Flipt, Another Lame Brain Idea


So, if we have layoffs, maybe I can go work for Flipt since only one of the 8 recommended pharmacies listed in their App have an idea of “who” or “what” Flipt is.

Someone should get fired over recommending this company to be our new PBM. When comparing out of pocket of Flipt vs GoodRx. It’s cheaper to go GoodRx. So disappointing.


So, if we have layoffs, maybe I can go work for Flipt since only one of the 8 recommended pharmacies listed in their App have an idea of “who” or “what” Flipt is.

Someone should get fired over recommending this company to be our new PBM. When comparing out of pocket of Flipt vs GoodRx. It’s cheaper to go GoodRx. So disappointing.

I can’t stop laughing at this. I went to 3 pharmacies listed in their app to take advantage of the “lower” out of pocket, and they had no clue what Flipt was. They entered the numbers on the card and said it wasn’t valid. I called Flipt to tell them and they said that’s the correct number. They said I could have the pharmacy call them, and I told them, “No, you call them and tell them. This is not my job to make your card work”

It’s almost impossible to be as awful as Flipt.
No pharmacy has any idea who they are - I’ve tried three different places.
They don’t cover flu shots.
You read that right: they don’t cover flu shots.
Pharmacists don’t even know how to work with them.
How can a healthcare company the size of Novartis subject their employees to a pharmacy benefit this tragically abysmal?
I know they’re claiming they’re broke, but Flipt is a true embarrassment.

It’s almost impossible to be as awful as Flipt.
No pharmacy has any idea who they are - I’ve tried three different places.
They don’t cover flu shots.
You read that right: they don’t cover flu shots.
Pharmacists don’t even know how to work with them.
How can a healthcare company the size of Novartis subject their employees to a pharmacy benefit this tragically abysmal?
I know they’re claiming they’re broke, but Flipt is a true embarrassment.
Flipt is great. I love our PBM!

It’s almost impossible to be as awful as Flipt.
No pharmacy has any idea who they are - I’ve tried three different places.
They don’t cover flu shots.
You read that right: they don’t cover flu shots.
Pharmacists don’t even know how to work with them.
How can a healthcare company the size of Novartis subject their employees to a pharmacy benefit this tragically abysmal?
I know they’re claiming they’re broke, but Flipt is a true embarrassment.

Because Novartis will do anything in order to save money and inconvenience their own employees. They care nothing about any of us. You in return need to reciprocate and not care.

Flipt is the perfect example of how lame branded prescription drug access is in the US. Novartis wants us all to contact our congress person whenever a new bill is introduced to curb drug costs. We are supposed to say don’t pass it, research and new drug development will be affected if passes. Apparently the U.S consumer is expected to shoulder all research and development while Novartis has no problem selling their drugs in other countries at a reduced negotiated rate. Look at Leqvio. The only consumer that can easily access it in the U.S. other than 3 small commercial plans are Medicare with a supplemental. Everyone seems to conveniently forget that Medicare is a national drug plan basically.
Novartis wants us to sell to offices how easy it is to access their drugs/do a P.A./appeal etc to providers and then gives its own employees Flipt. It’s unbelievable. If anything it’s made me more empathetic to what Dr.s are saying regarding access. The fact Novartis, a drug company, gave its employees Flipt to save a few $ is comical.
Similar experience as above poster. GoodRX came in cheaper. The number on the card for my spouse didn’t work even though has own number listed on the card, but mine and kids did. Total shit show.

It’s almost impossible to be as awful as Flipt.
No pharmacy has any idea who they are - I’ve tried three different places.
They don’t cover flu shots.
You read that right: they don’t cover flu shots.
Pharmacists don’t even know how to work with them.
How can a healthcare company the size of Novartis subject their employees to a pharmacy benefit this tragically abysmal?
I know they’re claiming they’re broke, but Flipt is a true embarrassment.

Flipt is TERRIBLE. Floored that Novartis is keeping Flipt in 2023 after hearing countless complaints from us this year. SHAMEFUL.

Flipt is hot GARBAGE.
Their sole purpose is to save novartis a few shekels.
They don't give a rats about you both, flipt & novartis.
Employers | Flipt
The apt is rated comically low (2.2 vs 4.8 for express scripts).
The glassdoor reputation isn't much better.
The hypocrisy of pharma so disinterested in employee healthcare is absurdly shocking.
Remember that when you beg Dr's for that branded overpriced POS drug they push you to boost.

They prob signed a multi year contract. Obviously they are trying save $. Earlier poster said it all. Remember your own crappy drug benefit when pushing your drug for this company. If a drug company can’t give their employees a decent plan……

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