FLM's hit hard


Word is that FLM's will be laid off in substantial numbers. I for one can't wait to hear which of my favorites get "displaced"! This could be better than Survivor and American Idol combined. Wish I could vote on who stays and who goes. "The tribe has spoken" and as I always like to say, Karma is hell!

Word is that FLM's will be laid off in substantial numbers. I for one can't wait to hear which of my favorites get "displaced"! This could be better than Survivor and American Idol combined. Wish I could vote on who stays and who goes. "The tribe has spoken" and as I always like to say, Karma is hell!

I hope this is true. I have about 5 people that I would like to vote off the island. I would put them on a boat and the torpedo it. So long you Bastards.

Put them all on a boat together headed for a deserted island! No wait....ooops, is that a hole in the boat? Guess it won't even make it to the island after all. So sad!

To all the FLM's:

You're not very well liked, are you? Wasted turds. Besides, if you do make the cut, you need to think it through to yourself how people view you moving forward. Many of the reps may be nice to you and seem that they respect you, however the truth of the matter, they don't think that way inside. Nobody can't stand you and it's time to re-evaluate your life!!!

Later asswipes!

the reps have been through the layoffs time and again, this time the DM's will be hit as hard or harder to make up for the past. I know a couple that I feel for and am confident that they will be fine, well maybe, but I also know some that will answer to the Karma! The funny thing is that their bloated ego will fool them into thinking that they are too valuable. these are the ones that are total idiots and don't realize what little they contribute to the company.

the reps have been through the layoffs time and again, this time the DM's will be hit as hard or harder to make up for the past. I know a couple that I feel for and am confident that they will be fine, well maybe, but I also know some that will answer to the Karma! The funny thing is that their bloated ego will fool them into thinking that they are too valuable. these are the ones that are total idiots and don't realize what little they contribute to the company.

Amen ! their true wake up call is when they see zero interest in hiring them

Hey Smegma-Breath! The number of reps they lay off will be in direct proportion to the number of managers laid off. So keep wishing for FLM's to go. You're only making the case for less reps as well. Dummy.

wonder how many of those FLMs will be taking rep jobs. It happened last year. a lot.....several took jobs of reps, only to hang around for next brm, kam or management position....unfortunately for the reps 'displaced' by the manager, they can't be rehired by novartis. New of several situations where the company then when OUTSIDE novartis to fill the then vacant rep job. nice.

wonder how many of those FLMs will be taking rep jobs. It happened last year. a lot.....several took jobs of reps, only to hang around for next brm, kam or management position....unfortunately for the reps 'displaced' by the manager, they can't be rehired by novartis. New of several situations where the company then when OUTSIDE novartis to fill the then vacant rep job. nice.

Demoted = career killer
though it proves conclusively that DM's are aware
they have no useful skills or talents & are best served
delivering lunches & begging for signatures
I hope they all get iPads. They wouldn't know what an
8 hour day looks like if it hit them in the head like a 2x4.

this will be the most interesting aspect of the layoff for me. I know most of the ones in my area, know which ones are good and which ones are bad. the really sad part of these layoffs is that most of us could tell you who we would keep if it were our company, bt that doesn't really work out.

wonder how many of those FLMs will be taking rep jobs. It happened last year. a lot.....several took jobs of reps, only to hang around for next brm, kam or management position....unfortunately for the reps 'displaced' by the manager, they can't be rehired by novartis. New of several situations where the company then when OUTSIDE novartis to fill the then vacant rep job. nice.

No MDs can get FLM jobs and no FLMs can get rep jobs.

Hey Smegma-Breath! The number of reps they lay off will be in direct proportion to the number of managers laid off. So keep wishing for FLM's to go. You're only making the case for less reps as well. Dummy.

No you are mistaken, in the past layoffs managers were spared, I only knew one and he was retained, this time they have to make up for it. A typical state will see severe reductions in DM level personel.

Demoted = career killer
though it proves conclusively that DM's are aware
they have no useful skills or talents & are best served
delivering lunches & begging for signatures
I hope they all get iPads. They wouldn't know what an
8 hour day looks like if it hit them in the head like a 2x4.

Sure us FLM's know what an 8 hour day looks like it is Mon to Wed for most PC reps about 3 days work, what you think we dont know you go to the movies and forge signitures? Come on now.

Sure us FLM's know what an 8 hour day looks like it is Mon to Wed for most PC reps about 3 days work, what you think we dont know you go to the movies and forge signitures? Come on now.

Wow. This is interesting. I don't know of anyone who forges signatures. I'm sure there are bad seeds out there, reps and FLMs alike!