Future of DePuy Synthes

Stay away! We thought it was bad with FAM.... Atleast they knew Orthopaedics. Now we got SCG who are a bunch of arrogant Ethicon People who thought DePuy Synthes was all jacked up in contracting. One thing for sure about Ethicon is that they talk the talk, but can't walk the walk. A lot of talkers, not a lot of doers. Welcome to the big leagues. You are not selling string and staples anymore.

They're in a bit of trouble. Commissions are going down so a lot of talent is/has left. Depuy does a terrible job managing all med device divisions that I've been around and doing the same here. Trauma still #1 but almost every hospital system hates them and wants them out. The problem, perception, most still feel that they are the only full product provider but there are at least two others than can. Short term, they still look strong, but I don't think companies that operate this way can continue in this environment.

Stay away! We thought it was bad with FAM.... Atleast they knew Orthopaedics. Now we got SCG who are a bunch of arrogant Ethicon People who thought DePuy Synthes was all jacked up in contracting. One thing for sure about Ethicon is that they talk the talk, but can't walk the walk. A lot of talkers, not a lot of doers. Welcome to the big leagues. You are not selling string and staples anymore.

WOW, could not have said it better myself.

It's crazy to me how many people they are putting into positions they have no business being promoted into. I don't even read the organizationational announcements because they are almost daily now. Doing well at ethicon or Mitek does not prepare you to be in charge on recon, trauma, cmf, spine. I haven't met a single ethicon rep or manager that could hold a recon or trauma rep's jock strap. It looks like they are desperate to put women in leadership positions regardless of how qualified they are. We are still through a distributor now so we are somewhat shielded from it but my Synthes counterparts are miserable and looking to make a move. The know nothing women in recon marketing are bad enough now they are moving them to leadership. Genius

Call me a misogynist. Call me whatever you want. I will tell you this much, the Ethicon rep in my territory used to joke about how she was "great friends" w/ a few of the doctors in her territory, and I found out through someone who works at the hospital that she was actually sleeping with one of them years ago. As time went on, she had two kids, and insisted on always being done by 3:30-4:00 every day so she could get her kids from school. This precise example is why women do not belong in Orthopedics, and especially not trauma. They do not understand what it takes to be truly successful in this job and would rather bake brownies, cook dinner & be at home to help their kids w/ their HW each night than in the OR getting to know their surgeons. I am not in anyway taking what she does away, but this is the exact reason my wife chose a job where she can be home by 4:30 every day. You can't always have your cake & eat it too.

Call me a misogynist. Call me whatever you want. I will tell you this much, the Ethicon rep in my territory used to joke about how she was "great friends" w/ a few of the doctors in her territory, and I found out through someone who works at the hospital that she was actually sleeping with one of them years ago. As time went on, she had two kids, and insisted on always being done by 3:30-4:00 every day so she could get her kids from school. This precise example is why women do not belong in Orthopedics, and especially not trauma. They do not understand what it takes to be truly successful in this job and would rather bake brownies, cook dinner & be at home to help their kids w/ their HW each night than in the OR getting to know their surgeons. I am not in anyway taking what she does away, but this is the exact reason my wife chose a job where she can be home by 4:30 every day. You can't always have your cake & eat it too.

Biotech person, do you really want to go into devices? Do you understand that J&J is not innovative in devices so you are always selling me too products at higher prices? You will have no support from the company who is more supportive of compliance than selling. If you are looking for a job in ethicon you are basically a pharma rep anyway because their products are not specialized or dynamic enough for you to be in cases. Think seriously about this.

Anyone else heard of this happening? I'm a long time device rep, was verbally offered a rep job with a distributor only to be told a week later that J&J has partnered with a temp/staffing agency and is placing reps all over the country with distributors to get more reps on the ground. Distributor couldn't do anything about it? Never heard of this before???

The Temp to Perm Reps are Quintiles. They are not for Recon YET. It is the beginning of the end for Trauma, CMF and Mitek. JJG is the hatchet man and does not have an original thought. Taking all of the "good ideas" from pharma, consumer and Ethicon i.e. Quintiles and saturate the Direct Sales Force to reduce the bottom line. He is not a leader and uses bullying tactics to get what he has been ordered to do by AG and GP done. GP is the true hatchet man here. Leaders (use that term VERY loosely) are afraid to stand up to JJG and are just sitting tight till he leaves because JJG does not spend anymore than 2 years anywhere because of his excellent leadership style. HR has implemented the "diversity" drive to move women into the organization at all costs without any regard for their qualifications.

Good luck to you all. This will be you in two years from now. Get a new contract with ZB or SNN and get the heck out of here!