For those who were offended by the Viagra ad....

I am totally offended by those "dry pussy" (vaginal dryness) ads weve all been seeing lately. Sorry honey I wont have sex with you because my pussy is all dryed up. Oh wait! I can take a pill that can potentially give me breast cancer so I can have sex with my fat ugly husband...

I guess the question I have is why do you stay in a marriage that you are obviously unhappy in? Is it financial? Can't be for the kids since you said you're menopausal. Taking the sex aspect out of it (which I don't know how you can do that), what the heck are you getting out of staying there? Just curious since there was quite a bit of venom in your statement. Who knows....maybe you're gay and can't face it. The truth will set you free!

We have these offensive sex commercials, but we can't have cigarette or cigar commercials?!?!

We can't have alcohol commercials showing people actually drinking it?!?!

Why? Because you leftards are as bad as the religious rightards and love cens.orship when it's against what offends you only!!!

Same evils, just different angles.

We have these offensive sex commercials, but we can't have cigarette or cigar commercials?!?!

We can't have alcohol commercials showing people actually drinking it?!?!

Why? Because you leftards are as bad as the religious rightards and love cens.orship when it's against what offends you only!!!

Same evils, just different angles.

Sage sex does not harm people, there's no such thing as 'safe sex, safe cigarette or safe cigar' commercials. Duhhh!!! Look it up Mutt.

I'm sure you are a princess. Maybe your fat ugly husband has an equally fat ugly wife.

It's just me, Honey, your little plastic blowup doll, and you - you fat-ass piece of hard-on shit. But I don't mind, especially when you take Viagra six times a day, each time getting a hard-on that lasts for - whooo - several minutes. I really like it when you talk dirty to me, like when you say "Holy Shit!" when your real honey shows up unexpectedly. And I really like it when you store in a dark, dank crawl space as if all that mattered to you, was me, and you, and Viagra.

Some people say that our relationship is overblown, nothing but hot air. But I say, it must be love, Viagra love. Because I feel it, I feel it from the depths of my plastic seams. What can I say, without you and Viagra I feel so empty, so deflated. See your Dawktor, see your Dawktor now so you can take Viagra 24/7 and we can bond forever!
Xoxo. Honey

It's called a 'typo' honey - f is right next to g. tsk, tsk, tsk...

Honey here. What happened to my sexy, sultry commercial? Was it something I said, or didn't say, or did, or didn't do for you? I know I'm only made of plastic, but I can change, I really can. See your DOCTOOR and take more Viagra. Take it, take moor. See, that's betoor.

Ahhhh. What! Wait! You took too many! Now stop that! You can't play with a steely Dan and a plastic doll. Get that away from me. Don't touch me with that ..... pssssssssss. Weeeee..... Oh no! What is happening to my Viagra wickedness? I'm melting, melting ........ zzzzzz

Honey here. What happened to my sexy, sultry commercial? Was it something I said, or didn't say, or did, or didn't do for you? I know I'm only made of plastic, but I can change, I really can. See your DOCTOOR and take more Viagra. Take it, take moor. See, that's betoor.

Ahhhh. What! Wait! You took too many! Now stop that! You can't play with a steely Dan and a plastic doll. Get that away from me. Don't touch me with that ..... pssssssssss. Weeeee..... Oh no! What is happening to my Viagra wickedness? I'm melting, melting ........ zzzzzz

Two things:
Learn how to spell or read your post before submitting. moor, betoor,- really???
Your posts make no sense. If you're going for humor you missed the mark.

Two things:
Learn how to spell or read your post before submitting. moor, betoor,- really???
Your posts make no sense. If you're going for humor you missed the mark.

NO, I think Pfizer missed the mark with its commercial of the sultry, sexy foreign babe telling American men how to finish what they started with their honey and their Doctoooor. It offended a lot of people.

NO, I think Pfizer missed the mark with its commercial of the sultry, sexy foreign babe telling American men how to finish what they started with their honey and their Doctoooor. It offended a lot of people.

Are you serious? We have scantly clad women doing ads for 'eat like you mean it, with burger juice dripping on their bikini clad bodies (we all know what THAT means, right?) and you become offended by something alluding to the most natural form of human reproduction and enjoyment there is? What bug crawled up YOUR ass? Jeesh!

Are you serious? We have scantly clad women doing ads for 'eat like you mean it, with burger juice dripping on their bikini clad bodies (we all know what THAT means, right?) and you become offended by something alluding to the most natural form of human reproduction and enjoyment there is? What bug crawled up YOUR ass? Jeesh!

This is obviously a man who can't finish what he'd like to and is not secure enough to consult a physician or else a wife who is angry that she has such a man.

Are you serious? We have scantly clad women doing ads for 'eat like you mean it, with burger juice dripping on their bikini clad bodies (we all know what THAT means, right?) and you become offended by something alluding to the most natural form of human reproduction and enjoyment there is? What bug crawled up YOUR ass? Jeesh!

Regardless of what you may think personally, it was probably best that Pfizer changed the commercial to something a little more respectable, like Lilly did with Cialis. And I am sure that Sam Q Public appreciates it.

The ad is a lame attempt to get peoples' attention. I, the playa himself, thinks it low rent. If we want Congress, the FDA and the public to take us seriously and approve more new drugs, this ad is too high of a risk to ultimately backfire and fuck us over.

Also I bet they next come out with a young pretty boy chicken trying to get the old rich chickenhawk homos to buy Viagra.

The ad is a lame attempt to get peoples' attention. I, the playa himself, thinks it low rent. If we want Congress, the FDA and the public to take us seriously and approve more new drugs, this ad is too high of a risk to ultimately backfire and fuck us over.

Also I bet they next come out with a young pretty boy chicken trying to get the old rich chickenhawk homos to buy Viagra.

Pretty obvious what's on YOUR mind - LOL!

Regardless of what you may think personally, it was probably best that Pfizer changed the commercial to something a little more respectable, like Lilly did with Cialis. And I am sure that Sam Q Public appreciates it.

The new Viagra ad with the woman in blue seems more respectable. At least I don't see a blow up doll in it like we did with the UK Viagra girl. We'll see, I'm sure that Pfizer will come out with something else that we can laugh at and trash. :)

The new Viagra ad with the woman in blue seems more respectable. At least I don't see a blow up doll in it like we did with the UK Viagra girl. We'll see, I'm sure that Pfizer will come out with something else that we can laugh at and trash. :)

Don't get so picky, we all just want to fuck whether she wears a blue dress or is raw sex from Europe. Personally, I find the 2 bathtub ad stupid. Is that supposed to suggest sex? Sitting in 2 antique tubs filled with water a few feet apart? That suggests grams and gramps soaking at the end of the day before they take their teeth out and go beddy-bye.

The new Viagra ad with the woman in blue seems more respectable. At least I don't see a blow up doll in it like we did with the UK Viagra girl. We'll see, I'm sure that Pfizer will come out with something else that we can laugh at and trash. :)

So because someone is attractive and in good shape, she is automatically a blow up doll. Maybe it's good genes or she works at it (gym, good skin care, etc). Maybe it's a combination of that and some plastic surgery. Do you have any idea how many women use Botox/etc to help maintain their looks? How many women 30/40 pounds overweight do you see on TV (or in ads for your local department store) pushing ANYTHING?? Even the AARP ads have senior citizens that are in pretty decent shape for their age. Stop being a hater because someone is more attractive than you. I'm sure you're a nice women with some good qualities, your bitterness is not one of them.

So because someone is attractive and in good shape, she is automatically a blow up doll. Maybe it's good genes or she works at it (gym, good skin care, etc). Maybe it's a combination of that and some plastic surgery. Do you have any idea how many women use Botox/etc to help maintain their looks? How many women 30/40 pounds overweight do you see on TV (or in ads for your local department store) pushing ANYTHING?? Even the AARP ads have senior citizens that are in pretty decent shape for their age. Stop being a hater because someone is more attractive than you. I'm sure you're a nice women with some good qualities, your bitterness is not one of them.

Sorry, you don't understand. We don't hate Honey. We just hate Pfizer!