Flipt, Another Lame Brain Idea

F'n cheap bastards or non-binary woke f tards!

Just filled 1st script, wwwhhhhaaaattttt? A deductible? Sucks to be at Novartis. No deductible years before. Brave new world we be in.

Flipt my thoughts.

If you were selling Teslas
Flipt would be akin to Tesla providing you a 1970's
gas guzzling sedan without seat belts, without AC, shitty brakes, broken heater
& an AM radio.
It's such an callous, abomination middle finger directed squarely between your eyes
that it positively removes every incentive to give this incompetent clown led shit show
an ounce of effort or 1/4 ounce of performance.
That is all.
carry on.

Flipt my thoughts.

If you were selling Teslas
Flipt would be akin to Tesla providing you a 1970's
gas guzzling sedan without seat belts, without AC, shitty brakes, broken heater
& an AM radio.
It's such an callous, abomination middle finger directed squarely between your eyes
that it positively removes every incentive to give this incompetent clown led shit show
an ounce of effort or 1/4 ounce of performance.
That is all.
carry on.

couldn’t agree more! Between the shitty Flipt coverage, no more reimbursement for cell phone and now thanks to my EV my electric bill is up $300 all combined with garbage numbers due to unrealistic goals that we’ll never achieve, I can tell you my motivation is non-existent. I refuse to give up any more of my soul for this nonesense.

couldn’t agree more! Between the shitty Flipt coverage, no more reimbursement for cell phone and now thanks to my EV my electric bill is up $300 all combined with garbage numbers due to unrealistic goals that we’ll never achieve, I can tell you my motivation is non-existent. I refuse to give up any more of my soul for this nonesense.

Please forgive my ignorance but does Novartis not pay for (at least a part of) the electric bill since obviously it would be higher with your EV? I am due for a new car next year and was considering the Tesla. My husband was like “hell no are electric bill will go through the roof”. and I stupidly said “I’m sure Novartis reimburses for at least a portion of the bill”. Wow what a dumb ass I am to think that

Please forgive my ignorance but does Novartis not pay for (at least a part of) the electric bill since obviously it would be higher with your EV? I am due for a new car next year and was considering the Tesla. My husband was like “hell no are electric bill will go through the roof”. and I stupidly said “I’m sure Novartis reimburses for at least a portion of the bill”. Wow what a dumb ass I am to think that

they do reimburse you for a percentage of electricity it if you’re charging your car at home regularly, meaning more than 4 times a week be prepared for your electric bill to double at least. My bill went up $300 since I started charging at home and the most I’ve gotten reimbursed is $90

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