Focus Week = Focus on Finding a new Job

The cuts need to be made in time to take the related charge off in 2023, that means quite simply that notifications of job loss will occur in October as the 60 day warn period will apply. Yes that means you’ll be dealing with termination activities in December. Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah.

We’ll know by Friday, November 3rd, because that date will get them to January 2, the first day back from the holidays. This will satisfy both the Warn Act requirements and their accounting shenanigans. The only real question is will we have to work those 2 months or will they tell us to just stay home?

Those making the decisions on our future’s will suppress their psychopathic personality traits by telling themselves that leaders sometimes have to make difficult choices. The truth of the matter is that they will just be covering their own asses from accountability for their bad decisions and inability to grow this company, reward shareholders and to innovate.

We’ll know by Friday, November 3rd, because that date will get them to January 2, the first day back from the holidays. This will satisfy both the Warn Act requirements and their accounting shenanigans. The only real question is will we have to work those 2 months or will they tell us to just stay home?

Those making the decisions on our future’s will suppress their psychopathic personality traits by telling themselves that leaders sometimes have to make difficult choices. The truth of the matter is that they will just be covering their own asses from accountability for their bad decisions and inability to grow this company, reward shareholders and to innovate.

Do you think anyone is going to put in any effort if let go and asked to work for 2 monthsI doubt it. What are they going to do fire you. Focus on yourself but keep it to yourself