I'm on a decent contract where the pay is decent, bonuses are decent and CSO's do ALL the same stuff (lunches, programs, plus all the BS admin work) as that of the direct reps. We are an embedded team. I care, I work and I sell.
With that said... I am feeling more and more like a sucker because we are TREATED differently. We are the red-headed step children and we get all the pressure and stress and reprimands (if applicable), but none of the CREDIT. We are constantly reminded that we don't get the same incentives/rewards as the direct reps, yet are told in the same breath we have all the same responsibility and pressue to perform. The worst part for me is I know I'm better than some of these direct reps. Most of us CSOs were the "direct reps" at one point! The company knows this and they know they've got very good, experienced reps at quite a bargain. I'm just appalled at the lack of professionalism in the way this whole thing is handled.
My point... You could say "you get what you pay for", but you also "reap what you sow." I said the pay was decent and what not, but because of the treatment, etc., I care less and less and will probably start doing less because what I am doing doesn't seem to matter and I'm tired of seeing others get all the credit.
Finally, forget inVentiv. It's usually all about the client company and inVentiv is just the name on the paycheck. That's how it is for me at least. And if you're not part of an embedded team, my guess is it's still all about the client company. inVentiv will not have your back. They just want to keep the client company happy. The client company has ALL the power and control on these contracts.