Neuroscience!! Sounds very very complex. People here need SOP to even basic task. propably need SOP to use restroom...
Where's the great new 4th/5th gen. antipsych. promised over and over in the annual reports to make up so much revenue going forward... hmmmm....Oh that's right-crash and burn!
This article is from 31 Mar 2009. Was there something more recent?
Yes...back to San FranSICKO with him, and good riddance!
(Arrogance)² + (Cluelessness)¹² + (Asskissedness)-(respect)-(spine)--» LLY NSD in the Toilet, forever.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, fooled some of us who never suspected. Are we naive?
Neuroscience's future is all behind it.
Anyone know when the next changes will take place. Who will be affected most. Accounts, Psych or PC. All has been quiet.
The lull before the storm. Surely there is big news coming yet this year, with still so many of the 5500 to go. What are we down to now? I hear they'll try to get most of that 5500 out by end of 2010 now. Any word anyone?
There were supposed to be more reallocations in September then a really big one in Q1 2011. They would need to hurry up or change the process to finish in 2010. GSD, GWP and other changes are running way behind, so it seems like it would be really tough to get the rest finished in 2010. The 180 DCOE people finish their "volunteer opportunity" Friday. Their reallocation period would end December 20, 2010.
There will be 2300 from Indy. 300 from Neuroscience, including Clinical Plans Management beginning December, 2010.
Nice Lilly, the good news keeps on coming...I'm sure it doesn't violate the DOJ consent decrees...