For those who were offended by the Viagra ad....

So the Blow Up doll reference was what-a back-handed insult for the hell of it. All our wives should look as good as her, and all the husbands should look as good as the actors (how's that for fair balance).

Yeah, my better half and I looked that good 40 years ago. Maybe we should have indulged in formaldehyde instead of ETOH and ganja over the years.

So you ripping those that favor and believe in traditional marriage is not being closed minded? So it's tolerance when only agrees with you right??

WTF is wrong with you? Viagra works for anyone - those married (you see wedding rings at times) and those just having fun. There's no discrimination here.

We have these offensive sex commercials, but we can't have cigarette or cigar commercials?!?!

We can't have alcohol commercials showing people actually drinking it?!?!

Why? Because you leftards are as bad as the religious rightards and love cens.orship when it's against what offends you only!!!

Same evils, just different angles.

What offensive sex commercials are you speaking of? A Viagra commercial talks about a product that enhances sex but it doesn't show people having sex. Alcohol commercials show people enjoying themselves over a drink so then don't need to show them drinking it. Samo, samo, Miss Righty Whitey, tightey.

It's just me, Honey, your little plastic blowup doll, and you - you fat-ass piece of hard-on shit. But I don't mind, especially when you take Viagra six times a day, each time getting a hard-on that lasts for - whooo - several minutes. I really like it when you talk dirty to me, like when you say "Holy Shit!" when your real honey shows up unexpectedly. And I really like it when you store in a dark, dank crawl space as if all that mattered to you, was me, and you, and Viagra.

Some people say that our relationship is overblown, nothing but hot air. But I say, it must be love, Viagra love. Because I feel it, I feel it from the depths of my plastic seams. What can I say, without you and Viagra I feel so empty, so deflated. See your Dawktor, see your Dawktor now so you can take Viagra 24/7 and we can bond forever!
Xoxo. Honey

"Honey" is probably a Closet Q Rep, trolling for a schlong on here

Back to the original point of the thread - there is a drug which helps ED sometimes. An erection is important in sex. What would people picture this ad looking like? My thoughts are, guy walks into a library, hot librarian gets up on a ladder, library closes, they're still back in the stacks, he's nervous, their eyes lock and it's 4 o'clock. They find a table nearby and he suddenly remembers the Viagra Rx he just picked up which is in his briefcase. Ahhh, the Dewey Decimal system suddenly looks very interesting.

A guy goes to a female dentist to have a tooth extracted.
She pulled out a large syringe to give an anaesthetic shot.

"No way, no needles! I hate needles!" the man exclaimed.

So she started to hook up the nitrous oxide tank, and the man said,
"I can't do the gas thing. Just the thought of having a mask on
my face suffocates me!

The dentist then asked the patient if he had any objections to
taking a pill. "No," he says, "I'm fine with pills."

So the dentist gave him two little blue pills and he swallowed them.
"What are those?" he asked.

"Viagra," she replied.

"I'll be damned," said the patient, "I didn't know Viagra worked as
a pain killer."

"It doesn't," said the dentist, "But it will give you something to hold on to
when I pull your tooth."
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