Fire the training team - Bob Z, Jared R and the jaded motley crew

Eating a Whopper today in honor of Hamburglar Day. Recognizing fucking useless managers and directors everywhere who are lazy, pushing email, pretending to work while the rest of us bust it out and drive business. I bet ya have been at the gym today and been shopping for new high heels. Shout out to all the hard working grunts who get fucked by stray leaders who are real self servi g assholes pretending to be important with big titles.
Get promoted?

Sounds like a lot of ungrateful people for all the hard work these two delivered in training.
Bahaha! Are you delusional? Everyone knows this department is crap. They walk around, sweet talking like theyre so busy and find every opportunity to pose in pictures. They are not fooling anyone. This whole team needs to be dismantled and built up again. As a matter a fact, the entire leadership team needs to be go. How is Galderma still in business?

thank god for creepy Bob and fat boy Jared (Alice in wonderland reference) being fired. One thing our idiot leaders got right. They were scum. Scraping dollars and doing shady stuff. Life as a rep is better without having them creeping women out. I know a few of us wanted to file a complaint about them getting unprofessional.

A little smooching and tickling aint unprofessional fool. Lower your standards and expectations. Ya look good in a tight skirt. But we be noticing a lot of sagging these days. Not sure anyone wants to grab anything of yours in some locker room. Get what I’m saying? Dat tru.

saw Bob Z from a distance the other day and turned around so I dint have to have the conv with him. Creepy af dude. Hate that guy. Literally ruined Galderma by putting low class training programs in place for us. Fucking idiot.