said it best, good post KAMs rule Gen Meds drool.

First off I am a real PC KAM, I like most of the reps I work with but here we go:

1-All of your bluster about KAMS and USMM show your lack of knowledge of the position and you should shut up right now as your ignorance is showing. KAMS have zero let me repeat for you slow Gen Meds folks zero overlap with the USMM KAMS or team, 100% different reporting structure. So your main point is false now go back to your hole.
2- I have been with most reps and they have about 1/10th the clinical knowledge or skill of the average KAM, when I am with the reps they never add anything to the conversation.
3- Reps can not do an in-service or at least are not supposed to so if your KAM is making you do them they are lazy, incompetent or both, or maybe they value you and think you can help and do a good job as it helps both of you.
4- Zero accountability, ummm we have the same IC plan as the ABL and RBL's so again false, we are tracked by sales numbers the same as you. We weren't supposed to be but oh well. And we do have to enter calls and oh yeah make a 5 page account plan for each account that we have, plus a business plan. So a lot of paper work, tough to make up 30+ lies and write 5 pages of them.
5- Everyone is an expert but funny I certified a lot of you and some were so bad I cant believe they get paid to sell, my god you sell this product from 10-2 Tuesday through Thursday you think you could put a few coherent statements together but alas a small percentage actually did ok the rest should practice "you want fries with that"?
6- KAMS also deal with pharmacies, consultants, conferences, and your KOL's when they actually need real information just not a vomited sales aid. I love how when I am along the doctor always looks at me and does not even look or ask the rep anything. I am good looking and all but not that good looking its embarrassing.
7- I love how when you call and I don't drop everything and run out to take it I am lazy and not working but I always hear your kids in the background when you are in a "doctors office".
8- I do have great access to my accounts but some of my reps are good and can help me get in new accounts or difficult ones. That is called teamwork, and guess what a nursing home rx counts just as much as a retail one...wow holy cow what a crazy thought.
9- LTC has been growing faster than retail the last 4+ years, guess that is due to all the inservices your KAM dumps on you.
10- Most KAMs have been ABL's, DM's, BRM's etc and are very tenured, this does not mean they are better than you, oh wait yes it does. Most have worked their tails off to become a manager so don't be a hater.
11- These are just a few things that show your silliness, but to be fair there are BAD lazy KAMs just as there are bad lazy people in all positions. We just get paid a ridiculous amount more, and get better cars, stock, and bonus but who is keeping score anyway.

You put a lot of effort into this job justifying drivel. Probably the most work you have done in quite some time...

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