Foot and ankle positions

Actually, yes, OrthoHelix is current technology, and most of the aging plate line is what the competitors are knocking off. (Read: Arthrex, WMT, Stryker, Synthes) Thank you for confirming my previous post, you upper guys just don't get what we do, don't care to get what we do and will always look down on what we do.

When the acquisition happened most of you thought you would just take over the business and reap additional revenues. I get the bitterness and entitlement because you can sit around all day to do a couple rotator cuffs or better yet fix carpal tunnels waiting for the shoulders and elbows to come through the door. The point is, every specialty has cases that bill out for shit, and hallux valgus actually goes for between $2K and $4K per case depending on location and contracts. How is that capitated joint pricing treat you for the shoulder?

In all actuality, the easiest case is a TAR. Get the pins placed right for the jig, and away you go. How many TAR's take place annually? If you live in the real world, you understand not a lot, if you work for WMT a hundred and fifty billion per year or 240,000/day. Just ask Kim, she can tell you. Can you make a living off just those in the real world? No.

And since we are bringing up calculations, it's probably best not to assume that I don't sell a great deal of F&A product, so odds are, I have done the calculations, and know exactly what my time is worth and I'm still here doing it, so I don't think that's the problem.

The point is, a guys asked about F&A, and all I read on this board is snobby remarks about the dumb asses chasing bunion screws for OrthoHelix and how this product is bringing down Tornier. I wanted to chime in and let him know that if you are good, you can make very good money doing this.

To some degree, other posters are right with previous M&A, the Nexfix product is outdated tech, and was product no one used, even when it was new. I don't think you will find a single OHelix guy that was psyched to now have access to the snap off screws, the RFS and silicone toes. Yippeee!!

However, OrthoHelix is a very solid line, with some really good reps/agents/people that can help add to or change some of the culture within the MN HQ. By all accounts on this board, that is a good thing. I'd urge you to actually look at the line, figure out what the commission rates are, and run the numbers. Don't make gross generalizations based on what you have heard, do the research and figure it out yourself.

You, my friend, are in the right place at the right time!

The average POD case bills out for around $1,000. You make 15% of that, or $150, less 30% income tax is $105, less $20 gas to run the trays there the day before and sit for the case, is $85, average time spent is 4 hours which includes canceled cases, total set up time and waiting for those high powered podiatrists to show up on time, which is $21.25 per hour. Babysitters make more than this. Do you have a college degree? We are talking about $44,200 per year.

Go dude! Go!!! Get pumped!!!

For you guys who make this your desired living, start by demanding 30% commission, because Denny is a fat cat that could easily stand to lose some weight.

Actually, yes, OrthoHelix is current technology, and most of the aging plate line is what the competitors are knocking off. (Read: Arthrex, WMT, Stryker, Synthes)

The point is, a guys asked about F&A, and all I read on this board is snobby remarks about the dumb asses chasing bunion screws for OrthoHelix and how this product is bringing down Tornier. I wanted to chime in and let him know that if you are good, you can make very good money doing this.

However, OrthoHelix is a very solid line, with some really good reps/agents/people that can help add to or change some of the culture within the MN HQ. By all accounts on this board, that is a good thing. I'd urge you to actually look at the line, figure out what the commission rates are, and run the numbers. Don't make gross generalizations based on what you have heard, do the research and figure it out yourself.

Average F/A case bills out at about $1000. As a rep, if you are receiving only 15%, I would demand 30% minimum. Otherwise, babysitters with no college degree make more.

As far as you guys helping with the corporate culture in MN, you already did. You ruined it. Don't kid yourself here. Read the last quarterly report. If this line was worth a damn, it would not be growing at 1%. Something to get excited about would be 30-50% growth. Because your line is already outdated, your growth will soon match sports med, in the negative.

Yes, there are foot and ankle reps in the country making 6 figures. I did with wright for several years. Yes, the orthohelix line gives you a plating set that will help gain access to cases you couldn't before. Yes, podiatrist in some parts of the country are doing TARs and rear foot cases. The point is not is it possible to do it so much as is it likely or possible in your area. Wright has the full bag for foot and ankle which makes it easier. Stryker and Synthes have the name recognition and contracts. After doing foot and ankle and then moving on to Ortho recon it would not go back. You can make a bunion case bill out as much as a joint and a rear foot case can bill out a lot more. Theses cases are typically not as steady as the bunions and cheaper forefoot cases. If you can get an elevated commission of 20 plus, have busy podiatrist and Ortho F&A surgeons, and/or can pick up side lines to fill the voids then you have a chance to make a decent living. Just know that you will probably have to be there for all the podiatrist's cases including the ones where they only use one screw. Those guys don't get a lot of attention and want someone who will be there for all their cases.

Don't know the answer to that but I would really enjoy Tornier hiring a successful competitive f&a rep from one of the leaders. Business begets business they say and I could use some competitive insight. Hopefully they could get me into some new accounts with their relationships

This post reminds me of that Allen Iverson rant when he was "talkin about PRACTICE!" Except we're talking about $200 cannulated screws & some locking plates where maybe theyll bill out at $2,000-2, I needed a good laugh. I sure don't miss the days of chasing podiatrists that do like 12-15 cases a yr & you painstakingly have to walk them through EVERY step of the procedure & explain to them why you need to put in non locking screws before the locking screws. Good're gonna need it

Ok kiddo's here is a comparison for ya: (Hummer vs SL500)
(Hummer)& total joint arthroplasty

Average 8 pans of instruments and 3large shipping boxes with implants and RV
Total hip arthroplasty$4400.00 x8%=$352.00comm

Total knee arthroplasty$3200.00x8%=$256.00comm.

Podiatry (SL500)
Podiatrist -Lapidus open wedge osteotomy with allograft
Locking plate w/screws $2300.00 x.25%=$575.00
Allograft bone wedge $$1500.00x.25%= $375.00
Total$950.00comm. One pan of instruments

Ankle fusion-3x 6.5 cann. Screw @$380.00 each =$1140.00x.25%=$285.00
Plus DBMS @ $800.00 x.25%=$200.00
Total $485.00 comm. one pan of inst/plants
No RV need to haul your equipment.

Just a small comparison. Math may be a little off but it's very close. keep your pans and implant bins,CART and RV. Its an ego thing right? Mean while I reach over into the passenger seat of my SL500 and head into a "den of podiatry"???
Have a great New Year Folks. Thought I'd livin this place up a bit !!!!

Whos paying 25%?!?!! lol. If thats for real, my hats off to u, but u still gotta get the dr to fight for ur stuff in order to bring it in. Btw, ankle fusion nails bill out for ALOT more than that if ur company actually has one thats decent (Synthes, Stryker, Biomet). I find it hard to believe any company is paying 25% for some 6.5 cannulated screws

Ok kiddo's here is a comparison for ya: (Hummer vs SL500)
(Hummer)& total joint arthroplasty

Average 8 pans of instruments and 3large shipping boxes with implants and RV
Total hip arthroplasty$4400.00 x8%=$352.00comm

Total knee arthroplasty$3200.00x8%=$256.00comm.

Podiatry (SL500)
Podiatrist -Lapidus open wedge osteotomy with allograft
Locking plate w/screws $2300.00 x.25%=$575.00
Allograft bone wedge $$1500.00x.25%= $375.00
Total$950.00comm. One pan of instruments

Ankle fusion-3x 6.5 cann. Screw @$380.00 each =$1140.00x.25%=$285.00
Plus DBMS @ $800.00 x.25%=$200.00
Total $485.00 comm. one pan of inst/plants
No RV need to haul your equipment.

Just a small comparison. Math may be a little off but it's very close. keep your pans and implant bins,CART and RV. Its an ego thing right? Mean while I reach over into the passenger seat of my SL500 and head into a "den of podiatry"???
Have a great New Year Folks. Thought I'd livin this place up a bit !!!!

Have never seen a rep who calls on podiatrists driving an SL500. You are high. Happy New

This guy sounds like one of the new DPs. He probably does make 25% because he is the rep/distributor commonly associated with small case stuff (non arthroplasty). Doubt he has any reps other than some 1099 guys that he has a loose association with... to satisfy the territory coverage, or the appearance there of. These types are common. They work out of their trunks, have no organization to speak of, and are ALWAYS looking for the next line to get. Did I mention, they generally have other lines that overlap and compete against each other. It is funny how some get away with it at TRNX and some don't.

I lost my distributorship this year. I am not sad to have lost it as I see what is happening now. I was able to recover with a new line and I will do my best to convert and satisfy the needs of my surgeons. In all honesty, surgeon relationships are the real key to success. Product is specific to the consultants, not the average Joe surgeon which makes up most of my business and stayed with me through this change.

Best wishes to all.

You, my friend, are in the right place at the right time!

The average POD case bills out for around $1,000. You make 15% of that, or $150, less 30% income tax is $105, less $20 gas to run the trays there the day before and sit for the case, is $85, average time spent is 4 hours which includes canceled cases, total set up time and waiting for those high powered podiatrists to show up on time, which is $21.25 per hour. Babysitters make more than this. Do you have a college degree? We are talking about $44,200 per year.

Go dude! Go!!! Get pumped!!!

For you guys who make this your desired living, start by demanding 30% commission, because Denny is a fat cat that could easily stand to lose some weight.


Yes, I have a college degree, a couple of them actually.

Why do we still need those? Do we need that for a resume for the next job? If you do, I suggest you reevaluate how truly awesome you are dude, because I sure as hell don't.

Again, some of you clowns don't get it, the avg DPM case does not bill out for $1000. I just told you we did an ASP of closer to $3600. No one wants to recognize that fact, is it because it hits a little to close to home, does that look like your capitated joint pricing?

Go dude!! Go!! Get pumped!! Your margins are being compressed and you will continue to get squeezed, best of luck to you, but drop the pompous asshole attitude. Just because you sling joints doesn't make you awesome bro.

This guy sounds like one of the new DPs. He probably does make 25% because he is the rep/distributor commonly associated with small case stuff (non arthroplasty). Doubt he has any reps other than some 1099 guys that he has a loose association with... to satisfy the territory coverage, or the appearance there of. These types are common. They work out of their trunks, have no organization to speak of, and are ALWAYS looking for the next line to get. Did I mention, they generally have other lines that overlap and compete against each other. It is funny how some get away with it at TRNX and some don't.

I lost my distributorship this year. I am not sad to have lost it as I see what is happening now. I was able to recover with a new line and I will do my best to convert and satisfy the needs of my surgeons. In all honesty, surgeon relationships are the real key to success. Product is specific to the consultants, not the average Joe surgeon which makes up most of my business and stayed with me through this change.

Best wishes to all.

Sorry to hear about your business and best of luck in the future. You absolutely hit the nail on the head, relationships are king. Product is a secondary issue, if the product was the greatest thing every, why do they need a rep? The fact is, without us doing what we do the business dies, and I for one hope you wipe the floor with their face. It is the only way industry will ever understand the role we play.


Yes, I have a college degree, a couple of them actually.

Why do we still need those? Do we need that for a resume for the next job? If you do, I suggest you reevaluate how truly awesome you are dude, because I sure as hell don't.

Again, some of you clowns don't get it, the avg DPM case does not bill out for $1000. I just told you we did an ASP of closer to $3600. No one wants to recognize that fact, is it because it hits a little to close to home, does that look like your capitated joint pricing?

Go dude!! Go!! Get pumped!! Your margins are being compressed and you will continue to get squeezed, best of luck to you, but drop the pompous asshole attitude. Just because you sling joints doesn't make you awesome bro.

Yo Denny, all industry margins are being squeezed. Your little podiatry gig will not save this company. We already shit the bed buying you, and now your turd is the one that smells the most.


Yes, I have a college degree, a couple of them actually.

Why do we still need those? Do we need that for a resume for the next job? If you do, I suggest you reevaluate how truly awesome you are dude, because I sure as hell don't.

Again, some of you clowns don't get it, the avg DPM case does not bill out for $1000. I just told you we did an ASP of closer to $3600. No one wants to recognize that fact, is it because it hits a little to close to home, does that look like your capitated joint pricing?

Go dude!! Go!! Get pumped!! Your margins are being compressed and you will continue to get squeezed, best of luck to you, but drop the pompous asshole attitude. Just because you sling joints doesn't make you awesome bro.

"Bro", your BA/BS from Ohio N, was that an on-line degree, Denny-Doo?

Love, the Joint Slinger

Appreciate the love, and yes, you guessed it, totally. On-line degree from Ohio N. And since you seem to be the all knowing, and all powerful joint bro, how did you not know that Denny was done effective 12.31? So why would he be on a message board about something he no longer gives a shit about? Bravo to you Holmes, you nailed this one!!

What a surprise. I think you proved the point of all of these threads. This is a revolving door (for you too), and a misguided corporate strategy over the past few years. Incredible absolute melt down. You will also be gone before the next quarter.