Galderma Funeral Procession


Dear Beloved,

Thanks for gathering here on Cafepharma. Our beloved Galderma is dead.... EQT ordered Flemming and Thomas to kill it. The company has been on life support for a while. Sad, sad times.


The Galderma I knew is already 6 feet under. What is left is just a bunch of a$$holes who think they know something others don't. The reality is that this company is the joke in the industry. This thing is going to go down as one of the worst corporate failures.

“PATIENT: Galderma
LOCATION OF INJURY: Vevey, Switzerland
CAUSE OF DEATH: Serious injuries caused by current senior management
UNDERLYING CAUSE: Continuous firing of good leaders
TOXICOLOGY FINDINGS: Poisonous leadership team and toxic culture
AUTOPSY FINDINGS: Heart and brain are missing
DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED: Sale of Galderma by Nestlé

Thomas and Flemming are here to skim what they can with the lowest possible investment.
Oh yes! All good things come to an end. Galderma is not any different. It’s being destroyed by the greed of EQT, Fleming and Thomas who are all looking to make as much money as possible come hell or high water.

Galderma ex-employees all have one thing in common. They really hate Galderma. They despise how they were emotionally bullied and made to feel worthless by the leaders running this company into the ground. I have never seen current and past employees have the amount of hatred I see here for the pitiful leadership.

Thomas & Flemming aren’t even qualified to run the night shift at McDonald's much less a company. The boys spend their shift either with PGI, or running around like they just hit puberty chasing sales, it's fucking embarrassing. But like with all companies the more you suck dick and lie, the better you look even with overwhelming proof of incompetence.

About time EQT address the incompetent, unqualified middle aged white males who bring other average/equally incompetent white middle aged males from other unrelated industries. They are running the company into the ground.

About time EQT address the incompetent, unqualified middle aged white males who bring other average/equally incompetent white middle aged males from other unrelated industries. They are running the company into the ground.
Somehow, amazingly, they are experts at everyone's job, but still find themselves losing. Mind boggling, isn't it!!??

Cmon man. I fell on those damn stairs when the camera was on my wobbling arse. Don’t being a lying dogface pony soldier. This is as good as it gets. Low skills, whining, ...wat ya except homies. Suck it up and stop being a bunch of babies. Everyone on here is overpaid for driving around for 2 hours a day if tbe sunshine is out.

Cmon man. I fell on those damn stairs when the camera was on my wobbling arse. Don’t being a lying dogface pony soldier. This is as good as it gets. Low skills, whining, ...wat ya except homies. Suck it up and stop being a bunch of babies. Everyone on here is overpaid for driving around for 2 hours a day if tbe sunshine is out.
Not everyone on here is a rep. The closer you are to the psycho-mad-man, the more unbearable working for this company is.