Here's the way things will look, approximately in 25 years or so. Hard working, mild manner brown people of Hispanic/Latino color and race (of which I am one, proud and here); then Asians growing at a very rapid rate (I work alongside some extremely hard working Asians with a dedication to education and self improvement) and no Native American Indians unfortunately in may area of this little country we call, Abbvie.
Hispanic/Latinos growing to 29% of the U.S. Population, brothers of one U.S.A.
Asians growing to almost 10% of the U.S. population, sisters of one U.S.A.
Blacks grow in absolute numbers as the U.S. grows in 25 years staying at approximately 13%.
And WHITES are at approximately one in two, at 47% of the entire, coast to coast population in the U.S.
So, who drives the bus my melting pot, just minded, not retaliatory, "best candidate always in business" citizen?!
The facts will drive the bus. And the white elitists in corporate America, the media, professional politicians and aristocrats have a plan that has nothing to do with "you" per se. But to control. Get over your little self.
So to the sensitive soul that liked the 100%+ demographic math, the correction was made above. Hispanics/Latinos are in fact, projected to move from 14% to 29% (not the previously quoted 39% and noted in the table previously. (You in the science business?)). So, 99% are accounted for which sadly did not reflect the Native American Indians and other <1% minorities. Well all goody good on CP? Now on to your fomenting and improper racial slur. I love you and I don't know you. You hate and you don't know me. What a contrast.
And, if you are African American/ Black and your calling me racist because I am pleading a fact based case for fairness in our country. Fairness for all Americans that wish to work to accel. Well your in fact, the one exhibiting race based behavior as you look in that metaphorical mirror from the corner of your eye.
I am assuredly a lot older than you. I know what I have done and not done. Said and not said to support INCLUSION. Likely I was pushing INCLUSION (i.e. diversity in action not empty words spoken by corporate executives) before you were even born. Not perfect, but I was hiring minorities in the 90s when my corporate executives were thinking about how to ramp up their total compensation stat.
So here is what all the "racist acting" blacks say to me on an anonymous board where I am trying build proper perspective and support for all Americans as the demographics change. "I don't know you. I don't trust you. You're a racist." Really, oh intellectually dishonest one?! Does emotion, not fact and social momentum make
anything you do and say, 'right' and what I say 'racist'? There is a "difference between hate speech and hating what people speak." Especially with facts. And we are in the science business, genius. Facts don't have feelings. Facts don't hate. But they do shape a more accurate picture of our environment. What a laughable, sad, silly joke of a culture we have here in America. You fool only yourself. I say, I am preparing my white grandkids for the 'fight' to excel in every way possible. No excuses. No surrender. Only failure is in giving or wanting a hand out, a back door deal and sly way to into the game.
And if my grandchildren are in positions of power, wealth and responsibility (and they will be as they are already exceptional). I will drill it into them, they are to wield that 'sword of power' with great care, fair mindedness and integrity in the worst of times. And be willing to "lose" for the sake of others. And to not seek vengeance or revenge in business. To set an even higher example of principles and ethics in how they use that power in the work place.
Today, in corporate America it is rare with any white, black, brown, male, female I have worked with or observed. They have an ultimately, myopic agenda, theirs. Maybe future black, brown or female leaders can show us a better way. I hope so. The white as snow crowd took care of all the needs, yes, you got it, theirs first and last. But I am grateful and happy to be in the HNW crowd. And before I die, the UHNW crowd will mean I can donate it to family, friends in need and causes with financial and principled integrity that make this world a better place. Not my place; nor yours. Ours. Peace.