FLL’s First Line Losers. Who is the worst FLL in the VBU?

Yep. I hate all of the back "stabing"

Juanita McDonough completely destroyed the morale in her district by pitting reps against one and other while stabbing others in the back while lying thru her teeth. The old broken down lady should resign or be sent to the glue factory. Hope you sleep well at night you two faced .....

Juanita McDonough completely destroyed the morale in her district by pitting reps against one and other while stabbing others in the back while lying thru her teeth. The old broken down lady should resign or be sent to the glue factory. Hope you sleep well at night you two faced .....
Juanita is awesome! You are jealous!

Juanita McDonough completely destroyed the morale in her district by pitting reps against one and other while stabbing others in the back while lying thru her teeth. The old broken down lady should resign or be sent to the glue factory. Hope you sleep well at night you two faced .....

Sounds like John Powers in SC. He talks behind the backs of all his reps and pins them against each other. He’s guaranteed many reps over the years certain ratings to get what he wants only to let them down... awful person

Sounds like you are sucking her ass or this is Juanita.
Juanita is the most deceptive person known in history.
Back stabing manager to save her own skin.
Hope she deserves what she gets.
Juanita rocks! It is you that is the problem. On top of that, there is no such thing as back stabing. Jealous much, snowflake.

Jodi can’t form a coherent sentence on her pediarix calls. She’s bumbling and manic. Anyone that talks to Sophie for 5 minutes knows she does not understand the business.

Absolutely! Impressive when you consider how many poor vaccine managers they have. He wins due to his extreme arrogance and ability to lie about everything. He has some severe personality issues and it is amazing that he is still in a leadership role.

I have worked for many people over the years but John Powers is by far the most unprofessional and unethical person I have ever met. His arrogance is laughable when you consider the guy has never had any personal success. He lies about everything and does not even try to hide it. We always laughed and said take whatever sales number he brags about and take 10% of it for the actual number.
Sad part is that he is still managing people. All of my customers hated him and his overinflated ego.

Jodi can’t form a coherent sentence on her pediarix calls. She’s bumbling and manic. Anyone that talks to Sophie for 5 minutes knows she does not understand the business.

An accurate assessment.
Sophie and Jodi are very poor on all metrics for management.
How the hell did they ever get into the VBU?