Frazier is an anti-American, elitist


Ken Frazier is organizing other CEO’s to fight Georgia’s proposed voter ID legislation (CNBC this morning). It centers on his opposition to voter ID laws. State ID’s in GA are provided at no charge. Showing an ID to vote is as insidious as requiring one to buy beer at 7-11 which people of all races and income routinely do.

If a person isn’t engaged enough to obtain a free ID, is it good for the country to have them voice their opinion on foreign policy/defense, tax policy, Supreme Court Justice selection, etc?

The theme these CEO’s are quietly advocating is larger government. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to empower representatives (of both parties) to exert more control on Americans. Our political elites fly private while we’re in commercial coach. They enjoy meals at five star restaurants (bought by lobbyists) while we’re locked down. When they talk about inequality they encourage Americans to be jealous, oppose one another. It’s a game of three-card monte where they focus your attention elsewhere as they move in for the win.
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Mr. Frazier Please read the entire law before commenting. You may be an attorney, but making claims that are false is typical. Why haven't you made statements about New Jersey voting laws??
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There is a long history of black voter suppression in American politics. I may not be black but I still find the ongoing systemic inequality in this country disgusting. Would you prefer that Ken just do nothing? That as a successful black man he should just stay quiet and turn a blind eye? You don’t get it. BECAUSE he is successful and a high profile person of color he is doing the right thing by voicing his concerns and advocating for everyones’ voter rights. So sure, he doesn’t have to care or do anything I suppose. He can just play it safe and look the other way and live his life. But he doesn’t. He is choosing to stand for something. Just like you are choosing to advocate that people of color should not fully participate in a democratic process. It’s incredible reading your bizarre rant and how racist your are. I hope the company figures out who you are. You are a cancer. People like you can’t hide yourself for long just know that.

You are almost done at Merck, stay our of politics until then Ken. You do not speak for all of Merck, many of us do not appreciate you perpetuating the left's false narrative under Merck name.

hey its the angry dude that cries racism on everything! How ya doing, been a couple days? Was getting worried you popped a blood vessel or something...

White Hate is real! The racial makeup of America is changing and will continue to change for better or worse. Get over it or burn the house down. Looks like many whites have chosen the latter. (Exhibit A is the January 6th coup attempt)

Ken Frazier is organizing other CEO’s to fight Georgia’s proposed voter ID legislation (CNBC this morning). It centers on his opposition to voter ID laws. State ID’s in GA are provided at no charge. Showing an ID to vote is as insidious as requiring one to buy beer at 7-11 which people of all races and income routinely do.

If a person isn’t engaged enough to obtain a free ID, is it good for the country to have them voice their opinion on foreign policy/defense, tax policy, Supreme Court Justice selection, etc?

The theme these CEO’s are quietly advocating is larger government. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to empower representatives (of both parties) to exert more control on Americans. Our political elites fly private while we’re in commercial coach. They enjoy meals at five star restaurants (bought by lobbyists) while we’re locked down. When they talk about inequality they encourage Americans to be jealous, oppose one another. It’s a game of three-card monte where they focus your attention elsewhere as they move in for the win.

WTF are you talking about. You are about as insane as Rudy Giuliani on a good day. Listen you racist troll no one cares about your “game of three-card monte”. Just like most bigots you are paranoid and terrified someone is taking something from you.

For those who make racism claims against anyone who disagrees with them, you should be a bit more thoughtful and introspective. Your missing your own blatant bias in suggesting that any group of Americans aren’t capable of obtaining a free ID in order to vote or get a drink. That’s not protective, it’s insulting.

You also do an enormous disservice to populations by perpetuating this perception that these men and women are incompetent. They are not. They do not need you treating them as though they’re disabled. They are fully functioning Americans who don’t want to be treated differently by those that feel they’re superior to you.

Ken is perpetuating this vision by suggesting something so basic as obtaining a free ID to secure the integrity of our elections is too much to ask.

White Hate is real! The racial makeup of America is changing and will continue to change for better or worse. Get over it or burn the house down. Looks like many whites have chosen the latter. (Exhibit A is the January 6th coup attempt)
I am all good, don't go through life full of hate an anger...hey but you go with what works for you

Spend 3 minutes on Fox News. Impossible not to be filled with hate based on a lie. Can’t wait till Gaetz creepy azz goes down and Tucker too.
Right, and you dont see the same thing on the others side on CNN and really are a blind man full of hate, cant see there are two sides to every story and neither side is much anger, hatred and resentment, I actually feel sorry for you

Almost all of our media have failed us. I identify as liberal, but I can't watch MSNBC or CNN anymore. Just too much narrative framing. Not the blatant lies that Fox spreads, but just as disingenuous.

I get most of my news from BBC, Speigel or NPR.

STFU frazier. Loved the communications on BLM, Jan 6th insurrection, asian hate, but then you stopped? No email denouncing the Muslim killing 10 white people. No email denouncing the farrakhan supporter killing a white Capitol police officer. You're against showing an ID to vote? Can I just walk into Merck's HQ and labs without an ID? GTFOH with your selective outrage. The narrative weakens with morons who create division and hate that's not there. Nobody wants to open their emails at their place of work daily to see what need story you decided to add fuel to. Get the politics out of the workplace. People are leaving because of your piss poor response. BYE!!!

LOL... What about the murderer and sexual harassment Cuomo?

Greenberg is snitching on your boy Gaetz to save his tail. Was obvious from the beginning Gaetz was a fraud. It’s so easy to fool you Yt boys. Tell you something you want to hear. And PS. We only watch the new channel BNC, B lack News Channel, Comcast 1116, Direct Tv 342