Laid off AR,s, hiring 23 new AM’s with smaller territories so you can live at your accounts and do assessments all day.. either going to acquire another business or getting ready to spin off. Chad trying to build another STRYKER, need more products

Laid off AR,s, hiring 23 new AM’s with smaller territories so you can live at your accounts and do assessments all day.. either going to acquire another business or getting ready to spin off. Chad trying to build another STRYKER, need more products
I’m bummed I didn’t get laid off.

This restructuring sounds like a terrible idea. All new management PLUS all the new AM’s they’re going to have to train top of the year. No one already knows what’s going on. Let’s add more people who also don’t know what’s going on (and you know there will be a LOT of turnover because of this).

Here’s the deal, jnj has been here for 100 years and will be here for another 100, stock is all time highs revenue and profits rise every year. So whatever they’re doing at the end is working to meet their goals. If it doesn’t align with yours, you can always leave.

Here’s the deal, jnj has been here for 100 years and will be here for another 100, stock is all time highs revenue and profits rise every year. So whatever they’re doing at the end is working to meet their goals. If it doesn’t align with yours, you can always leave.
What does this comment have to do with ASP?

Sir, this is Fortive.
Sir, this is a Wendy's.