I worked for Forest Pharmaceuticals for a couple of years and am DAMN happy to not be there. Not only are the reps way underqualified to be interacting with professionals like doctors (i.e. reps who worked for
T-Mobile ---tell me again what their science background is?) but also the divisional managers who are as equally unqualified (i.e. I "slept my way to the top" or just kissed the right ass to get ahead and am "in the club"). These are the people that Forest not only LIKE but have the nerve to PROMOTE. No one with any respect for themselves (or who have half of A brain cell) should work for this unethical, unprofessional organization. Let's also touch upon their main focus: 10 calls a day with an 80% sample average! What does this mean? "go be a UPS man and have docs sign your computer..and THAT is a true testament to whether or not you are working today"! If you are there...get out while you can! If you've left...congrats!

I take this personally. I went to a Jr. college and failed out. I went to work for a builder doing construction for the next 2 years. I was working way to hard and not getting paid enough. I went back to college. I didn't have the best grades and yes I like to party- but I FINISHED. I have a degree in speech communications from Northern Illinois University. After I graduated I sold steaks door to door for Horizon foods. Now that is sales, most of my peers at that job were barely high school educated. Doors where shut in my face so many times but I PRESERVERED. I got a job at Forest 3 years ago, I took over a territory that was highly ranked and I've kept it highly ranked. I'm not a "scientific" sales type of person, I'm blue collared to the bone. And guess what my Dr.'s love me. I average 15 calls per day and I sample close to 90%. I just have every Dr. sign for samples and leave little amounts. My sales are still highly ranked. It works. I'm grateful for Forest it got me out of the door to door steak industry with the rest of the low lifes.

WHy is it that I can't do something right, w/o having something negative said? "Hey, great job making goal on both products, being in the top 50%, and growing your call average! But listen, I was looking at the Reach and Frequency report and you are really missing the boat on your decile 6 psychs. I'd like to see those numbers up next months, k? SO what were gonna do is have you track you activity every night on an excel spreadsheet!" I have a better idea... go fuck yourself!

It is such bullshit the gay corporate shit these managers vomit from their mouths. I can't stand the same fucking voicemail from every manager, RD, ABD in the company. All of them reading form a script, talking like im a retarded 10 year old. But hey, make sure you tell me 2 positives, and one Developmental Opportunity on every ride along!

That's it, I quit!

"Um....yeah....we're gonna need you to come in on Saturday to finish up those TPS reports. And while you're at it, Jerry Lynch is gonna come in so you can wax his car afterwards, 'nnn-kay. Yeah...that'd be just great."

I work for another pharmaceutical company (one of Forests' competitors) and I happen to run into a lot of great Forest reps. It seems that they obviously teach you guys something because the marketshare for Lexapro is out of this world!! There are some idiots here too!!

Uncle Wyeth

I take this personally. I went to a Jr. college and failed out. I went to work for a builder doing construction for the next 2 years. I was working way to hard and not getting paid enough. I went back to college. I didn't have the best grades and yes I like to party- but I FINISHED. I have a degree in speech communications from Northern Illinois University. After I graduated I sold steaks door to door for Horizon foods. Now that is sales, most of my peers at that job were barely high school educated. Doors where shut in my face so many times but I PRESERVERED. I got a job at Forest 3 years ago, I took over a territory that was highly ranked and I've kept it highly ranked. I'm not a "scientific" sales type of person, I'm blue collared to the bone. And guess what my Dr.'s love me. I average 15 calls per day and I sample close to 90%. I just have every Dr. sign for samples and leave little amounts. My sales are still highly ranked. It works. I'm grateful for Forest it got me out of the door to door steak industry with the rest of the low lifes.

Very nicely put man! To all the complainers, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU ARE PAID TO DO!

I take this personally. I went to a Jr. college and failed out. I went to work for a builder doing construction for the next 2 years. I was working way to hard and not getting paid enough. I went back to college. I didn't have the best grades and yes I like to party- but I FINISHED. I have a degree in speech communications from Northern Illinois University. After I graduated I sold steaks door to door for Horizon foods. Now that is sales, most of my peers at that job were barely high school educated. Doors where shut in my face so many times but I PRESERVERED. I got a job at Forest 3 years ago, I took over a territory that was highly ranked and I've kept it highly ranked. I'm not a "scientific" sales type of person, I'm blue collared to the bone. And guess what my Dr.'s love me. I average 15 calls per day and I sample close to 90%. I just have every Dr. sign for samples and leave little amounts. My sales are still highly ranked. It works. I'm grateful for Forest it got me out of the door to door steak industry with the rest of the low lifes.

You would never haven gotten hired where the poster and I work... which is NYC. I guess access isnt an issue and intelligence isn't looked at in the cow tipping fields of northern Illinois. Your Doctors didn't graduate from Harvard, Yale or Columbia either.

I take this personally. I went to a Jr. college and failed out. I went to work for a builder doing construction for the next 2 years. I was working way to hard and not getting paid enough. I went back to college. I didn't have the best grades and yes I like to party- but I FINISHED. I have a degree in speech communications from Northern Illinois University. After I graduated I sold steaks door to door for Horizon foods. Now that is sales, most of my peers at that job were barely high school educated. Doors where shut in my face so many times but I PRESERVERED. I got a job at Forest 3 years ago, I took over a territory that was highly ranked and I've kept it highly ranked. I'm not a "scientific" sales type of person, I'm blue collared to the bone. And guess what my Dr.'s love me. I average 15 calls per day and I sample close to 90%. I just have every Dr. sign for samples and leave little amounts. My sales are still highly ranked. It works. I'm grateful for Forest it got me out of the door to door steak industry with the rest of the low lifes.

You "PRESERVERED"? What the hell does that mean???? No wonder you flunked out of Jr. college.

anyone in 2009 or 2010 beg to differ? any positive or negative feedback on FOREST?
(just interviewed today to be a sales rep)

Stay away from Forest unless you have to have something for a year or 2. Things have changed only for the worse in the last couple years. DM's and RD's are more incompetent and inexperienced then ever. They simply do not how to run a sales organization.

Forest has a HORRIBLE reputation in the industry. a recruiter recently told me that when he mentions any jb openings at forest, candidates say " i dont want to work there". PRetty bad considering the current economy we are in. I have been here for 3 years and every year the management seems to get worse. leading by intimidation seems to be the norm at this company and god help you if you speak up.

I loved selling against Forest!! The reps in my area were all idiot sample droppers and I kicked ass against them.........thank you Forest for adding to my bonus check!!

Forest has a HORRIBLE reputation in the industry. a recruiter recently told me that when he mentions any jb openings at forest, candidates say " i dont want to work there". PRetty bad considering the current economy we are in. I have been here for 3 years and every year the management seems to get worse. leading by intimidation seems to be the norm at this company and god help you if you speak up.

Yep...nobody wants to work for Forest.
That's why they get over 250 applicants per opening.
It's amazing the stupid things people write on here.
Let's see....decent base (relative to the average joe) plus B&C
A company car, 401K profit sharing, outstanding medical/dental
Life insurance at 2X prior year earnings, and other benefits, too...
And never ever ever one major layoff...
Ya, why would someone trying to support his family want that...
It may be true that Forest does not reward individuals who are strong minded and indepenent the way they did in the 90's (when they were much smaller), but its insane to say that NOBODY wants to work for them. Thousands of unemployeed reps from other companies would love to pull down a check with benefits, and if they gotta swallow a little harder and do it by keeping their mouth shut, they would.

Yep...nobody wants to work for Forest.
That's why they get over 250 applicants per opening.
It's amazing the stupid things people write on here.
Let's see....decent base (relative to the average joe) plus B&C
A company car, 401K profit sharing, outstanding medical/dental
Life insurance at 2X prior year earnings, and other benefits, too...
And never ever ever one major layoff...
Ya, why would someone trying to support his family want that...
It may be true that Forest does not reward individuals who are strong minded and indepenent the way they did in the 90's (when they were much smaller), but its insane to say that NOBODY wants to work for them. Thousands of unemployeed reps from other companies would love to pull down a check with benefits, and if they gotta swallow a little harder and do it by keeping their mouth shut, they would.

This post would make sense in a micro fictional world. In the big real world of reality it is pointless. This is pharma sales not ikon or nextel phone sales. There is an expectation with these jobs and there are hundreds of options and companies to choose from. If you have talent, value, and worth then you can sell yourself to the right suitor. Forest, sorry to burst your bubble, is the sludge of the industry. It is people like you that keep their resume files thick and the culture of if they open their mouth or think on their own, "fire them" and re hire another stooge in for 52k. It is a factory of JV or "b" team grunts. Forest hangs its hat on being able to tell its new hires that they are different and will "work" for their pay at a pay for performance company. That is their spin, when you interview with them they clearly state "do not come here thinking you are going to get that comfortable base salary, the comfy perks and bene's that the other companies hire, we want the ditch diggers and blue collar workers, who will take a bullet for our cause". That is the moa at Forest, which is the opposite of what any experienced accomplished pharma rep looks for. That is why forest hires young, naive, stupid, and right of the turn up truck. The want robots, moldable yes men and women. That is what makes their machine turn. When reps catch on they leave, and it starts all over again. There is no doubt and no bullshit that Forest has one of the worst reputations in the industry. I have been a recruiter in the biz for over 10 years and have worked with hundreds of managers and reps that have been affiliated with forest at some time or some point. They all say the same thing to a "t"..... lowest base in the business, most egotistical, under qualified managers in the industry, BUT this is all done for a reason and all intentional. The feelings about forest are that same whether one likes the company or not. Low pay, fear and intimidation tactics, non trust of employees, micromanagement, unfair management techniques etc.... all done because they can, because there will always be a "c" average jr college student who just grad. from Mahoney State College who want to "Break" into pharma sales and is willing to play the role of bitch to a 27 yr old rookie cop with a gun (your DM). Forest is trash, and dangerous to have on your resume. I have seen this for many years, if you are down and out and need to get a quick paycheck, then consider it, if not you can get the same bene's doing entry level primary care at any other company and not deal with half of the forest way of treating reps. You have been warned.

This post would make sense in a micro fictional world. In the big real world of reality it is pointless. This is pharma sales not ikon or nextel phone sales. There is an expectation with these jobs and there are hundreds of options and companies to choose from. If you have talent, value, and worth then you can sell yourself to the right suitor. Forest, sorry to burst your bubble, is the sludge of the industry. It is people like you that keep their resume files thick and the culture of if they open their mouth or think on their own, "fire them" and re hire another stooge in for 52k. It is a factory of JV or "b" team grunts. Forest hangs its hat on being able to tell its new hires that they are different and will "work" for their pay at a pay for performance company. That is their spin, when you interview with them they clearly state "do not come here thinking you are going to get that comfortable base salary, the comfy perks and bene's that the other companies hire, we want the ditch diggers and blue collar workers, who will take a bullet for our cause". That is the moa at Forest, which is the opposite of what any experienced accomplished pharma rep looks for. That is why forest hires young, naive, stupid, and right of the turn up truck. The want robots, moldable yes men and women. That is what makes their machine turn. When reps catch on they leave, and it starts all over again. There is no doubt and no bullshit that Forest has one of the worst reputations in the industry. I have been a recruiter in the biz for over 10 years and have worked with hundreds of managers and reps that have been affiliated with forest at some time or some point. They all say the same thing to a "t"..... lowest base in the business, most egotistical, under qualified managers in the industry, BUT this is all done for a reason and all intentional. The feelings about forest are that same whether one likes the company or not. Low pay, fear and intimidation tactics, non trust of employees, micromanagement, unfair management techniques etc.... all done because they can, because there will always be a "c" average jr college student who just grad. from Mahoney State College who want to "Break" into pharma sales and is willing to play the role of bitch to a 27 yr old rookie cop with a gun (your DM). Forest is trash, and dangerous to have on your resume. I have seen this for many years, if you are down and out and need to get a quick paycheck, then consider it, if not you can get the same bene's doing entry level primary care at any other company and not deal with half of the forest way of treating reps. You have been warned.

stupid post by a disgruntled former rep. I cant believe i just wasted 5 minuetes of my saturday reading this crap.....

I take this personally. I went to a Jr. college and failed out. I went to work for a builder doing construction for the next 2 years. I was working way to hard and not getting paid enough. I went back to college. I didn't have the best grades and yes I like to party- but I FINISHED. I have a degree in speech communications from Northern Illinois University. After I graduated I sold steaks door to door for Horizon foods. Now that is sales, most of my peers at that job were barely high school educated. Doors where shut in my face so many times but I PRESERVERED. I got a job at Forest 3 years ago, I took over a territory that was highly ranked and I've kept it highly ranked. I'm not a "scientific" sales type of person, I'm blue collared to the bone. And guess what my Dr.'s love me. I average 15 calls per day and I sample close to 90%. I just have every Dr. sign for samples and leave little amounts. My sales are still highly ranked. It works. I'm grateful for Forest it got me out of the door to door steak industry with the rest of the low lifes.

But, who needs that "science foolishness" because all you need to know is about your drug/disease state and how to pull up the disbursement screen, right? Forest loves to deal with "simple minds" because they can't see how unproductive the micro management is. Good for you 15 calls per day and 90% sample calls! I wonder how large your territory is? Also, I think it is great that you sample everyone even if they don't need it! I mean so what if those "little amounts" that everyone should sample add up to millions and millions of dollars and samples are often wasted by expiring, provide monthly supply for staff, patients... Are you not bothered by the fact that you are sampling just to justify your job and /or satisfy your manager? There are reps that don't like to sample everyone because it is not right -- bottom line. It doesn't mean they are lazy rather want to create value for their samples instead of oversampling (which can happen with 4+ reps in a territory). FYI - being "blue collar" doesn't mean you should settle or never question the situation. Honestly, I am thrilled that Forest has provided you with a better quality of life, but you don't "owe" them forever. You earned your position and worked hard - there are a lot of reps that have done the same, but dislike how they are treated. I feel that the mentality that managers put out there such as " 300 people want your job, " "grass isn't greener" is total bs. Many of them have NEVER worked anywhere else. That is like saying, " Well, that is terrible that your spouse is cheating on you, but at least your married." So don't be a hater to those of us that express our concerns with the management style. P.S. For some of us (that aren't as lucky as you) it's time to stop kissing the ass that is shitting on us.

You would never haven gotten hired where the poster and I work... which is NYC. I guess access isnt an issue and intelligence isn't looked at in the cow tipping fields of northern Illinois. Your Doctors didn't graduate from Harvard, Yale or Columbia either.

I agree, this clown would not have been hired by any real pharma or a fortune 5OO. Maybe to be a janitor or to "move some metal blocks or brinks" out of the plant. Forest has made a living hiring in these types, mold them, staple their mouths shut, and bark out orders to them knowing they will take it because they have been brainwashed to think that they "hit it big" and are a big bad pharma rep now. When the joke will always be on the rep. BRRRRAAAHH. Here is your 52k and a sample bag, go get a sig from everyone on your list and keep your head down at all times. Rat out your co workers and smile and nod at every meeting and become a actor not employee. Welcome to Forest. The home for JC dropouts and second chance billy-jacks.

Here is your 52k and a sample bag, go get a sig from everyone on your list and keep your head down at all times. Rat out your co workers and smile and nod at every meeting and become a actor not employee. Welcome to Forest. The home for JC dropouts and second chance billy-jacks.

Again, why is everyone so hung up on "$52k"??? It may have been that years ago at Frx but I started last year in the upper $70s with little pharma exp....