Just learned that HR has contracted with independent outside company to manage the forced rankings. First sign that this cut will be large.

A word to the wise. Begin to cover your collective asses by turning in the sales reps that don't work, point out the 15s and any sympathizers of this plague. You owe them absolutely nothing but contempt.

A word to the wise. Begin to cover your collective asses by turning in the sales reps that don't work, point out the 15s and any sympathizers of this plague. You owe them absolutely nothing but contempt.

Dirty little secret - there will be no discernable difference in the sales numbers whether the 15s get cut or stay. Go ahead, goody two shoes, start fingering who you THINK is a 15er - if they turn up on the untouchable list, well, you sealed your own fate. Most 15ers are seen as ' the good two's.

Dirty little secret - there will be no discernable difference in the sales numbers whether the 15s get cut or stay. Go ahead, goody two shoes, start fingering who you THINK is a 15er - if they turn up on the untouchable list, well, you sealed your own fate. Most 15ers are seen as ' the good two's.

There are no rational employees at Merck that looks at these scum suckers as anything but thieves and felons. Turn in all your cohorts that even remotely resembles their attributes. Save your job. Destroy theirs!