Focus Week = Focus on Finding a new Job


The cuts need to be made in time to take the related charge off in 2023, that means quite simply that notifications of job loss will occur in October as the 60 day warn period will apply. Yes that means you’ll be dealing with termination activities in December. Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah.

That’s right. Although vague as f**k, Albert did mention that “some” people may start hearing as soon as next week about his new bold movements that will change employees lives. And that Some will hear later.

As a warning, the job market in Biopharma is the worst I've seen in over a decade. Very few opportunities open across the industry and an over saturation of applicants.

Very scary times. Best of luck!

That’s right. Although vague as f**k, Albert did mention that “some” people may start hearing as soon as next week about his new bold movements that will change employees lives. And that Some will hear later.
Prediction. Next week comes and goes with no news. LT seems lost with no real plan.

Just an theory…
Immediate cuts will be physical assets. Sites and real estate we don’t use or have discovered we actually own/lease. As sad a that sounds I could see us not really knowing what’s on the books.
Next will be redundant positions where more can be done with less and non revenue generating positions that we don’t really need or can let go at this time.
Last will be revenue generating positions in order to minimize disruption. Vaccines for sure will be looked at. Why they hired all those ppl this summer was just dumb. Prob will affect IM & Neuroscience in order to reduce overlap of products with territories that are too small.
Then Specialty Care for the reason that they are either in launch mode with products or getting ready to launch in early 2024.
Again, just a theory.

Most of the decisions in vaccines have been off target. Expansions, split pediatric and adult, phone reps. All dumb. When I transferred over to vaccines, they talked about how the consultants said we needed more territories but they decided to stay as planned. Good then and dumb now.

Just an theory…
Immediate cuts will be physical assets. Sites and real estate we don’t use or have discovered we actually own/lease. As sad a that sounds I could see us not really knowing what’s on the books.
Next will be redundant positions where more can be done with less and non revenue generating positions that we don’t really need or can let go at this time.
Last will be revenue generating positions in order to minimize disruption. Vaccines for sure will be looked at. Why they hired all those ppl this summer was just dumb. Prob will affect IM & Neuroscience in order to reduce overlap of products with territories that are too small.
Then Specialty Care for the reason that they are either in launch mode with products or getting ready to launch in early 2024.
Again, just a theory.

The Theory of Idiocy

Just an theory…
Immediate cuts will be physical assets. Sites and real estate we don’t use or have discovered we actually own/lease. As sad a that sounds I could see us not really knowing what’s on the books.
Next will be redundant positions where more can be done with less and non revenue generating positions that we don’t really need or can let go at this time.
Last will be revenue generating positions in order to minimize disruption. Vaccines for sure will be looked at. Why they hired all those ppl this summer was just dumb. Prob will affect IM & Neuroscience in order to reduce overlap of products with territories that are too small.
Then Specialty Care for the reason that they are either in launch mode with products or getting ready to launch in early 2024.
Again, just a theory.

Inizio contract with 400 reps on Pax and Nurtec is redundant and should be cut.

That's what would make sense. But dont be surprised if they lean heavier towards contract, and cut down on our sales force. They'd save a sh*t-ton of money, because contract reps make half or two thirds of what we make. And at least in my experience, they are far more active, because they know they they have to hit some sort of call metrics in order to have a prayer of keeping the contract afloat.

Just an theory…
Immediate cuts will be physical assets. Sites and real estate we don’t use or have discovered we actually own/lease. As sad a that sounds I could see us not really knowing what’s on the books.
Next will be redundant positions where more can be done with less and non revenue generating positions that we don’t really need or can let go at this time.
Last will be revenue generating positions in order to minimize disruption. Vaccines for sure will be looked at. Why they hired all those ppl this summer was just dumb. Prob will affect IM & Neuroscience in order to reduce overlap of products with territories that are too small.
Then Specialty Care for the reason that they are either in launch mode with products or getting ready to launch in early 2024.
Again, just a theory.