
I worked for Forest Pharmaceuticals for a couple of years and am DAMN happy to not be there. Not only are the reps way underqualified to be interacting with professionals like doctors (i.e. reps who worked for
T-Mobile ---tell me again what their science background is?) but also the divisional managers who are as equally unqualified (i.e. I "slept my way to the top" or just kissed the right ass to get ahead and am "in the club"). These are the people that Forest not only LIKE but have the nerve to PROMOTE. No one with any respect for themselves (or who have half of A brain cell) should work for this unethical, unprofessional organization. Let's also touch upon their main focus: 10 calls a day with an 80% sample average! What does this mean? "go be a UPS man and have docs sign your computer..and THAT is a true testament to whether or not you are working today"! If you are there...get out while you can! If you've left...congrats!

Another option is to actually screw what the r***** managers tell you and go do the job right. Put on a show while they're in the car with you, then do the things that will actually help your paycheck grow.

I'm so sick of hearing how Forest reps "buy off their docs" and how we're just "coffee delivery people." You know what? I absolutely take advantage of the budget that Forest provides for the crappy fat-filled food that we drop off to offices 3-4 times a week. But I don't think one cup of Starbucks or one Panera bagel has EVER given me a script.

Also, I've never had one single physician in my territory ever receive a "payoff" for writing scripts. We have a couple of Advisory Boards per year (one for Lexapro, one for Namenda), and a few big writers are invited. These meetings last 4 hours, and if they attend, they get $500. No money for preceptorships (monetary donation to a charity in the physician's name), no trips (unless you consider a 2-day trip to Atlanta for speaker training a "trip").

I get scripts because I have spent a few years developing good relationships with the physicians and because I don't bash my competition. Almost every drug in the antidepressant class, in the ARB class, and in the AD class is a pretty good med. I'm just trying to give the physicians a reason to give our drugs a chance in patients where it makes sense.

I'm glad you left the company, and am glad that you're happy "after Forest." But please realize that not everyone who works for Forest is unprofessional. I've got a degree from a very respectable Big 10 school (after a 3.72 GPA), and earned my stripes through the same kind of crappy sales job that most reps in the pharmaceutical industry had to have before getting into pharma.

Yes, there are lots of idiot reps who act like dimwits in front of physicians and in front of other reps. Yes, there are idiot managers who only care what your call average and sample average is. Guess what? That's not just Forest. Check out boards from just about every pharma company in America and you will see the same type of complaints.

People who leave Forest because they think "the grass is greener on the other side" usually find out that if the grass truly is greener, it's usually because of all the crap that is used for fertilizer.

if you went to a big 10 school and are working for Forest then shame on you..go somewhere that you can use your 3.7 GPA - also, let it be known that you are absolutely a needle in a hay stack in that case. perhaps things are different in your region and if they are, well then that's great for you. hope that your managers and counterparts have the same level of intelligence as you.

Unfortunately, I have to agree. I worked for Forest for a year. It was the biggest mistake of my career. I came from big pharma and thought, it will be nice to be with a small company, with great products. The products are great. I still respect Forest products. However, I have NEVER seen a more incompetent management group in my life. I have 8 successful years in pharma and still can't believe the lack of professionalism, respect and coaching. It's a sad fact, but, nonetheless true. If you are considering a job with Forest, only come aboard if this is your first pharma job. Most of my training class came from enterprise rent-a-car. No joke. Great place to get a start in pharma. Hopefully, as time goes on, a higher caliber of people will get into management. People who actually know how to sell and coach successfully, not berate, gossip and threaten. It's sad when your numbers are looking up, your call metrics are fabulous and all your manager can do is be negative. Really a slap in the face. I've never seen anything like it before. But, apparently, some RD's like that approach. Maybe they came from Enterprise too.

Unfortunately, I have to agree. I worked for Forest for a year. It was the biggest mistake of my career. I came from big pharma and thought, it will be nice to be with a small company, with great products. The products are great. I still respect Forest products. However, I have NEVER seen a more incompetent management group in my life. I have 8 successful years in pharma and still can't believe the lack of professionalism, respect and coaching. It's a sad fact, but, nonetheless true. If you are considering a job with Forest, only come aboard if this is your first pharma job. Most of my training class came from enterprise rent-a-car. No joke. Great place to get a start in pharma. Hopefully, as time goes on, a higher caliber of people will get into management. People who actually know how to sell and coach successfully, not berate, gossip and threaten. It's sad when your numbers are looking up, your call metrics are fabulous and all your manager can do is be negative. Really a slap in the face. I've never seen anything like it before. But, apparently, some RD's like that approach. Maybe they came from Enterprise too.

Wow, the wit here is amazing. Let me quote, I worked for Forest for a year (1 year), or I worked for Forest for a couple of years (2 years). These are the people that are calling Forest Reps unprofessional. Why was your tenure so short again? Are you one of those job hopping reps? We are GLAD you are no longer with us. Since you both have extensive work experience, you would know that there are many different types of people with different personalities, backgrounds, education, etc. You both seem to be of the uneducated, disgruntled ex-employee side, whereas most of the rest of us are of the thank God I have a job and can support my family and make the most of what I am given. Every company in the world hires idiots and it seems like we made a mistake with the above posters.

Wow, the wit here is amazing. Let me quote, I worked for Forest for a year (1 year), or I worked for Forest for a couple of years (2 years). These are the people that are calling Forest Reps unprofessional. Why was your tenure so short again? Are you one of those job hopping reps? We are GLAD you are no longer with us. Since you both have extensive work experience, you would know that there are many different types of people with different personalities, backgrounds, education, etc. You both seem to be of the uneducated, disgruntled ex-employee side, whereas most of the rest of us are of the thank God I have a job and can support my family and make the most of what I am given. Every company in the world hires idiots and it seems like we made a mistake with the above posters.

Where the hell do you live that you can support a family on a pharmaceutical sales salary? I can barely support myself

so unfortunate...seems like another one has been brain-washed! you MUST work somewhere other than the Northeast

Other than the Northeast? The biggest gossip club of incompetent managers comes from The Northeast in RM's region. No numbers...promoted No previous sales jobs...promoted Have any talent...kick you where it hurts and will not let you in because they are threatened!!!!

Other than the Northeast? The biggest gossip club of incompetent managers comes from The Northeast in RM's region. No numbers...promoted No previous sales jobs...promoted Have any talent...kick you where it hurts and will not let you in because they are threatened!!!!

Please don't forget the same applies in Len Monteleone's region

Unfortunately, I have to agree. I worked for Forest for a year. It was the biggest mistake of my career. I came from big pharma and thought, it will be nice to be with a small company, with great products. The products are great. I still respect Forest products. However, I have NEVER seen a more incompetent management group in my life. I have 8 successful years in pharma and still can't believe the lack of professionalism, respect and coaching. It's a sad fact, but, nonetheless true. If you are considering a job with Forest, only come aboard if this is your first pharma job. Most of my training class came from enterprise rent-a-car. No joke. Great place to get a start in pharma. Hopefully, as time goes on, a higher caliber of people will get into management. People who actually know how to sell and coach successfully, not berate, gossip and threaten. It's sad when your numbers are looking up, your call metrics are fabulous and all your manager can do is be negative. Really a slap in the face. I've never seen anything like it before. But, apparently, some RD's like that approach. Maybe they came from Enterprise too.

only coaching you get at Forest is how to kiss ass. If you can't kiss ass you can't move up with Forest. My interview for a promotion told me I didn't do enough ass kissing and so the job went to bald headed ass kisser. The management at Forest is nothing but those who want to keep their jobs and say yes yes yes to the higher ass kissers. I left just in time.

I left Forest just a few months after training and it was the best decision I have ever made. The training is pitiful and the management is unprofessional. There is no "perfect" pharma company out there, however, Forest ranks at the bottom.

only coaching you get at Forest is how to kiss ass. If you can't kiss ass you can't move up with Forest. My interview for a promotion told me I didn't do enough ass kissing and so the job went to bald headed ass kisser. The management at Forest is nothing but those who want to keep their jobs and say yes yes yes to the higher ass kissers. I left just in time.

the managers kiss each other and their RD/ABD so much that they forget about their reps and what the reps need to be successful

Other than the Northeast? The biggest gossip club of incompetent managers comes from The Northeast in RM's region. No numbers...promoted No previous sales jobs...promoted Have any talent...kick you where it hurts and will not let you in because they are threatened!!!!

Only good thing about Mei's region is that Keith L. is the RST and Foley is the MFO. Wonder why your region is doing well now? You actually promoted guys who are likeable and has keen business sense and can sell...are you threatened yet? Oh yeah, SM and SP promoted those guys...LOSER!!!!!!

You are all completely WHACKED!

No matter where you are at it's all who your manager is. NO matter what occupation, career, job, or company. It's all the same. The manager at Pfizer and the Manager at Forest claim to be different only because the compete, but in reality they could be the same dam person.

It's like all single 24-28 phama chicks. Easy to bang, Have a very active sex life, usually 2 men on the line at any given time, they are cynical of men, extremely independant, not sure if they want to settle down as oppossed to when they will, have lots of dudes with money throw things at them but they expect that, Very materalistic and concerend about money, not sure they want to be selling drugs, very appearance oriented, right shoes -right impression -right scene.

Yeah they are all the same.

You are all completely WHACKED!

No matter where you are at it's all who your manager is. NO matter what occupation, career, job, or company. It's all the same. The manager at Pfizer and the Manager at Forest claim to be different only because the compete, but in reality they could be the same dam person.

It's like all single 24-28 phama chicks. Easy to bang, Have a very active sex life, usually 2 men on the line at any given time, they are cynical of men, extremely independant, not sure if they want to settle down as oppossed to when they will, have lots of dudes with money throw things at them but they expect that, Very materalistic and concerend about money, not sure they want to be selling drugs, very appearance oriented, right shoes -right impression -right scene.

Yeah they are all the same.

The physicians loves these girls but there is a lot of jealousy of these girls and people deem them as incompetent if they look good by managers and other reps. No matter what, appearance counts

The physicians loves these girls but there is a lot of jealousy of these girls and people deem them as incompetent if they look good by managers and other reps. No matter what, appearance counts

Good looks? LMAO. I have the UGLIEST Forest Reps in NY, I thought it might be something in your headquarters water! Ewwwwww

Speaking of unprofessional is Chris Sweeney still with Forest. He is the reason I left 4 years ago. Sorry Chris I'm a married woman as I tried to tell you before my warning letter.

I worked for Forest Pharmaceuticals for a couple of years and am DAMN happy to not be there. Not only are the reps way underqualified to be interacting with professionals like doctors (i.e. reps who worked for
T-Mobile ---tell me again what their science background is?) but also the divisional managers who are as equally unqualified (i.e. I "slept my way to the top" or just kissed the right ass to get ahead and am "in the club"). These are the people that Forest not only LIKE but have the nerve to PROMOTE. No one with any respect for themselves (or who have half of A brain cell) should work for this unethical, unprofessional organization. Let's also touch upon their main focus: 10 calls a day with an 80% sample average! What does this mean? "go be a UPS man and have docs sign your computer..and THAT is a true testament to whether or not you are working today"! If you are there...get out while you can! If you've left...congrats!

I have been working for forest for 4 years and have been promoted once. I have to agree with a lot of the above quote. Management is a weakness at Forest. I just put my head down and try to separate myself from other individually...even the reps in my territories. It is like trying to organize a bunch of drunk, horny, midgets!

WHy is it that I can't do something right, w/o having something negative said? "Hey, great job making goal on both products, being in the top 50%, and growing your call average! But listen, I was looking at the Reach and Frequency report and you are really missing the boat on your decile 6 psychs. I'd like to see those numbers up next months, k? SO what were gonna do is have you track you activity every night on an excel spreadsheet!" I have a better idea... go fuck yourself!

It is such bullshit the gay corporate shit these managers vomit from their mouths. I can't stand the same fucking voicemail from every manager, RD, ABD in the company. All of them reading form a script, talking like im a retarded 10 year old. But hey, make sure you tell me 2 positives, and one Developmental Opportunity on every ride along!

That's it, I quit!