The only people left in research are selfish clowns that are just using their position as a stepping stone to their next career.
If this represents the communication skills of our sales people, no wonder we are in such trouble!! Marketing management wake up and hire the right people!!
Management hire the right people??? Never going to happen.
Management IS the problem. They arent hiring the right people. They are hiring their friends or people who or linked to their friends. The people they hire are greedy looking to promote themselves over others.
Management is part of a broken culture fostered by the previous execs that are now gone.
Please grow up and not use gutter language!
Hump day!!!
It is TGIF for me - heading off to Skippack to enjoy an afternoon of drinking and hell raising all on Mothers dime. It is great to be a sales rep!
To y'all posters on this thread: FU, Low Class LOSERS!