Fixing diversity: a proposal


An alternative proposal: action.

Identify the 50 next DMs most likely to retire. Advance their retirement with an up to $1MM buyout.

Fill that gap created with diversity talent. We are already allocating $50MM to other orgs...let's spend an equal amount and get ours right this year. This year!

So hire people based on skin color and not talent....Ha!! Yeah, good luck. This isn't the United colors of Benetton...

How you think most Managers become White and Male? Damn sure not based on Qualifications. It’s has always been based on Race. It’s just you White Boys have been winning by blowout and Spiked the Football.

My family never owned slaves, started with nothing, played by rules, achieved success over multiple generations of hard work, no handouts. Iam proud to be Caucasian and I’ll never move out the way just because someone’s skin is darker and neither will my children.
Sorry not sorry.

My family never owned slaves, started with nothing, played by rules, achieved success over multiple generations of hard work, no handouts. Iam proud to be Caucasian and I’ll never move out the way just because someone’s skin is darker and neither will my children.
Sorry not sorry.

This is between the US Govt and Blacks just like it was between the Japanese and Native Americans.

We have a AA on our team at the Sr. Mgt. level. He knows very little about his business & his metrics are consistently below average. Offers zero creativity, solutions, or forward thinking ideas. He regularly embarrasses himself when speaking. Most of us came from humble backgrounds & worked hard, earned MBAs from respectable schools; he went to University of Phoenix. It’s hard to watch first hand; he knows exactly why he’s in this position and so do we. Just my observation for what it’s worth.

An alternative proposal: action.

Identify the 50 next DMs most likely to retire. Advance their retirement with an up to $1MM buyout.

Fill that gap created with diversity talent. We are already allocating $50MM to other orgs...let's spend an equal amount and get ours right this year. This year!

Instead of requiring a new hire be minority, why not force consideration of minorities but hire the best person. Require minorities are being considered, but ultimately hire the best candidate, regardless of race. Makes too much sense, I guess.

We have a AA on our team at the Sr. Mgt. level. He knows very little about his business & his metrics are consistently below average. Offers zero creativity, solutions, or forward thinking ideas. He regularly embarrasses himself when speaking. Most of us came from humble backgrounds & worked hard, earned MBAs from respectable schools; he went to University of Phoenix. It’s hard to watch first hand; he knows exactly why he’s in this position and so do we. Just my observation for what it’s worth.

White Boys are Never below Average and every single one of them offer creativity, solutions, and forward thinking. Yet, one is a total fuck up and another is hired right away. You never hear the benefit of the doubt given to Blacks. One didn’t work out so ALL are horrible. And Blacks never come from humble backgrounds and Work hard...are you fucking serious Tucker Carlson?

Most non white dm’s I’ve run into across the industry were promoted due to “diversity” and not on qualifications. It’s beyond a joke some of them have no clue what they are doing.

Instead of requiring a new hire be minority, why not force consideration of minorities but hire the best person. Require minorities are being considered, but ultimately hire the best candidate, regardless of race. Makes too much sense, I guess.

Makes sense and is a cowardly way to force a solution.

Anything short of bold action is horseshit. you know it. I know it. They know it.

Most non white dm’s I’ve run into across the industry were promoted due to “diversity” and not on qualifications. It’s beyond a joke some of them have no clue what they are doing.

incompetence has no skin pigmentation. I have seen my inordinate share of incompetent white leaders - male and female.

I have not been led my an imcompetent hispanic or african american. They have to be better because they are evaluated differently. that difference challenged me to be better every step of the way. it was inspirational. it was and is still appreciated.

Diversity is not a qualification, but a qualifier. Abbv has an opp to recast our leadership. A bold opp. Fuck it, no one reads this shit anyway. Might as well post this on myspace.

incompetence has no skin pigmentation. I have seen my inordinate share of incompetent white leaders - male and female.

I have not been led my an imcompetent hispanic or african american. They have to be better because they are evaluated differently. that difference challenged me to be better every step of the way. it was inspirational. it was and is still appreciated.

Diversity is not a qualification, but a qualifier. Abbv has an opp to recast our leadership. A bold opp. Fuck it, no one reads this shit anyway. Might as well post this on myspace.

Unfortunately I have yet to see one be better. It’s beyond laughable because they know they were promoted due to skin color and not on merit. Get real.

White Boys are Never below Average and every single one of them offer creativity, solutions, and forward thinking. Yet, one is a total fuck up and another is hired right away. You never hear the benefit of the doubt given to Blacks. One didn’t work out so ALL are horrible. And Blacks never come from humble backgrounds and Work hard...are you fucking serious Tucker Carlson?

Tucker is awesome!

We have a token business head in derm. Hired externally, I guess of the hundreds of internal candidates .. nobody qualified? Oh yeah they needed diversity. We are doomed

This same entitled, whining cat is on the Allergan page stirring up the same bullshit. Probably wasn’t promoted because he/she sucks and wants to blame it on skin color. We have plenty of colleagues that are POC and are successful because they’re well qualified, intelligent individuals earning their keep like the rest of us. Hard work, treating people with respect and not making excuses is the recipe for success. Checking boxes never works, nor does making an excuse for everything

This same entitled, whining cat is on the Allergan page stirring up the same bullshit. Probably wasn’t promoted because he/she sucks and wants to blame it on skin color. We have plenty of colleagues that are POC and are successful because they’re well qualified, intelligent individuals earning their keep like the rest of us. Hard work, treating people with respect and not making excuses is the recipe for success. Checking boxes never works, nor does making an excuse for everything
we erns awr keep massa

I am going to take an excuse me diatribe, broader view. Read when your not working yourself to "death".

One, there are major inequalities in the U.S.A. that those in a "good job" likely think that they "earned" it fair and square. If your "good" white guy, then prove it every day. If your good poc person, prove it every day. The truth is, there is an enormous amount of talent out there in all shapes and sizes wanting the opportunity, that break. And I'll put a third of century in pharma with several major players opinion out there for the hope of real change in our world.

Not your huffing and puffing at each other as if one side is right and the other absolutely wrong. I suggest, we are all wrong if we want to live by higher ideals, principals and integrity. If we don't then, continue on and know your being played.

And this requires, everyone to not live in fear. If your talented you make a living in America. It may not be exactly where or what you want, for what you want to make at that time. But you should not see your family starve. Fear leads to lower moral standards. It's that base stem, reptilian brain thing that is part of who we are as homo sapiens, less you forgot, it's there inside you. Resist it. You will survive and thrive if your talented, persistent and most importantly, fearless.



We forget to look and identify the actual DRIVERS and CULPRIT in CORPORATE AMERICA and ALL THE DISCRIMINATION that is SYSTEMIC everywhere in AMERICA.

Two points,
Let's take the not so current topic of racial discrimination in America. If SYSTEMIC, who actually facilitates and drives such? It is DRIVEN by those in POSITIONS of POWER and WEALTH. This is not unlike illegal drugs in America, illegal corporate business dealings by our corporate "nation" states, political corruption with entrenched politicians, simple money power "rules" by aristocrats. Who the hell are these arrogant bastards who build MOATS around their POWER BASE, institute "their legislation" that enslaves groups of people from living with a real possibility of ADVANCEMENT with liberty?

What do I know? I'm a "successful" white male of UHNW having learned through close observation and witnessed their ways of the jungle. But I know I am nothing; if not learned. 'Pharma' presents all types to you in this mighty capitalist sphere to teach. As I sip Grgich Hills Estate, remembering a lovely dinner next to vineyards walked with the owner as the sun set, my mind turns to what and who really ails America in it's sad divides 2021.

To ARISTOCRATES like Bill Gates. The Sage of Pandemics and all things Mankind. He made his snow white billions off the backs of MSFT employees to excess. Now he wants to rule the worlds health and food. He now owns an UNGODLY INAPPROPRIATE amount of farm land across America. And he has one BIG MOUTH for a guy who took all he could with, yes a company he co-founded, but now, the SAVIOR of mankind. NOT BUYING. And, you should be scared of ARISTOCRATES like Bill Gates telling you how and what needs done and how to live. Aristocrats of our ageless time are a major risk to our freedoms.

The AMERICAN Corporate ELITE here and in all the major corporations in AMERICA. They all collusively have worked the compensation and power broker system over the past 35 years with boards and major shareholder interest to gain total compensation that is unjustified, immoral on any reasonable standards here and world wide. This predominately WHITE AS SNOW group of ELITISTS have kept minorities OUTSIDE looking in for decades with laws in place. NOW 2020-2021, with their TRANSGENERATIONAL WEALTH at risk, they are PLAYING the massive, timely INCLUSION diversity card that has been law for decades. Beware of these massive hypocrites. They only care about their power base and wealth generation. And they will do as LITTLE as they can to impact their WORLD. DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO. They need their world rocked as they have set the example for things such as discriminatory behavior. The perfect example for the lower rung at the bottom of each corporate ladder.

The PROFESSIONAL POLITICANS and "OUR LOBBISTS" continue in their BACK ROOM DEALS that SERVE the power brokers, NOT YOU of COLOR or even YOU of little melanin. While much of Federal and State legislation is either ignored by "leaders" or in fact, work paradoxically to ENSLAVE people. But with enslavement comes, yes, control. They only care, deep down about their chance to make a killing in financial deals on the backside of their "day job"', protect their PENSIONS and health care, and any other substantial PERK that is yielded to them. They really don't care about the issues per se; rather the reward.

So, be NIAVE and FIGHT AGAINST one and other at the bottom of the food chain. This country uses sledgehammers like to SYSTEMIC SOCIAL issues to divide and conquer the masses at all of our expense. So, HATE, fight, destroy, attack an re-attack. But at the end of the day, as the orange sun sets from their perfect balcony view, they show a clear, winning grin as they see the pigs at the trough far, far below. They know they have you right where you need to stay. All and each of you, less the hand picked, they wish to bring forth and up.

It's an inside job, always has been. But now, in America it is the ultimate game plan of all the CEOs, aristocrats and major league politicians. Any major issue, they will abuse you all and leave no "mark". Unless, we rise up COLLECTIVELY to bring forth real change across our institutions and organizations.

Here are REAL, PRACTICAL ACTION STEPS that we all can pursue to change the U.S.A. together:
  • CEO / Executive Reforms that make real change to encourage just, moral, principled BEHAVIOR. With those reforms see real compensation reductions to say, 100-125 times you, and just MEETING EXPECTATIONS will include many social and ethical standards with clear metrics to find ways to be inclusive of all people in this country with the desire and talent to advance. This is not liberal speak. This is justice from the TOP- DOWN. Long overdue. And compensation for a minority has to be reduced at that level just like the "white crowd". They have to be morally accountable to a higher calling than massive wealth generation. So, do not give our "CEOs" the respect they do not deserve. The scientists, researchers, manufacturing, distribution, sales and marketing bring forth new things. Not CEOs. Most are simply replicable and replaceable, like YOU. Peacefully, advocate real change with your "vote" and voice.
  • Term Limits/ Pension Elimination / Lobbyist Reform at the Federal and applicable U.S. states. This will take enormous effort as they are entrenched. But as we speak, there are movements about in states and at the Federal level. Speak loudly as it benefits ALL Americans to see these changes for our PUBLIC SERVANTS who betray us each day.
  • LIMITS on what an Aristocrat can actually do to influence our world. Such as limits on AGRICULTURAL land they can accumulate, etc. All their massive wealth should not provide them the ability to DICTATE life in this free country. All avenues of undue, overstated influence by these ultra-elitist, multi-billionaires needs kept in check. Or we are just a "free" country ruled by aristocrat arrogance.

We have the right to be "wrong".
To control our destiny as we define it,
not their particular view,
selfish motives or even,
their "morality" to save us all from ourselves.​

Pass this on to your family, friends, neighbors, community and SM.
Pass this on, if you want to at least try to take your country back to live your dream as you see it.

I am going to take an excuse me diatribe, broader view. Read when your not working yourself to "death".

One, there are major inequalities in the U.S.A. that those in a "good job" likely think that they "earned" it fair and square. If your "good" white guy, then prove it every day. If your good poc person, prove it every day. The truth is, there is an enormous amount of talent out there in all shapes and sizes wanting the opportunity, that break. And I'll put a third of century in pharma with several major players opinion out there for the hope of real change in our world.

Not your huffing and puffing at each other as if one side is right and the other absolutely wrong. I suggest, we are all wrong if we want to live by higher ideals, principals and integrity. If we don't then, continue on and know your being played.

And this requires, everyone to not live in fear. If your talented you make a living in America. It may not be exactly where or what you want, for what you want to make at that time. But you should not see your family starve. Fear leads to lower moral standards. It's that base stem, reptilian brain thing that is part of who we are as homo sapiens, less you forgot, it's there inside you. Resist it. You will survive and thrive if your talented, persistent and most importantly, fearless.



We forget to look and identify the actual DRIVERS and CULPRIT in CORPORATE AMERICA and ALL THE DISCRIMINATION that is SYSTEMIC everywhere in AMERICA.

Two points,
Let's take the not so current topic of racial discrimination in America. If SYSTEMIC, who actually facilitates and drives such? It is DRIVEN by those in POSITIONS of POWER and WEALTH. This is not unlike illegal drugs in America, illegal corporate business dealings by our corporate "nation" states, political corruption with entrenched politicians, simple money power "rules" by aristocrats. Who the hell are these arrogant bastards who build MOATS around their POWER BASE, institute "their legislation" that enslaves groups of people from living with a real possibility of ADVANCEMENT with liberty?

What do I know? I'm a "successful" white male of UHNW having learned through close observation and witnessed their ways of the jungle. But I know I am nothing; if not learned. 'Pharma' presents all types to you in this mighty capitalist sphere to teach. As I sip Grgich Hills Estate, remembering a lovely dinner next to vineyards walked with the owner as the sun set, my mind turns to what and who really ails America in it's sad divides 2021.

To ARISTOCRATES like Bill Gates. The Sage of Pandemics and all things Mankind. He made his snow white billions off the backs of MSFT employees to excess. Now he wants to rule the worlds health and food. He now owns an UNGODLY INAPPROPRIATE amount of farm land across America. And he has one BIG MOUTH for a guy who took all he could with, yes a company he co-founded, but now, the SAVIOR of mankind. NOT BUYING. And, you should be scared of ARISTOCRATES like Bill Gates telling you how and what needs done and how to live. Aristocrats of our ageless time are a major risk to our freedoms.

The AMERICAN Corporate ELITE here and in all the major corporations in AMERICA. They all collusively have worked the compensation and power broker system over the past 35 years with boards and major shareholder interest to gain total compensation that is unjustified, immoral on any reasonable standards here and world wide. This predominately WHITE AS SNOW group of ELITISTS have kept minorities OUTSIDE looking in for decades with laws in place. NOW 2020-2021, with their TRANSGENERATIONAL WEALTH at risk, they are PLAYING the massive, timely INCLUSION diversity card that has been law for decades. Beware of these massive hypocrites. They only care about their power base and wealth generation. And they will do as LITTLE as they can to impact their WORLD. DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO. They need their world rocked as they have set the example for things such as discriminatory behavior. The perfect example for the lower rung at the bottom of each corporate ladder.

The PROFESSIONAL POLITICANS and "OUR LOBBISTS" continue in their BACK ROOM DEALS that SERVE the power brokers, NOT YOU of COLOR or even YOU of little melanin. While much of Federal and State legislation is either ignored by "leaders" or in fact, work paradoxically to ENSLAVE people. But with enslavement comes, yes, control. They only care, deep down about their chance to make a killing in financial deals on the backside of their "day job"', protect their PENSIONS and health care, and any other substantial PERK that is yielded to them. They really don't care about the issues per se; rather the reward.

So, be NIAVE and FIGHT AGAINST one and other at the bottom of the food chain. This country uses sledgehammers like to SYSTEMIC SOCIAL issues to divide and conquer the masses at all of our expense. So, HATE, fight, destroy, attack an re-attack. But at the end of the day, as the orange sun sets from their perfect balcony view, they show a clear, winning grin as they see the pigs at the trough far, far below. They know they have you right where you need to stay. All and each of you, less the hand picked, they wish to bring forth and up.

It's an inside job, always has been. But now, in America it is the ultimate game plan of all the CEOs, aristocrats and major league politicians. Any major issue, they will abuse you all and leave no "mark". Unless, we rise up COLLECTIVELY to bring forth real change across our institutions and organizations.

Here are REAL, PRACTICAL ACTION STEPS that we all can pursue to change the U.S.A. together:
  • CEO / Executive Reforms that make real change to encourage just, moral, principled BEHAVIOR. With those reforms see real compensation reductions to say, 100-125 times you, and just MEETING EXPECTATIONS will include many social and ethical standards with clear metrics to find ways to be inclusive of all people in this country with the desire and talent to advance. This is not liberal speak. This is justice from the TOP- DOWN. Long overdue. And compensation for a minority has to be reduced at that level just like the "white crowd". They have to be morally accountable to a higher calling than massive wealth generation. So, do not give our "CEOs" the respect they do not deserve. The scientists, researchers, manufacturing, distribution, sales and marketing bring forth new things. Not CEOs. Most are simply replicable and replaceable, like YOU. Peacefully, advocate real change with your "vote" and voice.
  • Term Limits/ Pension Elimination / Lobbyist Reform at the Federal and applicable U.S. states. This will take enormous effort as they are entrenched. But as we speak, there are movements about in states and at the Federal level. Speak loudly as it benefits ALL Americans to see these changes for our PUBLIC SERVANTS who betray us each day.
  • LIMITS on what an Aristocrat can actually do to influence our world. Such as limits on AGRICULTURAL land they can accumulate, etc. All their massive wealth should not provide them the ability to DICTATE life in this free country. All avenues of undue, overstated influence by these ultra-elitist, multi-billionaires needs kept in check. Or we are just a "free" country ruled by aristocrat arrogance.
We have the right to be "wrong".
To control our destiny as we define it,
not their particular view,
selfish motives or even,
their "morality" to save us all from ourselves.​

Pass this on to your family, friends, neighbors, community and SM.
Pass this on, if you want to at least try to take your country back to live your dream as you see it.
stuff your i have a dream speech yt