FLL’s First Line Losers. Who is the worst FLL in the VBU?

She's cute enough but a stuck up bitch who has the IQ of similar to my dog. Sitting on conference calls with her I wonder what got her this far. Another example of a gsk first liine loser.
You're an idiot who disparages someone's IQ while typing incoherent run-on and fragment sentences. STFU, dumb ass.

Had Powers as lead in a breakout at national meeting. Full of himself and that old southern boy bullshit.
Right then I thought, what a dickhead he must be and thankful I didn't report to him.

So funny and spot on! I’ve had a similar experience at an NSM with him. He lives and prides himself through his extremely long and boring tenure at GSK.

I can’t mention even my managers initials. But boy what a fake. Pretends he cares about his reps but couldn’t give a crap. Piles on endless busywork. I would respect him more if he would just be the dick he is.

Oh, and Kim S is an idiot. How do you go down in leadership. From Al to Kim???!

I can’t mention even my managers initials. But boy what a fake. Pretends he cares about his reps but couldn’t give a crap. Piles on endless busywork. I would respect him more if he would just be the dick he is.

Oh, and Kim S is an idiot. How do you go down in leadership. From Al to Kim???!

He's got to be one of those two faced Southern. Other fuckers.
Kim Sanders, just in over her head.