Foot and ankle positions

All right, the position depends on the market, most of the clowns here don't know F&A so there "advice" is relative. I can't speak specifically regarding if the positions will be filled. I would guess that they plan to fill all of the positions. Listen, this is sales, perform or move on. I just let someone go who'd been here for 3 years for lack of performance. It is what it is, and it is numbers. If you can push numbers, own your market then you will be fine. If you are one of these joint dudes running flat growth or losing marketshare, then you may have something to worry about before the start of next quarter. To each his own, but if you can sell, this is a great bag to have.

Their, not "there". You are a r*****. You must be in management. And 3 years to can someone for non performance? Shows some hard core serious sales management. They need to stuff YOU in a bag and call it great.

"Loving you (Tornier)is wrong and I don't want to be Wright" either". I wonder if The United States Attorney General is moving in with those old Wright gang again? "Google me Barbra....."

Mission impossible! Your right. Incompetent Wright managers at the helm saddled with Old mediocre technology. Future implants and Orthohelix implants will not get you there on a good day. Gonna have to start some trust funds for your docs!
See ya in the funny papers

Ok kiddo's here is a comparison for ya: (Hummer vs SL500)
(Hummer)& total joint arthroplasty

Average 8 pans of instruments and 3large shipping boxes with implants and RV
Total hip arthroplasty$4400.00 x8%=$352.00comm

Total knee arthroplasty$3200.00x8%=$256.00comm.

Podiatry (SL500)
Podiatrist -Lapidus open wedge osteotomy with allograft
Locking plate w/screws $2300.00 x.25%=$575.00
Allograft bone wedge $$1500.00x.25%= $375.00
Total$950.00comm. One pan of instruments

Ankle fusion-3x 6.5 cann. Screw @$380.00 each =$1140.00x.25%=$285.00
Plus DBMS @ $800.00 x.25%=$200.00
Total $485.00 comm. one pan of inst/plants
No RV need to haul your equipment.

Just a small comparison. Math may be a little off but it's very close. keep your pans and implant bins,CART and RV. Its an ego thing right? Mean while I reach over into the passenger seat of my SL500 and head into a "den of podiatry"???
Have a great New Year Folks. Thought I'd livin this place up a bit !!!!

you leave out one main factor:
total hips being done in territory per year: 1500
total knees being done in territory per year: 2000

lapidus open wedge osteotomy with bone graft being done in territory per year: 15

that SL500 will look real nice in the parking lot of your 750sq/ft garden apartment.

Take a look at the big picture once in a while

Depends on your territory. Try x4 lapidus locking plates combined with 4 Allograft augmentations a month plus all the other DPM stuff that generally comes along(One doc). But your right, I took a look at this companies big picture and I'll pass. I think this place is gonna be a butcher shop for anyone with a good territory. Also, Stryker is now paying 6% commission on recon and is forecast to loose another 3/4 % in 2015. Big Z is supposed to loose 1.5% commission (recon) this year ? About $216.00 bucks a case now days. You can keep your big pans, big bins and big RVs. Recon is all yours "Sunshine"!

BTW: Tornier does not have allografts. You must be on the those "Multi-Company" reps that Tornier denies having. Sure it is easy to piggy-back other stuff to add to the case when you probably "represent" several companies.

That's very correct. Tornier doesn't have allograft and I don't work for them either. Sorry, I feel strongly if you want to own foot and ankle it really helps to have all the complimentary products or you are limited and you share cases with the competition. That's a very BAD thing. WMT once reigned over foot and ankle but are now getting picked off by other f/a companies that have as good or better products. The old management killed WMT's reputation in much of my area of the U.S. My surgeons advised me" they change reps and managers like I change my socks". Knocked dead when you can .